0 purchases
treeviewkarjakak 1.8.5
Writing an outline note with tree-view look.
pip install treeview-karjakak
from treeview import TreeView, conftv
# To configure the childs (by default 50 childs, and 4 spaces)
TreeView = conftv(TreeView, 5, 1)
w = 'Amazing Grace'
with TreeView('test') as tv:
# First time write on note as parent
# Write it with loop in childs
for i in range(5):
tv.quickchild(w, child = f'child{i+1}')
# Edit the parent
tv.edittree('Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Edit again in row 4 to child2
tv.edittree('Mantaaaaaaap!', row = 4, child = 'child2')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Write new parent
tv.addparent('Wow good job')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Edit again in row 6 to child5
tv.edittree('Wow good job buddy', row = 6, child = 'child5')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Write again new childs
tv.quickchild('Totally awesome', child = 'child1')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
tv.quickchild('This is quick child edit', child = 'child2')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
tv.quickchild('Thank You', child = 'child1')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Delete row 10
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Insert to row 8 as child1
tv.insertrow('God bless you', row = 8, child = 'child1' )
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Moving position from row 6 to row 4
tv.movetree(6, 4)
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Moving position of child in row 6 as child1
tv.movechild(6, child = 'child1')
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Print an iterator to dict
# Create spaces between rows
for i in range(1, tv.getdatanum()+4, 2):
if i == 15:
print('-'* 12)
print('-'* 12)
# Backup note as json file
del tv, w, i
{'child1': 1, 'child2': 2, 'child3': 3, 'child4': 4, 'child5': 5}
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
Wow good job:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
Wow good job:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-This is quick child edit
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-This is quick child edit
-Thank You
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-Thank You
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
-God bless you
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-Thank You
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
-Amazing Grace
-God bless you
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-Thank You
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
-Amazing Grace
-God bless you
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-Thank You
{0: ('parent', 'Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:\n'),
1: ('child1', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
2: ('child2', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
3: ('child3', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
4: ('child5', '-Wow good job buddy\n'),
5: ('child2', '-Mantaaaaaaap!\n'),
6: ('child1', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
7: ('child1', '-God bless you\n'),
8: ('space', '\n'),
9: ('parent', 'Wow good job:\n'),
10: ('child1', '-Totally awesome\n'),
11: ('child1', '-Thank You\n')}
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Amazing Grace
-Wow good job buddy
-Amazing Grace
-God bless you
Wow good job:
-Totally awesome
-Thank You
{0: ('parent', 'Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound:\n'),
1: ('space', '\n'),
2: ('child1', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
3: ('space', '\n'),
4: ('child2', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
5: ('space', '\n'),
6: ('child3', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
7: ('space', '\n'),
8: ('child5', '-Wow good job buddy\n'),
9: ('space', '\n'),
10: ('child2', '-Mantaaaaaaap!\n'),
11: ('space', '\n'),
12: ('child1', '-Amazing Grace\n'),
13: ('space', '\n'),
14: ('child1', '-God bless you\n'),
15: ('space', '\n'),
16: ('parent', 'Wow good job:\n'),
17: ('child1', '-Totally awesome\n'),
18: ('child1', '-Thank You\n')}
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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