scimma-client 0.0.4

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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scimmaclient 0.0.4

SCiMMA Client

scimma-client is a pub-sub client library for Multimessenger Astrophysics.
Publish a GCN to Kafka:
scimma publish -b kafka://hostname:port/gcn mygcn.gcn3

An example RFC 822 formatted GCN circular (example.gcn3) is provided in
Client configuration
properties can be passed to scimma publish via -X property=value or in a configuration
file specified by -F <config-file>, mimicking the behavior of kafkacat. This can be
used to connect to a Kafka broker with SSL authentication enabled, for example.
You can install scimma-client either via pip, conda, or from source.
To install with pip:
pip install -U scimma-client

To install with conda, you must use the channel from the SCiMMA Anaconda organization:
conda install --channel scimma scimma-client

To install from source:
tar -xzf scimma-client-x.y.z.tar.gz
cd scimma-client-x.y.z
python install

A Makefile is provided to ease in testing, deployment and generating documentation.
A list of commands can be listed with make help.
In addition, two extras are provided when installing the scimma client that installs
the required test and documentation libraries:
pip install -U scimma-client[dev,docs]

To mark a new version, use Github tags to mark your commit with a semver version:
git tag v0.0.1

To release a new version and upload to package repositories, push your tag after pushing your commit:
git push --tags


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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