serpextract-meiqia 2019.1.15.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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serpextractmeiqia 2019.1.15.0

serpextract provides easy extraction of keywords from search engine results pages (SERPs).
This module is possible in large part to the very hard work of the Piwik team.
Specifically, we make extensive use of their list of search engines.

Latest release on PyPI:
$ pip install serpextract
Or the latest development version (not recommended):
$ pip install -e git://


Command Line
Command-line usage, returns the engine name and keyword components separated by a
comma and enclosed in quotes:
$ serpextract ""
"Google","ars technica"
You can also print out a list of all the SearchEngineParsers currently available in
your local cache via:
$ serpextract -l

from serpextract import get_parser, extract, is_serp, get_all_query_params

non_serp_url = ''
serp_url = (''

# ['key', 'text', 'search_for', 'searchTerm', 'qrs', 'keyword', ...]

# True
# False

# SearchEngineParser(engine_name='Google', keyword_extractor=['q'], link_macro='search?q={k}', charsets=['utf-8'])
# None

# ExtractResult(engine_name='Google', keyword=u'ars technica', parser=SearchEngineParser(...))
# None
Naive Detection
The list of search engine parsers that Piwik and therefore serpextract uses is far from
exhaustive. If you want serpextract to attempt to guess if a given referring URL is a SERP,
you can specify use_naive_method=True to serpextract.is_serp or serpextract.extract.
By default, the naive method is disabled.
Naive search engine detection tries to find an instance of r'\.?search\.' in the netloc
of a URL. If found, serpextract will then try to find a keyword in the query portion of
the URL by looking for the following params in order:
_naive_params = ('q', 'query', 'k', 'keyword', 'term',)
If one of these are found, a keyword is extracted and an ExtractResult is constructed as:
ExtractResult(domain, keyword, None) # No parser, but engine name and keyword
# Not a recognized search engine by serpextract
serp_url = ''

# False

# None

is_serp(serp_url, use_naive_method=True)
# True

extract(serp_url, use_naive_method=True)
# ExtractResult(engine_name=u'piccshare', keyword=u'test', parser=None)
Custom Parsers
In the event that you have a custom search engine that you’d like to track which is not currently
supported by Piwik/serpextract, you can create your own instance of
serpextract.SearchEngineParser and either pass it explicitly to either
serpextract.is_serp or serpextract.extract or add it
to the internal list of parsers.
# Create a parser for PiccShare
from serpextract import SearchEngineParser, is_serp, extract

my_parser = SearchEngineParser(u'PiccShare', # Engine name
u'q', # Keyword extractor
u'/search.php?q={k}', # Link macro
u'utf-8') # Charset
serp_url = ''

# False

# None

is_serp(serp_url, parser=my_parser)
# True

extract(serp_url, parser=my_parser)
# ExtractResult(engine_name=u'PiccShare', keyword=u'test', parser=SearchEngineParser(engine_name=u'PiccShare', keyword_extractor=[u'q'], link_macro=u'/search.php?q={k}', charsets=[u'utf-8']))
You can also permanently add a custom parser to the internal list of parsers that
serpextract maintains so that you no longer have to explicitly pass a parser
object to serpextract.is_serp or serpextract.extract.
from serpextract import SearchEngineParser, add_custom_parser, is_serp, extract

my_parser = SearchEngineParser(u'PiccShare', # Engine name
u'q', # Keyword extractor
u'/search.php?q={k}', # Link macro
u'utf-8') # Charset
add_custom_parser(u'', my_parser)

serp_url = ''
# True

# ExtractResult(engine_name=u'PiccShare', keyword=u'test', parser=SearchEngineParser(engine_name=u'PiccShare', keyword_extractor=[u'q'], link_macro=u'/search.php?q={k}', charsets=[u'utf-8']))

There are some basic tests for popular search engines, but more are required:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ nosetests

Internally, this module caches an OrderedDict representation of
Piwik’s list of search engines
which is stored in serpextract/search_engines.pickle. This isn’t intended to change that often and so this
module ships with a cached version.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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