simpl-cloud 1.3.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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simplcloud 1.3.0

Base models and API for Django-based simulations.
Provides an API compatible with the Wharton Interactive marketplace.

Getting Started
Install simpl-cloud, with the API extras if required:
pip install simpl-cloud[api]
Add simpl to your project’s Django settings module, along with the following
# ...
SIMPL_GAME_EXPERIENCE = "simpl.GameExperience"
SIMPL_RUN = "simpl.Run"
SIMPL_INSTANCE = "simpl.Instance"
SIMPL_CHARACTER = "simpl.Character"
SIMPL_PLAYER = "simpl.Player"
SIMPL_LOGOUT_URL_NAME = "account_logout"
Add the following to your project’s URL conf:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path("simpl/", include("simpl.urls")),

Architecture Overview
Run objects provide management and configuration of one or more game instances.

Provide a function to the SIMPL_SETUP_NAV setting. It should accept a Run
object as an argument and return a dictionary of keys as Simpl URL names and the
values as a dictionary with the name, optional hint, and one of the
following statuses:

simpl.nav.DISABLED (and unstarted)

For example:
return {
"config": {
"name": "Game Configuration",
"status": nav.UNSTARTED,
"team": {
"name": "Manage Teams",
"status": nav.DISABLED,
"start": {
"name": "Start Game",
"status": nav.DISABLED,
Provide a function to the SIMPL_PLAY_NAV setting. It should accept a Run
object as an argument and return a dictionary of keys as Simpl URL names and the
values as a dicitonary with the name and one of the following statuses:


Launching game instances
When a player is added to a run, their details are stored in a Player
When they start playing your game, they will be attached to an Character
object in a game Instance object that will track the progress of their game.
For multiplayer runs, these players will be initially grouped into Lobby
object so they can be assigned to a game Instances. A lobby can be marked as
ready once it is ready to start.
You can use Run.prepare to create new game Instance objects or manually
create these.

Game play URL
The API uses a customizable url endpoint for players. You can specify this by
using a custom Player model and overriding Player.get_play_url.
Alternatively, you can specify a SIMPL_GET_PLAY_URL in your settings as a
dotted path to a function that receives a player instance and returns the
correct url.

Run status
A run has the following statuses:

Set up (initial state, until any configuration options are provided)
Players prepare (optional step to if your game experience if players can
interact with their Instance before gameplay starts)
Running (game Instances are running)
Debrief (optional step if your game experience provides a different interface
after gameplay finishes)

Game Instance status
Each game Instance also has a status:

Preparing - waiting to start (Instance.date_start unset)
Playing - game in progress (Instance.date_start set but
Instance.date_end unset)
Ended - game complete (Instance.date_end set)

Player status
Your app may mark a player as having completed the game (with a date).

Custom models
Extend the Simpl Django models by overriding the default classes in your
project’s Django settings module:

Instance via SIMPL_INSTANCE = "your_app.YourInstance"
Character via SIMPL_CHARACTER = "your_app.YourCharacter"
GameExperience (only if your app provides multiple different game
experiences) via SIMPL_GAME_EXPERIENCE = "your_app.YourGameExperience"

More rarely, you may also want to override the run and player:

Run via SIMPL_RUN = "your_app.YourRun"
Player via SIMPL_PLAYER = "your_app.YourPlayer"

Your overridden classes should subclass the related simpl.models.Base*
abstract models.
The Character class will need two related abstract models, BaseCharacterData
and BaseCharacterLinked. This is to make it possible to have character data
as a template, not linked to a user or instance.

If using Auth0 for social authentication, add the following Django settings to
make sure users are correctly logged out of Auth0 and (optionally) redirected after logout:
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = "simpl.auth0.Auth0LogoutAdapter"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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