wagtail-localize-smartling 0.3.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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wagtaillocalizesmartling 0.3.0

Wagtail Localize Smartling

An extension for Wagtail Localize that
integrates with the Smartling translation platform.

Smartling API documentation

Supported versions

Python 3.8+
Django 4.2+
Wagtail 6.1+


Install the package from PyPI:
python -m pip install wagtail-localize-smartling

Add "wagtail_localize_smartling" to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django
settings. Make sure it's before "wagtail_localize" and

Configure the plugin in your Django settings:
# Required settings (get these from "Account settings" > "API" in the Smartling dashboard)
"PROJECT_ID": "<project_id>",
"USER_IDENTIFIER": "<user_identifier>",
"USER_SECRET": "<user_secret>",
# Optional settings and their default values
"REQUIRED": False, # Set this to True to always send translations to Smartling
"ENVIRONMENT": "production", # Set this to "staging" to use Smartling's staging API
"API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS": 5.0, # Timeout in seconds for requests to the Smartling API

If your project's locales do not match those in Smartling (e.g. ro in your
project, ro-RO in Smartling), then you can provide a Wagtail locale ID to
Smartling locale ID mapping via the LOCALE_TO_SMARTLING_LOCALE setting:
"ro": "ro-RO"

... or you can specify a callable or a dotted path to a callable in the
def map_project_locale_to_smartling(locale: str) -> str:
if locale == "ro":
return "ro-RO"
return locale

# ...
"LOCALE_MAPPING_CALLBACK": "settings.map_project_locale_to_smartling"

The callback receives a WAGTAIL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES local code string and is
expected to return a valid mapped locale ID (or the original locale ID).
Note that by default, when syncing translations the project will attempt to
reformat a mixed-case, Smartling-style language code (e.g. zh-CN) into a
Django-style all-lowercase code (e.g. zh-cn). Depending on how language
codes are set up in your project, this behaviour may not be appropriate. You
can disable it by settings the REFORMAT_LANGUAGE_CODES setting to False
(the default is True):
# ...

Run migrations:
./manage.py migrate

Smartling project setup
For the plugin to work with a Smartling project, the Django/Wagtail internationalization- and localization-related settings must be compatible with the project's language settings:

Only Wagtail content authored in the same language as the Smartling project's source language can be translated.
Ideally, the language tags in WAGTAIL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES should be the exact, case-insensitive matches for the Smartling projects target locales. For example, if your Smartling project targets fr-FR, then you must have "fr-fr" in your WAGTAIL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES, not just "fr".
However, if that is not possible, use the LOCALE_TO_SMARTLING_LOCALE or LOCALE_MAPPING_CALLBACK settings to map your Wagtail language codes to the Smartling language codes.

The plugin provides a sync_smartling management command that:

Creates jobs in Smartling for new content that's awaiting translation
Checks the status of pending translation jobs
Downloads and applies translations for completed jobs

This command should be set to run periodically via cron or similiar:
./manage.py sync_smartling

We recommend running this regularly, around once every 10 minutes.
As well as the sync_smartling management command, the plugin sets the callbackUrl field on the Smartling jobs it creates to the URL of webhook handler view. This handler will proactively download and apply translations from completed jobs without waiting for the next sync_smartling run. This URL is based on the WAGTAILADMIN_BASE_URL setting, so it's important that's set and accessible from the internet.

Callbacks should not be relied on as the only method for downloading translations. Always make sure the sync_smartling command is run regularly to ensure your translations are up-to-date.

Submitting new content for translation

Updating translations

How it works


Submitting pages for Smartling translation
flowchart LR

submitPageForTranslation["Page submitted for translation in Wagtail"]
User choses to submit
translation job to Smartling?
enterSmartlingJobConfig["User enters Smartling job config"]
pendingSmartlingJobCreated["A pending Smartling job is created in Wagtail"]
User is redirected to Wagtail's
synced translation edit view


Smartling sync
django-admin sync_smartling, the below flowchart describes the logic run for each job
flowchart LR

jobSentToSmartling{"Has the job been
sent to Smartling yet?"}
sendJobToSmartling["Send job to Smartling"]
jobFinished{"Is the job finalised?"}
updateJobFromSmartling["Update job from Smartling"]


This app provides a single wagtail_localize.signals.translation_imported
signal that is sent when translation are imported from Smartling.
Signal kwargs:

sender: The wagtail_localize_smartling.models.Job class
instance: The Job instance for which translation are being imported
translation: The wagtail_localize.models.Translation instance the translations are being imported to.
Use translation.get_target_instance() to get the model instance that the translation is for (e.g. a page or snippet)

Cutting a new release

Bump the version in https://github.com/mozilla/wagtail-localize-smartling/blob/main/src/wagtail_localize_smartling/__init__.py
Commit and land the changes in main (via a PR, or committing to main if you're sure this won't cause clashes)
Tag the release as vX.Y.Z on main – or make a tag via the GH UI in Step 6. (Remember to push up the new tag if you made it locally, with git push --tags)
Add a new Release via https://github.com/mozilla/wagtail-localize-smartling/releases
Select (or create) the new tag, add the title and description
Ensure the new Release is marked as latest (see checkboxes below the Release description)
Publish the new Release within GitHub - automation will take of the rest and push it up to PyPI


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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