tim-ledger_diary 0.5.2

Creator: bradpython12

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timledger diary 0.5.2

[![build status](https://travis-ci.org/MatthiasKauer/tim.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/MatthiasKauer/tim)**Note: I'm in the process of adapting the cram tests to tim; this is difficult on Windows and happens only when I feel like booting up my Linux machine. I am using tim daily already however**#tim amendmentstim tries to simplify [ti](https://github.com/sharat87/ti) by relying on [hledger](http://hledger.org/) (which must be on your path) for number crunching.Biggest changes:* hledger omits tasks that are too short. 4min, rounded up to 0.1 h seems to be the cut-off.* interrupts are gone because the stack is complex; you can call switch if you want to start work on something else. If you enter finish, nothing is automatically started.* hl command hands over your data to hledger to perform aggregations. [hledger manual](http://hledger.org/manual.html#timelog)* I'm not sure which program the test cases belong to. Please let me know, so I can amend them and test accordingly. Answer seems to be [cram](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cram).* note is gone. * tag is gone (for now)* edit is deactivated till I figure out what it doesThis leaves the following commands intact:* on* fin* log* status* help#InstallationTim is on PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tim-timetrackerInstall via:```pip install tim-timetracker```#File size considerationsMy tim-sheet grows roughly 2KB / day. That's about 700kB / year. Probably less if I don't track weekends.Writing line by line the way I am doing it now is starting to get slow already however (at 6KB). hledger itself is significantly faster. As soon as this difference bothers me enough I will switch to storing in hledger format directly s.t. the speed will no longer be an issue.#For developers###Python environment installation####WindowsWe develop using Anaconda with package manager [conda](http://conda.io/).You can install all packages in our environment (inspect environment.yml beforehand; expect 2-3 min of linking/downloading, probably more if your conda base installation is still very basic or has vastly different packages than mine) using:```conda env create```if it already exists you may have to remove it first. * Read <name> on top of environment.yml * Confirm via ```conda env list``` * Remove ```conda env remove --name <name>```If you feel like updating the environment, run ```conda env export -f environment.yml``` and commit it to the repository.# ti &mdash; A silly simple time tracker`ti` is a small command line time tracking application. Simple basic usagelooks like this tionmy−project ti finYou can also give it human-readable times. You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeSHEET_FILE`) for easy access to whatever you need to do. Some ideas,- Read your json file to generate beautiful html reports.- Build monthly statistics based on tags or the tasks themselves.- Read the currently working project and make it show up in your terminal prompt. May be even with how long you've been on it. (!!!)Its *your* data.Oh and by the way, the source is a fairly small python script, so if you knowpython, you may want to skim over it to get a better feel of how it works.*Note*: If you have used the previous bash version of `ti`, which was horriblytied up to only work on linux, you might notice the lack of *plugins* in thispython version. I am not really missing them, so I might not add them. If anyonehas any interesting use cases for it, I'm willing to consider.## UsageHere's the minimal usage style: tionmy−projectStartworkingonmy−project. ti status You have been working on my-project for less than a minute. tifinSoyoustoppedworkingonmy−project.‘on‘and‘fin‘cantakeatime(formatdescribedfurtherdown)atwhichtoapplytheaction. ti on another-project 2 hours ago Start working on another-project. tisYouhavebeenworkingonanother−projectforabout2hours. ti fin 30 minutes ago So you stopped working on another-project.Also illustrating in the previous example is short aliases of all commands,their first letter. Like, `s` for `status`, `o` for `on`, `f` for `fin`, etc.Put brief notes on what you've been doing. tinotewaitingforNapoleontotakeovertheworld ti n another simple note for demo purposesTag your activities for fun and profit. titagimpGetalogofallactivitieswiththe‘log‘(or‘l‘)command. ti log## Command referenceRun `ti -h` (or `--help` or `help` or just `h`) to get a short command summaryof commands.### on- Short: `o`- Syntax: `ti (o|on) <name> [<time>...]`Start tracking time for the project/activity given by `<name>`. For example, ti on conquesttells `ti` to start tracking for the activitiy `conquest` *now*. You canoptionally specify a relative time in the past like so, ti on conquest 10mins agoThe format of the time is detailed further below.### fin- Short: `f`- Syntax: `ti (f|fin) [<time>...]`End tracking for the current activity *now*. Just like with `on` command above,you can give an optional time to the past. Example ti fin 10mins agotells `ti` that you finished working on the current activity at, well, 10minutes ago.### status- Short: `s`- Syntax: `ti (s|status)`Gives short human readable message on the current status. i.e., whether anythingis being tracked currently or not. Example, tionconqering−the−worldStartworkingonconqering−the−world. ti status You have been working on `conqering-the-world` for less than a minute.### tag- Short: `t`- Syntax: `ti (t|tag) <tag>...`This command adds the given tags to the current activity. Tags are not currentlyused within the `ti` time tracker, but they will be saved in the json data file.You may use them for whatever purposes you like.For example, if you have a script to generate a html report from your `ti` data,you could tag some activities with a tag like `red` or `important` so that, thatactivity will appear in red in the final html report.Use it like, ti tag red for-joeadds the tags `red` and `for-joe` to the current activitiy. You can specify anynumber of tags.Tags are currently for your purpose. Use them as you see fit.### note- Short: `n`- Syntax: `ti (n|note) <note-text>...`This command adds a note on the current activity. Again, like tags, this has nosignificance with the time tracking aspect of `ti`. This is for your ownrecording purposes and for the scripts your write to process your `ti` data.Use it like, ti note Discuss this with the other team.adds the note `Discuss this with the other team.` to the current activity.### log- Short: `l`- Syntax: `ti (l|log) [today]`Gives a table like representation of all activities and total time spent on eachof them.## Time formatCurrently only the following are recognized. If there is something that is nothandled, but should be, please open an issue about it or a pull request(function in question is `parse_time`)- *n* seconds ago can be written as: - *n*seconds ago - *n*second ago - *n*secs ago - *n*sec ago - *n*s ago - `a` in place of *n* in all above cases, to mean 1 second. - Eg., `10s ago`, `a sec ago` `25 seconds ago`, `25seconds ago`.- *n* minutes ago can be written as: - *n*minutes ago - *n*minute ago - *n*mins ago - *n*min ago - `a` in place of *n* in all above cases, to mean 1 minute. - Eg., `5mins ago`, `a minute ago`, `10 minutes ago`.- *n* hours ago can be written as: - *n*hours ago - *n*hour ago - *n*hrs ago - *n*hr ago - `a` or `an` in place of *n* in all above cases, to mean 1 hour. - Eg., `an hour ago`, `an hr ago`, `2hrs ago`.Where *n* is an arbitrary number and any number of spaces between *n* and thetime unit are allowed.## StatusThe project is beta. If you find any bug or have any feedback, please do open anissue on [Github issues](https://github.com/sharat87/ti/issues).## Gimme!You can download `ti` [from the source ongithub](https://raw.github.com/sharat87/ti/master/bin/ti)</a>.- Put it somewhere in your `$PATH` and make sure it has executable permissions.- Install pyyaml using the command `pip install --user pyyaml`.After that, `ti` should be working fine.Also, visit the [project page on github](https://github.com/sharat87/ti) for anyfurther details.## Who?Created and fed by Shrikant Sharat([@sharat87](https://twitter.com/#!sharat87)). To get in touch, ping me ontwitter or <a href=mailto:shrikantsharat.k@gmail.com>email</a>.## License[MIT License](http://mitl.sharats.me).Matthias KauerShrikant Sharat K (http://ti.sharats.me/, https://twitter.com/sharat87)


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