uniswap-tool 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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uniswaptool 0.2.0


The unofficial Python client for Uniswap.
Documentation is available at https://uniswap-python.com/
Want to help implement support for Uniswap v4? See issue #337

A simple to use Python wrapper for all available contract functions and variables
A basic CLI to get prices and token metadata
Simple parsing of data returned from the Uniswap contract


Uniswap v3 (as of v0.5.0)

Including beta support for Arbitrum & Optimism deployments (as of v0.5.4)

Uniswap v2 (as of v0.4.0)
Uniswap v1 (deprecated)
Various forks (untested, but should work)

Honeyswap (xDai)
Pancakeswap (BSC)
Sushiswap (mainnet)

Getting Started
See our Getting started guide in the documentation.
Unit tests are under development using the pytest framework. Contributions are welcome!
Test are run on a fork of the main net using ganache-cli. You need to install it with npm install -g ganache-cli before running tests.
To run the full test suite, in the project directory set the PROVIDER env variable to a mainnet provider, and run:
poetry install
export PROVIDER= # URL of provider, e.g. https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/...
make test
# or...
poetry run pytest --capture=no # doesn't capture output (verbose)

Support our continued work!
You can support us on Gitcoin Grants.

Shane Fontaine
Erik Bjäreholt
...and others

Want to help out with development? We have funding to those that do! See #181
Contributors also earn this beautiful GitPOAP for their contributions!


added use of gas estimation instead of a fixed gas limit (to support Arbitrum)
added use_estimate_gas constructor argument (used in testing)
added constants/basic support for Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, and Fantom. (untested)
incomplete changelog


incomplete changelog


incomplete changelog


Updated dependencies
Fixed minor typing issues


Basic support for Uniswap V3
Added new methods get_price_input and get_price_output
Made a lot of previously public methods private
Added documentation site
Removed ENS support (which was probably broken to begin with)


Bug fix: Update bleach package from 3.1.4 to 3.3.0


Bug fix: Use .eth instead of .ens


General: Add new logo for Uniswap V2
Bug fix: Invalid balance check (#25)
Bug fix: Fixed error when passing WETH as token


Allow kwargs in approved decorator.


Add note about Uniswap V2 support


Update changelog for PyPi and clean up

A huge thank you Erik Bjäreholt for adding Uniswap V2 support, as well as all changes in this version!

Added support for Uniswap v2
Handle arbitrary tokens (by address) using the factory contract
Switched from setup.py to pyproject.toml/poetry
Switched from Travis to GitHub Actions
For CI to work in your repo, you need to set the secret MAINNET_PROVIDER. I use Infura.
Running tests on a local fork of mainnet using ganache-cli (started as a fixture)
Fixed tests for make_trade and make_trade_output
Added type annotations to the entire codebase and check them with mypy in CI
Formatted entire codebase with black
Moved stuff around such that the basic import becomes from uniswap import Uniswap (instead of from uniswap.uniswap import UniswapWrapper)
Fixed misc bugs


Provide token inputs as addresses instead of names


Add ability to transfer tokens after a trade
Add tests for this new functionality


Add tests for all types of trades


Add ability to make all types of trades
Add example to README


Add liquidity tests


Add liquidity and ERC20 pool methods


Major README update


Add market endpoints
Add tests for market endpoints


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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