trrc 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

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trrc 0.1.3

ToRRential Card processor




ToRRential Card processor(trrc) is a command-line unix-like program to create anki cards using AnkiConnect plugin.(Think a yt-dlp, but this program is for adding cards into Anki.)
I intent to make it as a Unix-like program. Therefore it leverages a lot of Unix concepts.

It supports a standard input, PIPE, redirection. Therefore, you can add bulk cards after mangling your cards with your favorite text editors. With the benefit of unix-like program, you can make a convenient script yourself with your favorite text editors like Vim, Emacs, VScode and so on. See Usage

It has shell completions(Zsh, Bash).

It adds multiple cards at once using --file or PIPE and so on. See Usage

It also supports options for ip, port and apikey. So even some environments you don't want to install Anki, you can add cards if your Anki is running in your home or somewhere, boundlessly.

It also supports a rc(config) file with a alias to reuse options you uses frequently.

you can sync Anki with option --sync of trrc with or without soon after adding cards.

It's user-friendly. In well-known cases, trrc provides solutions. If you
mistake deck name, it will print all deck name available. If your field is
wrong, it will print field of the card type used.

# default card type is 'Basic'
$trrc --field 'fron:bakc:tags' 'What is GPL? The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. LICENSE::GPL'
#### Kinds of failures: 1
trrc Tip: --field 'Front:Back:Tags'

You don't have to use all those fields.
For example, if all field of a type is 'Front:Back:Source:Sound:Tags',
you can use only some of them. e.g.: 'Front:Back:Tags'.
Total cards: 1 Total fails: 1

See Youtube demonstration video of the author
if you decide to use this app, I highly recommend to turn apikey option in your AnkiConnect to prevent malicious attack. (It's not a fault of this app nor AnkiConnect. If the port of AnkiConnect opens without an apikey, anybody can modify your anki deck.) See also AnkiConnect Configure
pip install trrc
Manual installation
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
Install AnkiConnect addon in Anki.
To solve common mistakes, I wrote a lot of examples.
Standard Input
# the blank characters except a spacebar in 'Korean Conversation' is a tab.
# the default IFS is a tab.
trrc '안녕 Hello Korean Conversation'
# ^ ^
#tab character

# -F is --IFS. It sets a Internal Field Separator. Mobile devices may not
#support a tab character in their keyboard. In that case, you should use --IFS
#options. (e.g.:-F@)
trrc "back\ttestfront\tvim" -F '\t'

# you can set whatever character you want.
trrc --IFS % '안녕%Hello%Korean'
trrc -F @ '안녕@Hello@Korean'

# you can choose only part of the fields of the card type.
# you can change order of the fields.
trrc --field 'Arbitrary4thField:Arbitrary2ndFieldName:tags' 'FourthContent\tsecondContent\ttag'

# to send your card to other computer(e.g.: ip is, port is 4832).
trrc --ip --port 4832 --file Korean_English_conversation.txt

# To use '\t' as a tab character in an standard input argument, you need to use '$' in front of the string.
trrc $'안녕\tHello\tKorean'

See also How to use '\t' in a card content?
To use PIPE, put - in the argument.
echo 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option basic_type_back basic_type_tag' | trrc -

# bash: \t
echo -e 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option\tbasic_type_back\tbasic_type_tag' | trrc - -t 'Basic (and reversed card)' --field 'Front:Back:tag'

# bash: using a tab
echo 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option basic_type_back basic_type_tag' | trrc - -t 'Basic (and reversed card)' --field 'Front:Back:tag'

# zsh: \t
echo 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option\tbasic_type_back\tbasic_type_tag' | trrc - -t 'Basic (and reversed card)' --field 'Front:Back:tag'

# bash: using a tab
echo 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option basic_type_back basic_type_tag' | trrc - -t 'Basic (and reversed card)' --field 'Front:Back:tag'

# zsh: using a tab
echo 'basic_type_front_normal_tab with option basic_type_back basic_type_tag' | trrc - -t 'Basic (and reversed card)' --field 'Front:Back:tag'

PIPE with cat
If you use ' '(a tab) as a IFS like a below,
front back test
front2 back test

then you don't have to use --IFS option.
cat example_file_IFS_deafult.txt | trrc -

If you use '\t' as a IFS like a below,

then use a command like this.
cat example_file_IFS_backslash_t.txt | trrc - --IFS '\t'

HEREDOC Standard Input
trrc --IFS '\t' - <<EOF
front back test
front2 back test

cat <<EOF | trrc - --IFS '\t'
front back test
front2 back test

Config File
trrc's config file extension is .trrc.
See LOCATIONS and How to create a trrc config file
By default, trrc searches for rc(config) files in directories of the below.
It means if you wrote the config file(only .trrc, without any file name.) there,
trrc import the setting in the files if they exists in order.
macOS, Linux:

${HOME}/.trrc # e.g. : ~/.trrc

./.trrc # working directory.

Locations: macOS e.g.


If you are in /Users/username/study/english/, then also, /Users/username/study/english/.trrc

Locations: Linux e.g.


If you are in /home/username/study/english/, then also, /home/username/study/english/.trrc

usage: trrc [-h] [-D DECK] [-t CARDTYPE] [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-f [FILE ...]]
[-c FILE] [--alias SECTION] [-F IFS]
[--cloze-type CLOZE_TYPE] [--toml-generate] [--toml-write FILE]
[--toml-section SECTION] [-H] [--apikey APIKEY] [--sync]
[--force-add] [--dry-run] [--read-file-in-a-content] [-v]
[--debug [FILE]] [-V]
[cardContents ...]

A command-line program to create Anki cards using AnkiConnect API.

positional arguments:
cardContents a string divided by IFS. the default IFS is a tab
character. instead of a string, It can also take a
file consists of strings without '--FILE' option.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D DECK, --deck DECK set a Deck. the default is 'default'.
set a card type. the default is 'Basic'.
-i IP, --ip IP set a ip that AnkiConnect specified. the default is
-p PORT, --port PORT set a port number that AnkiConnect specified. the
default is '8765'.
-f [FILE ...], --file [FILE ...]
set a file that contains card contents.
-c FILE, --config FILE
set a config file to import config options. without
this option, this program searches '~/.trrc'.
--alias SECTION set a section of a config file to apply options.
without this argument, the default is 'default'.
-F IFS, --IFS IFS set a delimiter of card contents to use any character
other than a tab character. the default is a tab
set a card field corresponding to the cardContents.
the default is 'Front:Back:Tags'.
set a cloze type card field corresponding to the
cardContents. The default is 'Text:Back Extra:Tags'.
--cloze-type CLOZE_TYPE
set a type of a fallback for a cloze type. the default
is 'cloze'. if user set --field option, then the
default won't work. even a string contains cloze, the
program will process as a field unless user set
--toml-generate print toml configs with current arguments. to set a
section of it, use it with '--toml-section' option.
--toml-write FILE write a config file with options used. to set a
section, use '--toml-section'.
--toml-section SECTION
set a toml section. the default is 'untitled'.
-H, --render-HTML set to allow to render a HTML tag. the default doesn't
allow render a HTML tag, therefore <br> won't be a new
--apikey APIKEY set an api key for AnkiConnect. if it is specified,
--debug options will mask it because of security
--sync sync Anki. if there is a card to process, trrc syncs
after adding the card. the default is not to sync.
--force-add create a card even if there is a duplicate in the
--dry-run perform a trial run without sending to Anki.
set to allow to replace a file in contents with its
contents. a default setting doesn't read it
-v, --verbose print a card being currently processed.
--debug [FILE] print debug information. if you specify FILE, trrc
writes debug there.
-V, --version print a version number and a license of trrc.

--file option
This is an example which trrc takes. IFS is a tab which is a default IFS.
Anki Anki is a free and open-source flashcard program using spaced repetition anki
To make a log message in python, What library Should I use? logging python::library

trrc --file examplefile.txt

Let's say you are learning Rust Language.
Save this statements in a text file called 'rust_hello.txt'
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");

and create a card with --read-file-in-a-content option
trrc '[Rust] print "Hello, world!" rust_hello.txt rust::println' --read-file-in-a-content

trrc will read the file 'rust_hello.txt' and use it as a content.
How to add several tags?
A tag is a word. Therefore a spacebar will separate tags.
So for example, (IFS of tags is a tab character as a default.): CS linux::http linux::network
trrc '[linux] port 80 HTTP's port CS linux::http linux::network'

trrc will interpret CS linux::http linux::network as a list which is ['CS', 'linux::http', 'linux::network']
How to create a trrc config file?
create config file with .trrc extension.
Let's say your previous command was
trrc -F@ --type 'Basic' --ip --field 'Front:Back:Tags' --deck 'Computer Science' 'What is GPL?@The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.@LICENSE::GPL'

Before creating a default config file, you should check the config.
So, add --toml-generate to print configs.
Also, set a section name with --toml-section SECTION
trrc -F@ --type 'Basic' --ip --field 'Front:Back:Tags' --deck 'Computer Science' 'What is GPL?@The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.@LICENSE::GPL' --toml-generate --toml-section 'CS'

But if you want to use the config as a default, then --toml-section 'default'
trrc will print,
deck = "Computer Science"
cardtype = "Basic"
ip = ""
ifs = "@"
field = "Front:Back:Tags"

If there is nothing wrong, copy the text and paste to ~/.trrc
or use --toml-write
trrc -F@ --type 'Basic' --ip --field 'Front:Back:Tags' --deck 'Computer Science' 'What is GPL?@The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works.@LICENSE::GPL' --toml-section 'CS' --toml-write ~/.trrc

And you can reuse your config with --alias CS.
Also you can overwrite the config with an argument,
--alias CS --IFS ^

It will use CS config but IFS is '^'.
How to reuse the specific config?
If your config file has 'CS' section, the append --alias 'CS' in your command.
Tip for writing your own script.
In the case with your own script, for a backup purpose, I recommend to create a temp file to use --file option or PIPE.
Avoid to use the modules of the library directly because it's alpha version.
This program's License is GPL3. See License.
If you need to submit your code using trrc, discuss with the person concerned about the license.
How to use '\t' in a card content?
Yes, It's possible to interpret \t as a tab. But in a default ' '(tab) IFS,
the shell behavior that doesn't interpret '\t' as a tab character is a normal
behavior, therefore if you add a card using '\t' as a IFS in a standard
input, you need to use --IFS '\t' or put $ in front of single qoute.

add detailed explanation.

set -x
echo 'front back test'
echo 'front\tback\ttest'
echo $'front\tback\ttest'
set +x

How to add a new line?
Use \n to make a new line.
trrc 'First line\nSecond line back tag'

How to open a port?
Basically, when you are running anki with an AnkiConnect addon, the port(default is 8765) of AnkiConnect opens.
But if your want to send a card using trrc from outside of your computer which is running Anki with AnkiConnect, you may need to modify firewall option on the computer or a router.
How to make iOS shortcuts with trrc
See iOS_shortcuts_example


add shell completion.

fix sync option error handle.


Thank you for letting me know the bug! Please report the bug in issue tracker.
Personally I like this app as a method to add cards and use daily, so I will keep developing it. Because I'm trying to get a job, an update delivery can be slow. But after getting a job, I will learn some good clean code conventions and apply it.
Currently I'm writing tests to guarantee a basic functionality, documents and comments on codes.
Also there won't be massive changes for a while. Because I think I should
redesign the program for scalability. Think about making card from 'git-diff'. To make such functions quickly I need to redesign.
If there is changes, I'll write how it changes, examples on how to change your codes.
I'm happy to accept criticism, PR, and so on.
There are a lot of grammar mistakes. English is not my language. Catch! PR! PLEASE!
If you're good at unix, linux, or shell, please enlighten me! I really want to hear about book recomendations, cli program to benchmark and so on.

remove dependency: requests lib.
windows support.

file path (e.g.: default config file)

send media files directly to Anki.
create card from git-diff, git-show

option: --mode=git --header 'Optimize logging message\n '
without --header, use git commit message as header.

support markdown, mad type and so on.

Pseudo HEREDOC mode.

get fields of a deck.

error handle.

support shell environment variable.

prefix: TRRC
e.g.: TRRC_deck, TRRC_tag: global tag

new verbose purpose.

-v : stdout, other logging format.

add reliable and insightful pytests
config file option
HTML interpret on-off mode.

<br> &lt, &gt & HTML on <-> HTML off and \n

First, change every HTML tags to &gt &lt. then change \n to

should it be a HTML off mode a default?

Embedding modules: allow trrc as a module to use in python script.
Error message: file doesn't exist.
search rc file in the working directory.
use # comment in a file as a temporary card option or method switcher.

Allow adding card vertically

#NEW FRONT(field)

change option with # -F%

back to option of stdin


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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