volttron-lib-fake-driver 0.2.0rc0

Creator: bradpython12

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volttronlibfakedriver 0.2.0rc0


The FakeDriver is a way to quickly see data published to the message bus in a format that mimics what a true Driver would produce. This is an extremely simple implementation of the VOLTTRON driver framework. This driver does not connect to any actual device and instead produces random and or pre-configured values.

Python 3.8


To install Python 3.8, we recommend using pyenv.
# install pyenv
git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv ~/.pyenv

# setup pyenv (you should also put these three lines in .bashrc or similar)
export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/bin:${PATH}"
export PYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.pyenv"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# install Python 3.8
pyenv install 3.8.10

# make it available globally
pyenv global system 3.8.10


Create and activate a virtual environment.

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install volttron and start the platform.

pip install volttron

# Start platform with output going to volttron.log
volttron -vv -l volttron.log &

Install the volttron platform driver:

vctl install volttron-platform-driver --vip-identity platform.driver --start

Install the volttron fake driver library.

You have two options. You can install this library using the version on PyPi:
pip install volttron-lib-fake-driver

Install a Fake Driver onto the Platform Driver.

Installing a Fake driver in the Platform Driver Agent requires adding copies of the device configuration and registry configuration files to the Platform Driver’s configuration store
Create a config directory and navigate to it:
mkdir config
cd config

Navigate to the config directory and create a file called fake.config and add the following JSON to it:
"driver_config": {},
"registry_config": "config://fake.csv",
"interval": 5,
"timezone": "US/Pacific",
"heart_beat_point": "Heartbeat",
"driver_type": "fake",
"publish_breadth_first_all": false,
"publish_depth_first": false,
"publish_breadth_first": false

Create another file called fake.csv and add the following contents to it:
Point Name,Volttron Point Name,Units,Units Details,Writable,Starting Value,Type,Notes
EKG,EKG,waveform,waveform,TRUE,sin,float,Sine wave for baseline output
Heartbeat,Heartbeat,On/Off,On/Off,TRUE,0,boolean,Point for heartbeat toggle
OutsideAirTemperature1,OutsideAirTemperature1,F,-100 to 300,FALSE,50,float,CO2 Reading 0.00-2000.0 ppm
SampleWritableFloat1,SampleWritableFloat1,PPM,1000.00 (default),TRUE,10,float,Setpoint to enable demand control ventilation
SampleLong1,SampleLong1,Enumeration,1 through 13,FALSE,50,int,Status indicator of service switch
SampleWritableShort1,SampleWritableShort1,%,0.00 to 100.00 (20 default),TRUE,20,int,Minimum damper position during the standard mode
SampleBool1,SampleBool1,On / Off,on/off,FALSE,TRUE,boolean,Status indidcator of cooling stage 1
SampleWritableBool1,SampleWritableBool1,On / Off,on/off,TRUE,TRUE,boolean,Status indicator
OutsideAirTemperature2,OutsideAirTemperature2,F,-100 to 300,FALSE,50,float,CO2 Reading 0.00-2000.0 ppm
SampleWritableFloat2,SampleWritableFloat2,PPM,1000.00 (default),TRUE,10,float,Setpoint to enable demand control ventilation
SampleLong2,SampleLong2,Enumeration,1 through 13,FALSE,50,int,Status indicator of service switch
SampleWritableShort2,SampleWritableShort2,%,0.00 to 100.00 (20 default),TRUE,20,int,Minimum damper position during the standard mode
SampleBool2,SampleBool2,On / Off,on/off,FALSE,TRUE,boolean,Status indidcator of cooling stage 1
SampleWritableBool2,SampleWritableBool2,On / Off,on/off,TRUE,TRUE,boolean,Status indicator
OutsideAirTemperature3,OutsideAirTemperature3,F,-100 to 300,FALSE,50,float,CO2 Reading 0.00-2000.0 ppm
SampleWritableFloat3,SampleWritableFloat3,PPM,1000.00 (default),TRUE,10,float,Setpoint to enable demand control ventilation
SampleLong3,SampleLong3,Enumeration,1 through 13,FALSE,50,int,Status indicator of service switch
SampleWritableShort3,SampleWritableShort3,%,0.00 to 100.00 (20 default),TRUE,20,int,Minimum damper position during the standard mode
SampleBool3,SampleBool3,On / Off,on/off,FALSE,TRUE,boolean,Status indidcator of cooling stage 1
SampleWritableBool3,SampleWritableBool3,On / Off,on/off,TRUE,TRUE,boolean,Status indicator
HPWH_Phy0_PowerState,PowerState,1/0,1/0,TRUE,0,int,Power on off status
ERWH_Phy0_ValveState,ValveState,1/0,1/0,TRUE,0,int,power on off status
EKG_Sin,EKG_Sin,1-0,SIN Wave,TRUE,sin,float,SIN wave
EKG_Cos,EKG_Cos,1-0,COS Wave,TRUE,sin,float,COS wave

Add fake.csv and fake.config to the configuration store:
vctl config store platform.driver devices/campus/building/fake fake.config
vctl config store platform.driver fake.csv fake.csv --csv

Observe Data

To see data being published to the bus, install a Listener Agent:
vctl install volttron-listener --start

Once installed, you should see the data being published by viewing the Volttron logs file that was created in step 2.
To watch the logs, open a separate terminal and run the following command:
tail -f <path to folder containing volttron.log>/volttron.log

Please see the following for contributing guidelines contributing.
Please see the following helpful guide about developing modular VOLTTRON agents
Disclaimer Notice
This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the
United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United
States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any
jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these
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information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents
that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by
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views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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