sharing-configs 0.1.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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sharingconfigs 0.1.2

Sharing Configs for Django



django, github

3.7, 3.8, 3.9

A reusable Django app to export and import resources using
Sharing Configs API.
Developed by Maykin Media B.V..


provides client to interact with Sharing Configs API
easy download and upload of resources in the Django admin


Install from PyPI

pip install sharing-configs

Add sharing_configs to the INSTALLED_APPS setting.
In the admin page of SharingConfigsConfig configure access to the
Sharing Configs API

The Sharing Config Library provides two mixins to add into your ModelAdmin
class to enable the import/export of objects through the Django admin:

SharingConfigsImportMixin - to import objects
SharingConfigsExportMixin - to export objects
SharingConfigsMixin - to import and export objects

The mixins provide custom admin views and request Sharing Configs API under the
hood. You will need to override the get_sharing_configs_import_data and
get_sharing_configs_export_data functions and implement your own
import/export behaviour.
You can furthermore override the import/export forms that are used by
overriding the class variables sharing_configs_export_form and
from sharing_configs.admin import SharingConfigsMixin

class SomeObjectAdmin(SharingConfigsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

sharing_configs_export_form = SomeObjectExportForm # Defaults to sharing_configs.forms.ExportToForm
sharing_configs_import_form = SomeObjectImportForm # Defaults to sharing_configs.forms.ImportForm

def get_sharing_configs_export_data(self, obj: object) -> bytes:
Convert ``SomeObject`` to JSON or something.
# Your code...

def get_sharing_configs_import_data(self, content: bytes) -> object:
Convert JSON (or whatever was exported by function above) to
# Your code...

We can use the Sharing Configs library to exchange color-themes for the Django
admin with other users. For this, we need a model that stores the color-theme,
and use the Sharing Configs mixins to import and export the color-theme.
Create two models: Configuration and Theme

from django.db import models
from solo.models import SingletonModel

class Configuration(SingletonModel):
"""Configuration that holds the current theme"""

theme = models.ForeignKey("Theme", on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True)

class Theme(models.Model):
"""All attributes used for theming."""

name = models.CharField("name", max_length=100)
primary = models.CharField("primary color", max_length=7)
secondary = models.CharField("secondary color", max_length=7)
accent = models.CharField("accent color", max_length=7)
primary_fg = models.CharField("primary foreground color", max_length=7)
Register the Theme model in the admin and include our two mixins to
introduce the UI to import and export objects, in this case, themes. Sharing
Configs does not know how to import or export your model, so you will need to
write this yourself. You can override the methods introduced by the
mixins: get_sharing_configs_export_data and

import json

from django.contrib import admin
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404

from sharing_configs.admin import SharingConfigsMixin

from .models import Configuration, Theme

class ThemeAdmin(SharingConfigsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

def get_sharing_configs_export_data(self, obj: object) -> bytes:
"""Convert the theme to JSON."""
theme = get_object_or_404(Theme,
theme_dict = model_to_dict(theme)
theme_dict.pop("id", None)
dump_json_theme = json.dumps(cleaned_theme_dict, sort_keys=True, default=str)
return dump_json_theme.encode("utf-8")

def get_sharing_configs_import_data(self, content: bytes) -> object:
Convert JSON to a new theme instance. Typically, the JSON that is
read here is the same as that the JSON generated by the above
decoded_content = content.decode("utf-8")
theme_dict = json.loads(decoded_content)
return ColorTheme.objects.create(**theme_dict)
That takes care of the import and export functionality for exchaning
color-themes. To make it actually working, we complete this example with some
additional code. Create a file, to pass the
currently configured theme to the template context:
def theme(request:object)->dict:
Create a dictionary of color variables to pass to the base_site.html Django admin page
conf = Configuration.get_solo()

return {
"theme": conf.theme
Finally, pass the theme context variables to an overriden base_site.html in
the templates folder.
{# admin/base_site.html #}
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}

{% block extrastyle %}
{% if theme %}
<style type="text/css">
:root {
--primary: {{ theme.primary }};
--secondary:{{ theme.secondary }};
--accent:{{ theme.accent }};
--primary_fg:{{ theme.primary_fg }};
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
Now you can choose an available color-theme via the configuration inside the
Django admin. Ofcourse, this will really shine when you configure a proper
Sharing Configs API to exchange themes with eachother!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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