sfm 0.0.17

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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sfm 0.0.17

Welcome to sfm Documentation
Collection of useful single file module. Please install required package respectively when needed.

winzip module
Suppose this is your file structure:
/alice ($HOME)
>>> from sfm.winzip import zip_a_folder, zip_everything_in_a_folder, zip_many_files
>>> zip_a_folder("/Users/alice/Document", "/Users/alice/document.zip")
>>> zip_everything_in_a_folder("/Users/alice/Document", "/Users/alice/document.zip")
>>> zip_many_files(

timer module
>>> import time
>>> from sfm.timer import DateTimeTimer

>>> with DateTimeTimer(title="first measure") as timer:
... time.sleep(1)
from xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxx to xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxx elapsed 1.000000 second.

>>> timer = DateTimeTimer(title="second measure")
>>> timer.start()
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> timer.end()
from xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxx to xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx.xxx elapsed 1.000000 second.
And a lot more!

sfm is released on PyPI, so all you need is:
$ pip install sfm
To upgrade to latest version:
$ pip install --upgrade sfm


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