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slickreporting 0.1.3
Django Slick Reporting
A one stop reports engine with batteries included.
What it does:
Given a model that contains some data (ex: an OrderLine Model); Slick Reporting allows you to compute any kind of stats
(Sum, AVG, etc.. ) over any field using simple and intuitive analogy.
It also allow you to use those computation units in a time series and cross tab.
Preform Different computation grouping over the foreign keys.
Those computation can also be calculated on Time Series report like monthly, with custom dates ability.
Computation can be used on Cross tab reports
Create your Custom Calculation
Optimized for speed !
… and much more
Use the package manager pip to install django-slick-reporting.
pip install django-slick-reporting
From high Level,
You can use SampleReportView which is a subclass of django.views.generic.FormView like this
# in views.py
from slick_reporting.views import SampleReportView
from .models import MySalesItems
class TotalProductSales(SampleReportView):
# The model where you have the data
report_model = MySalesItems
# the main date to use if date filter is needed
date_field = 'date_placed' # or 'order__date_placed'
# date_field support traversing,
# date_field = 'order__date_placed'
# A foreign key to group calculation on
group_by = 'product'
# The columns you want to display
columns = ['title', '__total_quantity__', '__total__']
# in your urls.py
path('url-to-report', TotalProductSales.as_view())
This will return a page, with a table looking like
Total Quantity
Total Value
Product 1
Product 2
You can also do a monthly time series :
# in views.py
from slick_reporting.views import SampleReportView
from .models import MySalesItems
class MonthlyProductSales(SampleReportView):
report_model = MySalesItems
date_field = 'date_placed'
group_by = 'product'
columns = ['name', 'sku']
# Analogy for time series
time_series_pattern = 'monthly'
time_series_columns = ['__total_quantity__']
hook it into your urls.py , and it would return a page with a table looking something like this:
Product Name
Total Quantity
in Jan 20
Total Quantity
in Feb 20
Total Quantity in …
Total Quantity in December 20
Product 1
<from product model>
Product 2
<from product model>
Product 3
<from product model>
This example code assumes your “MySalesItems” contains the fields `product` as foreign key, `quantity` as number and `date_placed` as a date field. It also assumes your `Product` model has an SKU field..
On a low level
You can interact with the ReportGenerator using same syntax as used with the SampleReportView .
from slick_reporting.generator import ReportGenerator
from . models import MySalesModel
report = ReportGenerator(report_model=MySalesModel,
columns=['title', '__total__']
report.get_report_data() #-> [{'title':'Product 1', '__total__: 56}, {'title':'Product 2', '__total__: 43}, ]
This is just a scratch, for more please visit the documentation
Available on Read The Docs
Running tests
Create a virtual environment (maybe with virtual slick_reports_test), activate it; Then ,
$ git clone [email protected]:ra-systems/django-slick-reporting.git
$ cd tests
$ python -m pip install -e ..
$ python runtests.py
# Or for Coverage report
$ coverage run --include=../* runtests.py [-k]
$ coverage html
We follow Django’s guidelines guidelines.
Ramez Ashraf - Initial work - RamezIssac
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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