transition-neural-parser 0.5.4

Creator: bradpython12

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transitionneuralparser 0.5.4

Transition-based Neural Parser
State-of-the-Art Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing, see papers
with code. Models both
distribution over graphs and aligments with a transition-based approach. Parser
supports generic text-to-graph as long as it is expressed in Penman
Some of the main features

Smatch wrapper providing significance testing for Smatch and MBSE ensembling.
Structured-BART (Zhou et al 2021b) with trained checkpoints for document-level AMR (Naseem et al 2022), MBSE (Lee et al 2022) and latent alignments training (Drozdov et al 2022)
Structured-mBART for multi-lingual support (EN, DE, Zh, IT) (Lee et al 2022)
Action-Pointer Transformer (APT) (Zhou et al 2021), checkout action-pointer branch
Stack-Transformer (Fernandez Astudillo et al 2020), checkout stack-Transformer branch

Install Instructions
create and activate a virtual environment with python 3.8, for example
conda create -y -p ./cenv_x86 python=3.8
conda activate ./cenv_x86

or alternatively use virtualenv and pyenv for python versions. Note that
all scripts source a script that you can use to activate
your virtual environment as above and set environment variables. If not used,
just create an empty version
# or e.g. put inside conda activate ./cenv_x86

Then install the parser package using pip. You will need to manually install
torch-scatter since it is custom built for CUDA. Here we specify the
call for torch 1.13.1 and cuda 11.7. See torch-scatter
repository to find the appropriate
installation instructions.
For MacOS users
(Please install the cpu version of torch-scatter; and model training is not fully supported here.)
pip install transition-neural-parser
# for linux users
pip install torch-scatter -f
# for cpu installation for MacOS
# pip install torch-scatter

If you plan to edit the code, clone and install instead
# clone this repo (see link above), then
cd transition-neural-parser
pip install --editable .
pip install torch-scatter -f

If you want to train a document-level AMR parser you will also need
git clone
cd docAMR
pip install .
cd ..

Parse with a pretrained model
Here is an example of how to download and use a pretrained AMR parser in Python
from transition_amr_parser.parse import AMRParser

# Download and save a model named AMR3.0 to cache
parser = AMRParser.from_pretrained('AMR3-structbart-L')
tokens, positions = parser.tokenize('The girl travels and visits places')

# Use parse_sentence() for single sentences or parse_sentences() for a batch
annotations, machines = parser.parse_sentence(tokens)

# Print Penman notation

# Print Penman notation without JAMR, with ISI
amr = machines.get_amr()
print(amr.to_penman(jamr=False, isi=True))

# Plot the graph (requires matplotlib)

Note that Smatch does not support ISI-type alignments and gives worse results.
Set isi=False to remove them.
You can also use the command line to run a pretrained model to parse a file:
amr-parse -c $in_checkpoint -i $input_file -o file.amr

Download models can invoked with -m <config> can be used as well.
Note that Smatch does not support ISI and gives worse results. Use --no-isi
to store alignments in ::alignments meta data. Also use --jamr to add JAMR
annotations in meta-data. Use --no-isi to store alignments in ::alignments
meta data. Also use --jamr to add JAMR annotations in meta-data.
Document-level Parsing
This represents co-reference using :same-as edges. To change
the representation and merge the co-referent nodes as in the paper, please refer
to the DocAMR repo
from transition_amr_parser.parse import AMRParser

# Download and save the docamr model to cache
parser = AMRParser.from_pretrained('doc-sen-conll-amr-seed42')

# Sentences in the doc
doc = ["Hailey likes to travel." ,"She is going to London tomorrow.", "She will walk to Big Ben when she goes to London."]

# tokenize sentences if not already tokenized
tok_sentences = []
for sen in doc:
tokens, positions = parser.tokenize(sen)

# parse docs takes a list of docs as input
annotations, machines = parser.parse_docs([tok_sentences])

# Print Penman notation

# Print Penman notation without JAMR, with ISI
amr = machines[0].get_amr()
print(amr.to_penman(jamr=False, isi=True))

# Plot the graph (requires matplotlib)

To parse a document from the command line the input file $doc_input_file is a
text file where each line is a sentence in the document and there is a newline
('\n') separating every doc (even at the end)
amr-parse -c $in_checkpoint --in-doc $doc_input_file -o file.docamr

Available Pretrained Model Checkpoints
The models downloaded using from_pretrained() will be stored to the pytorch
cache folder under:
cache_dir = torch.hub._get_torch_home()

This table shows you available pretrained model names to download;

pretrained model name
corresponding file name

(Drozdov et al 2022) PR
82.9 (beam1)

(Drozdov et al 2022) MAP

(Drozdov et al 2022) MAP

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)

(Lee et al 2022) (ensemble)


82.31/71.8 2

1 Smatch on AMR3.0 sentences
2 Smatch on AMR3.0 Multi-Sentence dataset
contact authors to obtain the trained ibm-neural-aligner. For the
ensemble we provide the three seeds. Following fairseq conventions, to run the
ensemble just give the three checkpoint paths joined by : to the normal
checkpoint argument -c. Note that the checkpoints were trained with the
v0.5.1 tokenizer, this reduces performance by 0.1 on v0.5.2 tokenized
Note that we allways report average of three seeds in papers while these are
individual models. A fast way to test models standalone is
bash tests/ configs/<config>.sh

Training a model
You first need to pre-process and align the data. For AMR2.0 do
conda activate ./cenv_x86 # activate parser environment
python scripts/ /path/to/LDC2017T10/data/amrs/split/ DATA/AMR2.0/corpora/

You will also need to unzip the precomputed BLINK cache. See issues in this repository to get the cache file (or the link above for IBM-ers).
unzip /path/to/

To launch train/test use (this will also run the aligner)
bash run/ configs/

Training will store and evaluate all checkpoints by default (see config's
EVAL_INIT_EPOCH) and select the one with best dev Smatch. This needs a lot of
space but you can launch a parallel job that will perform evaluation and delete
Checkpoints not in the top 5
bash run/ configs/

you can check training status with
python run/ -c configs/

use --results to check for scores once models are finished.
We include code to launch parallel jobs in the LSF job schedules. This can be
adapted for other schedulers e.g. Slurm, see here
Initialize with WatBART
To load WatBART instead of BART just uncomment and provide the path on


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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