treillage 0.2.1

Creator: bradpython12

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treillage 0.2.1

Unofficial Wrapper library for the Filevine API

Treillage (tre-ˈyäzh): A lattice or framework for supporting vines.
Treillage is an unofficial wrapper library for the Filevine API written in python.
This library is neither supported by or maintained by Filevine, Inc.
Filevine's API Documentation
Key Features

Leverages asyncio to speed up IO bound requests
Automatically refreshes session authentication tokens
Built-in token bucket rate limiting
API endpoints with built-in pagination

Table of contents

Getting Started

Using built-in endpoints
Using raw HTTP methods
Base URL

Rate Limiting and Connection Management



Library Installation
pip install treillage

Getting Started
The only required parameter is a path to a yaml credentials file with the following keys: key, secret, queueid.
It should look like this:
key: "fvpk_************************"
secret: "fvsk_***********************************"
queueid: "***********"

These values are obtained from the Filevine developer portal.
The treillage module uses these credentials to obtain the accessToken and refreshToken for the authorization header.
These tokens are refreshed as needed throughout script execution.
Using built-in endpoints
from treillage import Treillage
from treillage.endpoints import get_contact_list

async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml") as tr:
async for contact in get_contact_list(tr.conn, fields=['fullName', 'personId'], first_name='James'):

This will request the personId and fullName fields for all contacts with the first name of 'James'.
Using raw HTTP methods
If there isn't a function written for the built-in endpoint you need, you can still use the rate limiting
and credential rotation features
from treillage import Treillage

async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml") as tr:
query_parameters = {'requestedFields': ['fullName, personId'], 'firstName': 'James', 'offset': 0, 'limit': 50}
contacts = await tr.conn.get(endpoint='/core/contacts', params=query_parameters)
for contact in contacts:

This will request the personId and fullName fields for the first 50 contacts with the first name of 'James'.
POST and DELETE work similarly
from treillage import Treillage

async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml") as tr:
# POST Example
body = {
'firstName': 'John',
'lastName': 'Doe',
'fullName': 'John Doe',
'gender': 'M',
'personTypes': ['Client']
response = await'/core/contacts', body=body)
# DELETE Example
await tr.conn.delete(endpoint='/core/documents/1234')

Base URL
The base url for the server defaults to United States server at
To access the Canada specific server pass in the base_url parameter
from treillage import Treillage, BaseURL

# Use the built-in Enum
async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml", base_url=BaseURL.CANADA) as tr:

# Pass in a string
async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml", base_url='') as tr:

Rate Limiting and Connection Management
The built-in rate limiter uses a token bucket technique. Each web request consumes a token,
and tokens regenerate at a set rate. The bucket has a fixed capacity to keep the initial burst of requests
from exceeding the rate-limit. To keep things simple, the maximum number of tokens is equal to the amount regenerated
in one second.
To use the built-in rate limiter, one additional parameters must be passed to the treillage object:

requests_per_second sets how many tokens are regenerated per second.

If this parameter is not set, no rate-limiting will occur.
async with Treillage(credentials_file="creds.yml", requests_per_second=10) as tr:

Additionally, the rate limiter will use an exponential backoff algorithm to
temporarily slow down requests when the server returns a HTTP 429 error (Rate Limit Exceeded).
Alternatively the total number of simultaneous connections to the server can limited by passing
the max_connections parameter. If max_connections is not set, the default value of 100 will be used.
If you want to automatically retry a rate limited call, use the @retry_on_rate_limit decorator to wrap the function
you want to be retried.
async def get_some_data(tr: Treillage, endpoint):
return await tr.conn.get(endpoint)

some_data = await get_some_data(tr, '/some_data')

The treillage module includes several exceptions to make error handling easier.
All exceptions inherit from TreillageException.

Inherits from TreillageException
This exception is raised when the API returns any non 200 status code.

code - The HTTP error code
url - The url accessed
msg - The body of the server response or "Received non-2xx HTTP Status Code {code}"


Inherits from TreillageHTTPException
This exception is raised when the API returns a 429 status code (Rate Limit Exceeded).

code - The HTTP error code. It will always be 429
url - The url accessed
msg - The body of the server response or "Received non-2xx HTTP Status Code 429"


Inherits from TreillageException and TypeError
Raised when a parameter for an endpoint does not match the required type



Inherits from TreillageException and ValueError
Raised when a parameter for an endpoint does not meet the requirements in the endpoint specification.
For example, a contact's personTypes must be in the list ['Adjuster', 'Attorney', 'Client', 'Court', 'Defendant', 'Plaintiff', 'Expert', 'Firm', 'Insurance Company', 'Involved Party', 'Judge', 'Medical Provider']


The examples folder contains complete non-trivial examples of this module in use.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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