tom-nonlocalizedevents 0.8.1

Creator: danarutscher

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tomnonlocalizedevents 0.8.1

GW Superevent (or GRB, Neutrino) EM follow-up
This reusable TOM Toolkit app provides support for gravitational wave (GW) superevent
and other non-localized event electromagnetic (EM) follow up observations.
This TOM plugin requires the use of a postgresql 14+ database backend, since it leverages some postgres specific stuff for MOC volume map lookups.

Install the package into your TOM environment:
pip install tom-nonlocalizedevents

In your project, add tom_nonlocalizedevents and webpack_loader to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

Also include the following Django-Webpack-Loader settings in your
VUE_FRONTEND_DIR_TOM_NONLOCAL = os.path.join(STATIC_ROOT, 'tom_nonlocalizedevents/vue')
'BUNDLE_DIR_NAME': 'tom_nonlocalizedevents/vue/', # must end with slash
'STATS_FILE': os.path.join(VUE_FRONTEND_DIR_TOM_NONLOCAL, 'webpack-stats.json'),
'TIMEOUT': None,
'IGNORE': [r'.+\.hot-update.js', r'.+\.map']

If WEBPACK_LOADER is already defined in your settings, then integrate these values in to it.
Also add the following to your settings if they are not already there, setting whatever default values you need for your setup. These point to your deployed TOM toolkit instance, and to a hermes instance:
TOM_API_URL = os.getenv('TOM_API_URL', '')
HERMES_API_URL = os.getenv('HERMES_API_URL', '')

Include the tom_nonlocalizedevent URLconf in your project
urlpatterns = [
path('nonlocalizedevents/', include('tom_nonlocalizedevents.urls', namespace='nonlocalizedevents')),

Run python migrate to create the tom_nonlocalizedevents models.

Set environment variables below to configure different connections:

Env variable

Location of your django postgres database used for sqlalchemy
by default, this uses Django default DB for the project

The number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool. (docs)

The number of connections to allow in connection pool “overflow”. (docs)

JSON List of Credible Region probabilities to automatically check each candidate target for
'[0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95]'

Boolean on if you want to save test nonlocalizedevents into your database (those with event_id beginning with 'M')

See Engine Configuration for
details of SQLAlchemy Engine Configuration.

In your TOM project, make sure to run python collectstatic after installing this app, to collect its Vue pages into your staticfiles directory.

If you want to automatically ingest GW events into your TOM, you should also install the tom_alertstreams app into your TOM and configure it to use the tom_nonlocalizedevents handler to ingest GW events. The preferred way is to use the hop igwn.gwalerts topic and set it to the handler tom_nonlocalizedevents.alertstream_handlers.igwn_event_handler.handle_igwn_message. This format has the newest Ligo O4 fields. There is legacy support for the gcn classic over kafka plaintext formatted LVC alerts using the handler tom_nonlocalizedevents.alertstream_handlers.gcn_event_handler.handle_message. There is also a handler to handle retractions via the handle_retraction method in that package. For an example of what needs to be in your settings to configure tom_alertstreams for these streams, look here

When any changes are made to this library, the vue files will need to be build and bundled and committed into the repo so that they can be bundled and deployed with the django package. This means that after making any vue changes, you must run npm run build within the tom_nonlocalizedevents_vue directory once, which will install the built files into tom_nonlocalizedevents/static/, and then those built files will need to be committed into the repo. This allows django projects using this library to get those files when running python collectstatic.
Running the tests
In order to run the tests, run the following in your virtualenv:
python test


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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