Vehicle Number Plate Detection

Vehicle Number Plate Detection

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Vehicle number plate detection involves extracting vehicle registration numbers from images or video frames. This is typically done using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) after detecting the number plate in an image.


  1. Detect and extract vehicle number plates from images.
  2. Use image processing techniques like edge detection, contour detection, and OCR.
  3. Display the extracted registration number.


  • Programming Language: Python
  • Libraries/Tools:
    • OpenCV for image processing and detection.
    • Tesseract OCR for optical character recognition.


  1. Use OpenCV to detect vehicles and extract the region containing the number plate.
  2. Apply image preprocessing techniques (e.g., thresholding, edge detection).
  3. Use Tesseract OCR to extract the text from the detected number plate.
  4. Display the extracted registration number.


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