stuphos 2.0.13

Creator: danarutscher

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stuphos 2.0.13

Copyright 2009-2023 Thetaplane . com====================================Virtualizes python so that it is isolated and controlled in terms of resource usage perregistered user account, and all operations are tracked by time, generating computationaltelemetry and executive management.Intended Audiences==================* System administrators who want to support protected user multitasking without system management overhead.* Web administrators who want to publish a CMS site with integrated real-time networking.* Physical and computational scientific research. Python 3 users.Legal and Operational Notes===========================This software makes use of cryptographic algorithms, designed to protect the user dataand the user, but may be restricted in jurisdictions that overrule their use.Please research the full law regarding data and information security.THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY INCLUDED.Starting========Unpack the skeletoncore.tar.gz directory and configure it for your application (thelocation of the stuphos packages in your PYTHONPATH), then switch to that directoryand run it like this: ./runcore --headless &Connect to it with a web browser.Boot Procedure==============An embedding core invokes the boot start and complete routines in the mud module toinitialize the bindings and runtime.These things start up in the application, opening up all components and facilities. * Registry is configured * Site packages are loaded * Event bridge module is constructed and initialized * VM, system journal installed * System package paths are installed * Environment updated * XMLRPC host started * Management components * Web Adapter Session Manager * WSGI Webserver * Facilities: * AgentSystem and Elemental Interpreter * Zones * Commands * Warmboot * Engine LoopApplication & Core Architecture===============================The system uses a collection of components to build its application of managing objects.One of the components is the 'registry' which names unique objects within the runtime,and requires that it be installed during boot time (this is normally handled by theboot procedure).Other component package implementations are configured using the 'components.pth' filefor service implementations, external (third-party) server package installations, anddevelopmental modules.Supplemental============With an extended license, the 'ph' package contains a virtual machine computationalcore and database querying engine.The 'stuphmud' package contains code previously released in ''stuphos-lite''.Filesystem and Command-Line Configuration=========================================Options: -w --world-dir path -z --zone-index --index string -i --interactive bool -a --async bool -W --cascade --load-world bool -C --config-file --config --game-config path -g --debug count -n --no-world bool -p --port integer -m --mud-package --mud string -s --supreme bool --admin-name string --enter-game bool -L --data-dir --lib-dir path -v --verbose count --headless --no-console boolExperimental: --blocking integer --runpid boolThe configuration file has the following options: [MUD] config-dir = . components: components.pth traceback-relative: yes log-uncaught-traceback: yes logindent = 4 greetings: name prompt %w means whitespace greeting-delay: 1.2 http-redirect-url: player-store-shelf = %(config-dir)s/.players.shelf zone-config-file = .zone-modules.cfg world-path = ../../lib/archive/lib/world olc-world-path = ../../lib/archive/lib/world zone-database: sqlite [Management] embedded-webserver: yes pentacle-service: no session-adapter: yes system-shell: no subdaemon-manager: no syslog-scanner: no [XMLRPC] off: off address: ; certificate-path = server.pem [Security] trust-localhost: yes ; trusted-domain: [Interpreter] rich-editor: yes player-notebook: yes wizard-gc: yes checkpointing: no native-traceback: yes ; no [Environment] PENTACLE_PARTNER_NAME = 'stuphos/mud' [Syslog] path.1: ..\log\syslog* path.2: patterns: etc\syslog-patterns.cfg [Services] facility.billing: ph.emulation.billing.BillingCore [DjangoService] port = 2180 database = sqlite sitemap = stuphos.webserver.project.urls show-debug-page = admin certificate-path = server.pem software: phaseware log-request: yes hosts: <public ip address 1> <hostname 1> <hostname 2> ... media: serving-path: folder-path webapps: ... [DBCore] primary.type = pg-auth primary.path = ../lib/db.conf ; username\npassword\n = primary.port = 5432 sqlite.type = sqlite sqlite.path = sqlite:webcore.db sqlite.file-path = webcore.db [SystemComponents] system-path.common: /workspace/library/packages/common [SystemPackages] package.wrlc: op [Logging] database: sqlite [Billing] policy-rates-path = ../resources/rates.wmcWeb Interface Guide===================The application is developed internally by programming principals, which require userauthentication. Programming documentation should be viewable within the online interface.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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