UliEngineering 0.4.16

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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UliEngineering 0.4.16


A Python3 library for:
- Data science
- Electronics Engineering
- Specialized algorithms
- Physics
which contains a collection of functions I haven't found elsewhere.
Some algorithms have also been accepted on my blog https://techoverflow.net/
Pull requests and bugreports of any kind are happily accepted.
Run this command on your favourite shell:
sudo pip3 install UliEngineering

In order to install the latest bleeding-edge version, use:
sudo pip3 install git+https://github.com/ulikoehler/UliEngineering.git

We highly recommend you also install scipy:
sudo pip3 install scipy

(you can also use sudo apt install python3-scipy on Debian-based Linux distros).
While scipy is technically optional and listed as an optional dependency, many UliEngineering modules can't be used without it, including (might not be complete!):

Some functions in UliEngineering.SignalProcessing.Simulation
Some functions in UliEngineering.SignalProcessing.Selection

After that you can use UliEngineering from any Python3 instance. Example:
$ python3
Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from UliEngineering.EngineerIO import *
>>> format_value(0.015, "V")
'15.0 mV'

Getting started
On my blog, I've posted several easy-to-use examples on how to solve real-world problems using UliEngineering:

Normalizing electronics engineering value notations using Python
Finding the nearest E96 resistor value in Python
Easy zero crossing detection in Python using UliEngineering
Easily generate sine/cosine wave test data in Python using UliEngineering
Easily generate square/triangle/sawtooth/inverse sawtooth waveform data in Python using UliEngineering
Easily compute & visualize FFTs in Python using UliEngineering
Computing resistor power dissipation in Python using UliEngineering
Computing crystal load capacitance using Python & UliEngineering
How to convert Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin temperatures in Python using UliEngineering
How to get unit/resolution of NumPy np.timedelta64 object
How to get unit/resolution of NumPy np.datetime64 object
How to iterate all days of year using Python
How to get number of days in month in Python
How to compute candelas from lumens by apex angle
How to compute resistor voltage divider ratio using Python
How to generate datetime for every hour on a given day in Python
How to generate datetime for every minute on a given day in Python
How to generate datetime for every second on a given day in Python
How to compute MRI Larmor frequency for a given magnetic field using Pythonf
How to compute voltage divider output voltage using Python
How to format axis as dB (decibel) using matplotlib
How to compute Buck/Boost/LDO output voltage by feedback resistors using Python
How to compute the weight of a titanium or stainless steel rod using UliEngineering in Python
How to compute non-inverting OpAmp amplifier gain using UliEngineering in Python
How to generate filename with date & time in Python

In order to run the unit tests, first install tox:
pip install --user tox

and then just run it in the root directory of the cloned repository


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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