vast-threatbus 2022.5.16

Creator: bradpython12

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vastthreatbus 2022.5.16

VAST Threat Bus App
Threat Bus is a publish-subscribe broker for threat intelligence. It is
expected that applications register themselves at the bus. Since VAST cannot do
so on its own (yet), implements that functionality in the
The application provides a thin layer around
PyVAST, VAST's Python
CLI bindings. It facilitates message exchange between Threat Bus and a VAST
Install vast-threatbus via pip. Optionally, use a virtual environment.
virtualenv venv # optional
source venv/bin/activate # optional
python -m pip install vast-threatbus

Use the dev-mode command from the Makefile to install the project in
development mode.
We recommend to use a virtual environment for development.
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
make dev-mode

Quick Start
You can configure the app via a YAML configuration file. See
config.yaml.example for an example config file that uses
fever alertify to transform sighting contexts
before they get printed to STDOUT. See the section
Features for details. Rename
the example to config.yaml before starting.
Alternatively, configure the app via environment variables, similarly to Threat
Bus, or pass a path to configuration file via -c /path/to/config.yaml.
Start the application:

You can also run this app via Docker.

Build it:
docker build . -t tenzir/vast-threatbus:latest

Run it to print the helptext.
docker run tenzir/vast-threatbus:latest

Run and mount a custom config file into the container:
docker run --net=host -v /path/to/your/conf.yaml:/opt/tenzir/threatbus/vast-threatbus/config.yaml tenzir/vast-threatbus:latest -c config.yaml

This section explains the most important features of vast-threatbus.
IoC Matching
VAST can match IoCs either live or
retrospectively via usual queries.
Live Matching
live matching
works as
continuous query.
vast-threatbus subscribes to those continuous query results and reports all
new IoC matches from VAST to Threat Bus as Sightings. You can enable live
matching in the config file by setting live_match: true.
Retro Matching
vast-threatbus supports retro matching. You can enable it in the config file
by setting retro_match: true. This instructs the application to translate IoCs
from Threat Bus to normal VAST queries instead of feeding the IoCs to a live
Each result from an IoC query is treated as Sighting of that IoC and reported
back to Threat Bus. You can limit the maximum amount of results returned from
VAST by setting the config option retro_match_max_events to a positive integer.
Sighting Context Transformation
You can configure vast-threatbus to invoke another program for parsing
Sighting context data via the config option transform_context.
If set, the app translates the x_threatbus_sighting_context field of a STIX-2
Sighting via the specified utility. For example, configure the app to pass the
context object to DCSO/fever alertify:
transform_context: fever alertify --alert-prefix 'MY PREFIX' --extra-key my-ioc --ioc %ioc

The x_threatbus_sighting_context field can contain arbitrary data. For
example, retro matches from VAST contain the full query result in the context
field (like a Suricata EVE entry or a Zeek conn.log entry).
Note that the cmd string passed to transform_context is treated as
template string. The placeholder %ioc is replaced with the contents of the
actually matched IoC.
Custom Sinks for Sightings
vast-threatbus offers to send Sighting context to a configurable sink
instead of reporting them back to Threat Bus. This can be configured via the
sink configuration parameter. The special placeholder STDOUT can be used to
print the Sighting context to STDOUT.
A custom sink is useful to forward Sightings to another process, like
syslog, or forward STDOUT via a UNIX pipe. Note that it may be desirable to
disable logging in that case.
Note that only the x_threatbus_sighting_context field of a STIX-2 Sighting is
printed, and not the object structure of the Sighting itself.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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