0 purchases
virtualreality 0.1.2
python side of hobo_vr
mainly used for writing posers
has many helpful utilities for positional tracking, serial/socket/bluetooth communication, etc.
has an async socket server
to install the module, run the following command:
python -m pip install virtualreality
if you want to have camera based tracking, install it with the camera extra
python -m pip install virtualreality[camera]
to install the development version, do the following:
git clone https://github.com/okawo80085/hobo_vr
cd ./hobo_vr
python -m pip install -e .
quick example
import asyncio
import time
import numpy as np
from virtualreality import templates
class MyPoser(templates.PoserTemplate):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@templates.PoserTemplate.register_member_thread(1 / 100)
async def example_thread1(self):
'''moves the headset in a circle'''
h = 0
while self.coro_keep_alive["example_thread1"].is_alive:
self.pose.x = np.sin(h)
self.pose.y = np.cos(h)
h += 0.01
await asyncio.sleep(self.coro_keep_alive["example_thread1"].sleep_delay)
except Exception as e:
print(f"example_thread1 failed: {e}")
self.coro_keep_alive["example_thread1"].is_alive = False
@templates.PoserTemplate.register_member_thread(1 / 100, runInDefaultExecutor=True)
def example_thread2(self):
'''moves the left controller up and down'''
h = 0
while self.coro_keep_alive["example_thread2"].is_alive:
self.pose_controller_l.y = 1+np.cos(h*3)/5
h += 0.01
except Exception as e:
print(f"example_thread2 failed: {e}")
self.coro_keep_alive["example_thread2"].is_alive = False
poser = MyPoser()
poser client example
import asyncio
import time
import numpy as np
from virtualreality import templates
poser = templates.PoserClient()
async def example_thread():
'''moves the headset in a circle'''
h = 0
while poser.coro_keep_alive["example_thread"].is_alive:
poser.pose.y = round(np.sin(h), 4)
poser.pose.x = round(np.cos(h), 4)
h += 0.01
await asyncio.sleep(poser.coro_keep_alive["example_thread"].sleep_delay)
@poser.thread_register(1/60, runInDefaultExecutor=True)
def example_thread2():
'''moves the controller up and down'''
while poser.coro_keep_alive["example_thread2"].is_alive:
poser.pose_controller_l.x = 1+np.cos(h*3)/5
udu poser client example
u - unlimited
d - devices
u - upgrade
buts its more like a mode
here is an example
udu poser client example
more info: help(templates.UduPoserTemplate)
import asyncio
import time
import numpy as np
import pyrr
from virtualreality import templates
from virtualreality.server import server
poser = templates.UduPoserClient("h c t")
# ^^^^^
# this dictates devices used
# for this example its:
# hmd controller tracker
# poser = templates.UduPoserClient("h c c") btw normal posers use this device configuration
@poser.thread_register(1 / 60)
async def example_thread():
# spins all devices in an orbit
h = 0
while poser.coro_keep_alive["example_thread"].is_alive:
x, y, z, w = pyrr.Quaternion.from_y_rotation(h)
for i in range(len(poser.poses)):
poser.poses[i].x = np.sin(h / (i + 1))
poser.poses[i].z = np.cos(h / (i + 1))
poser.poses[i].r_x = x
poser.poses[i].r_y = y
poser.poses[i].r_z = z
poser.poses[i].r_w = w
h += 0.01
await asyncio.sleep(poser.coro_keep_alive["example_thread"].sleep_delay)
# any poser can do this actually
@poser.thread_register(1 / 60)
async def example_receive_haptics_thread():
while poser.coro_keep_alive["example_receive_haptics_thread"].is_alive:
# check for new reads
if poser.last_read:
print (poser.last_read) # print received
poser.last_read = b"" # reset
await asyncio.sleep(poser.coro_keep_alive["example_receive_haptics_thread"].sleep_delay)
unlike normal posers, udu posers generate pose structs on start
you then need use those pose structs as the value for DeviceManifestList in the driver config
more info on udu
more examples
hobo_vr's examples
there is also poser_3dof_hmd_only.py, its an udu poser with actual 3dof(hmd only) tracking(more info in the example itself)
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