simpgit 0.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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simpgit 0.0.2

A tool to simplify git usage with sprinkles of AI magic.
Humans think in simpler terms than git operates in. This tool aims to bridge that gap by providing a simpler language to
do common git tasks. Plus an LLM can write your commit messages for you.
You can load recent information with gs load, save current changes with gs save and share them with gs share.
Behind the scenes it's exactly what you would expect from git, but with a simpler interface.

Get an openai api key

$ export OPENAI_API_KEY=...
$ pip install simpgit

Within a repo, run:
(.venv) $ sg --help

--help: show this help message and exit
save <message>: add files and commit changes. Massage is genereated if not provided
share <message>: Add, commit and push changes to git. Massage is genereated if not provided
load : pull changes from git
commit <message>: commit changes. Massage is genereated if not provided

auto <save|share> <interval> --<detach>: run a service
list <save|share>: list running services
stop <save|share>: stop a service

Basic Example
sg save

> Entering new StuffDocumentsChain chain...

> Entering new LLMChain chain...
Prompt after formatting:
Write a concise summary of the following:
> Finished chain.
Automated commit - 4 files:
writing new instructions.

Automation Example
$ sg auto commit 5 --detach
Running auto commit every 5.0 minutes in the background

$ sg list commit
Auto commit every 5.0 on pid 96641 in repo at /Users/yonatanalexander/development/xethub/gitllm

$ sg stop commit
Stopping auto-git commit - in <repo>
Stopping processes for commit...
Stopped auto 96641..


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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