serious-django-permissions 0.17

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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seriousdjangopermissions 0.17
serious-django-permissions is a Django extension that makes it possible to define Permissions in each app,
and Groups in a central place. It makes these Permissions import-able and checkable via user.has_perm:
from some_app.permissions import ChangeSomethingPermission

def change_something(something, user):
if not user.has_perm(ChangeSomethingPermission):
raise PermissionDenied("You can't change this something.)
return something.change()
Both permissions and groups can then be created in the database with a single call (see Quick start below).

Quick start

Install the package with pip:
pip install serious-django-permissions

Add “serious_django_permissions” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

Add serious_django_permissions.permissions.PermissionModelBackend to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting. This enables you to do permission checks like user.has_perm(SomePermission):

In each app that should define a permission, import serious_django_permissions.permissions.Permission and create subclasses of it.
The name of your subclasses must end in Permission, and each subclass must define a description attribute. For instance, let’s say you have the file myapp/
from serious_django_permissions.permissions import Permission

from .models import MyModel

class MyPermission(Permission):
model = 'MyModel' # should be a model inside myapp.models, or not defined for global permissions.
description = 'A description for this permission'

Run python create_permissions to create all defined permissions on the database level.

New in version 0.7: Create all permissions (including groups) programmatically by calling setup_permissions():
from serious_django_permissions.helpers import setup_permissions


If you’d like to use the Groups feature as well:

Create a file named something like some_app/ inside one of your apps, or in the folder where your settings live. An example:
from serious_django_permissions.groups import Group

from app_one.permissions import\
AppOnePermissionA, AppOnePermissionB
from app_two.permissions import\

class GroupA(Group):
permissions = [

class GroupB(Group):
permissions = [

Reference the defined groups file in your settings:
DEFAULT_GROUPS_MODULE = 'some_app.groups'

Run python create_groups to create all permissions and assign them to the groups.

Setting a permission for a model does not automatically restrict the access to the model.
Authorization still has to be checked via the view. Check the Django documentation on how to authorize access to views for further information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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