spcli 1.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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spcli 1.0.4

sp is a command line utility to search Startpage.com from the terminal.
It is inspired by the projects ddgr and googler.
Table of contents


Command Line
Interactive Mode

Browser Support
Development Quick Start

$ pip install spcli

Command Line
$ sp -h
usage: sp.py [-h] [-d] [-f] [-s SITE] [-t SPAN] [-u] [-v] [-np]
[--browser BROWSER] [--json] [--no-color]
[keywords [keywords ...]]

Search Startpage.com from the terminal.

positional arguments:
keywords search keywords

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug enable debug logging
-f, --first open the first result in a web browser
-s SITE, --site SITE search a site
-t SPAN, --time SPAN time limit search to 1 d|w|m|y (day,week,month,year)
-u, --unsafe disable the family filter
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-np, --no-prompt do not enter interactive mode
--browser BROWSER open results using this web browser
--json output the results in JSON; implies --no-prompt
--no-color disable color output

Version 1.0.4
Copyright © 2018 Gary Blackwood <gary@garyblackwood.co.uk>
License: GPLv3
Website: https://github.com/garee/sp

Interactive Mode
f view the first set of results
n view the next set of results
p view the previous set of results
[index] open search result in web browser
c [index] copy the search result link to the clipboard
s KEYWORDS perform a search for KEYWORDS
? show help
q exit
* all other inputs are treated as new search keywords


Search for terms.

$ sp hello world

Search bbc.co.uk for news about brexit:

$ sp -s bbc.co.uk brexit

Search for results from the past 24 hours.

$ sp -t d barcelona fc

Open the first result automatically

$ sp -f python docs

Disable safe search.

$ sp -u pawn

Output in JSON format.

$ sp --json climate change papers

Browser Support
If the BROWSER environment variable exists, it will be used to open search results. If not, sp will attempt to use one from the this list.
You can specify which browser to use using the --browser flag. This also accepts a path to the browser executable.
$ sp --browser firefox

The requests library is used to perform the HTTP requests. You can configure proxies by setting the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.
$ export HTTP_PROXY=""
$ export HTTPS_PROXY=""

Development Quick Start
Create and activate a virtual environment.
$ mkvirtualenv -p python3 sp
$ workon sp

Install the dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Format the code.
$ black sp/*.py

Run static analysis on the code.
$ pylint sp/*.py
$ flake8 sp/*.py

Please create an issue for any problems that you encounter.

Disable the coloured output if it does not work correctly on your system:

$ sp --no-color


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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