vulnmine 1.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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vulnmine 1.0.5

Vulnmine uses simple Machine Learning to mine Microsoft’s SCCM host
and software inventory data for vulnerable 3rd-party software.
NIST’s NVD vulnerability feeds are pulled in on a daily basis to
determine the latest vulnerabilities to search for.

Running Vulnmine
There is a public container with test data ready for use on Docker Hub:
To download and run the Vulnmine container:
docker run -it --rm lorgor/vulnmine bash

python vulnmine/ -a 'all'

Commandline Start Options
Here are the possible options when starting Vulnmine: [-h] [--version] [-l Logging] [-a Action] [-y Years] [-w Workdir]

-h --help Help information
-l --loglevel Set desired verbosity for logging:
-a --action Desired action to perform:
'rd_sccm_hosts' Read SCCM host inventory data
'rd_sccm_sft' Read SCCM software inventory
'rd_cpe' Read/parse NIST CPE
vendor/product file
'rd_cve' Read/parse NIST CVE
vulnerability data
'match_vendors' Match SCCM publishers to NIST
CPE vendors
'match_sft' Match SCCM software to NIST CPE
'upd_hots_vulns' Produce consolidated host / vulnerable
software data
'output_stats' Output statistics
-y --years Number of yrs of CVE vulnerability data to download. There is
one file for each year
-w --workdir Specify the working directory

Production mode
If no parameters are specified, then Vulnmine runs in production mode:

The main starts and sets up an endless schedule loop.
The loop fires once daily by default.
Each day Vulnmine:

Reads the SCCM inventory data files (UTF16 csv format) in the its
CSV directory.
Downloads updated NVD feed files.
Processes the SCCM and NVD data.
Produces output JSON files into the same csv directory.

Yet more information …

Where to get more information
Vulnmine is on Github:
And on Docker Hub:
The docs directory has the full Vulnmine documentation.

To install vulnmine directly
Vulnmine can be installed using pip.
pip install [-U] python-dev vulnmine
On Ubuntu at least, the python-dev library must be installed on
the system.

Change log

Initial release

Alpha release of .INI configuration support, publish to PyPI

Beta release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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