vutils-cli 0.1.2

Creator: bradpython12

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vutilscli 0.1.2

vutils-cli: Auxiliary Library for Writing CLI Applications
This package provides a set of tools for writing applications with command line
To install vutils-cli, type
$ pip install vutils-cli

How to Use
vutils-cli provides three mixins:

vutils.cli.application.ApplicationMixin providing methods for launching the
application code and error management; providing methods for I/O streams
vutils.cli.logging.LoggerMixin providing methods for logging support.

Combined together, these three mixins form a base for creating command line
interface applications. User can make a subclass from each of mixins to reach
desired behavior. A simple application can be made in a way like this:
from vutils.cli.application import ApplicationMixin
from import StreamsProxyMixin
from vutils.cli.logging import LoggerMixin

class CommandBase(ApplicationMixin, StreamsProxyMixin, LoggerMixin):

def __init__(self):

class Application(CommandBase):

def __init__(self):

def main(self, argv):
s = " ".join(argv)
return type(self).EXIT_SUCCESS


When the application starts, it prints its command line arguments to the
standard output. Methods provided by ApplicationMixin related to running the
application are:

main(self, argv) provides the application entry point. The application
logic should be placed into this method. This method is called from run and
the value it returns is used as an application exit code. argv is an array
containing command line arguments.
run(self, argv) runs main and handles errors occurred inside main.
Returns the exit code returned by main or by ApplicationMixin.exit or by
on_error handler.
start(cls, modname="__main__") runs the application. In greater detail, it
calls the run method with sys.argv only if modname is equal to

In the example above, CommandBase has been introduced to indicate that it is
possible to use these three mixins also for implementing subcommands. This is
due no one of these three mixins has a global dependencies.
Error Management
ApplicationMixin provides a set of methods for doing error management:

catch(self, exc) register an exception exc that should be caught when it
is raised inside main. If an exception raised inside main is not
registered, the exception is not caught and it is propagated outside of
main. ApplicationError from vutils.cli.errors is registered by default.
error(self, msg, ecode=1) logs msg and calls ApplicationMixin.exit with
ecode. To make logging work, ApplicationMixin must be used together with
LoggerMixin (from vutils.cli.logging) and StreamsProxyMixin (from mixins.
exit(self, ecode) exits the application with the exit code ecode. Unlike
sys.exit, it causes on_exit hook to be called, if exit has been invoked
within main. If exit is called outside the main's stack frame, the
behavior is undefined.
on_exit(self, ecode) is a hook which is called when exit has been invoked
within main. ecode is the exit code given to exit. This method is
dedicated to be overridden by a user. The default implementation logs the
exit event, so to make it work properly ApplicationMixin must be used
together with LoggerMixin and StreamsProxyMixin mixins.
on_error(self, exc) is an exception handler to where a user can put his/her
code to handle the caught exception exc. Everything registered by catch
that comes from main is caught and passed as exc to this handler. The
value returned by this handler is used as the application's exit code. The
default implementation logs the exc and returns EXIT_FAILURE, thus the
application must implement logging, at least by inheriting from LoggerMixin
and StreamsProxyMixin mixins.

ApplicationMixin also provides two constants EXIT_SUCCESS and
EXIT_FAILURE which equals to 0 and 1, respectively.
User can make his/her custom errors by deriving from ApplicationError from
vutils.cli.errors. By implementing detail method, user can provide more
detail about his/her error.
Input and Output Streams
Adding StreamsProxyMixin from to the list of base classes of
an application allow to use a set of methods for manipulating streams:

set_streams(self, ostream=None, estream=None) set the output and error
output streams. None means the original setting is left untouched. The
default output and error output stream is sys.stdout and sys.stderr,
wout(self, text) writes text to the output stream.
werr(self, text) writes text to the error output stream. provides also functions for colorizing the text, namely
nocolor, red, green, blue, yellow, and brown.
As noted many times above, to support logging, use both LoggerMixin and
StreamsProxyMixin mixins together with ApplicationMixin:
import pathlib

from vutils.cli.application import ApplicationMixin
from import StreamsProxyMixin
from vutils.cli.logging import LoggerMixin

class MyApp(ApplicationMixin, StreamsProxyMixin, LoggerMixin):

def __init__(self):

def main(self, argv):
self.linfo("Hello from MyApp!\n")

return ApplicationMixin.EXIT_SUCCESS

LoggerMixin extends MyApp about these methods:

set_logger_props(self, logpath=None, formatter=None, vlevel=None, dlevel=None)
allows to modify the logging facility properties. logpath sets the path of
the log file, formatter sets the new formatter object (see LogFormatter),
vlevel sets the verbosity level, and dlevel sets the debug level. The
initial values of these properties given during the time of LoggerMixin
initialization are None for logpath, LogFormatter instance for
formatter, 1 for vlevel, and 0 for dlevel. A property is set only if a
new value of the property is not None.
set_log_style(self, name, color) sets the style of log messages (currently
only color). name is the name of the type of log messages. The value should
be one of the following constants provided by LogFormatter: INFO,
WARNING, ERROR, and DEBUG. color is the color function, see This method modifies directly the formatter object set by
wlog(self, msg) writes msg to the log file if it is set.
Following methods write a message to the both error output stream and log

linfo(self, msg, vlevel=1): if vlevel is less or equal to the verbosity
level, issue msg as an info message.
lwarn(self, msg) issues msg as a warning message.
lerror(self, msg) issues msg as an error message.
ldebug(self, msg, dlevel=1): if dlevel is less or equal to the debug
level, issue msg as a debug message.

vutils.cli.logging provides also facility for formatting log messages,
LogFormatter. LogFormatter provides four constants to identify four
different types of log messages:

INFO for info messages;
WARNING for warning messages;
ERROR for error messages;
DEBUG for debug messages.

LogFormatter.FORMAT contains a format string used to format every message.
The format string is interpolated using str.format method and it recognizes
label for the message label and message for the message itself. Methods
provided by LogFormatter are:

set_style(self, name, color) sets the style (currently only color) of log
messages. name is the name of the message type and color is the message
color. By default, LogFormatter prints INFO messages in blue, WARNING
messages in yellow, ERROR messages in red, and DEBUG messages in brown.
colorize(self, name, msg, nocolor=False) colorizes msg using the color
associated with name by previous call of set_style. If nocolor is
True or name has no color associated with it, msg is not colorized.
format(self, name, msg) formats msg by interpolating FORMAT with
uppercased name as label and msg as message. By overriding this
method user can customize how log messages are formatted.


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