wagtail-multiple-chooser-panel 0.1.0

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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wagtailmultiplechooserpanel 0.1.0

Wagtail Multiple Chooser Panel
An InlinePanel variant allowing multiple items to be quickly selected

This package provides an improved user interface for the common setup of a chooser widget inside an InlinePanel - for example, an image gallery consisting of a list of images chosen from the Wagtail image library. Normally, this would require adding a new child form for each item, opening the chooser modal and selecting an individual item each time. With the MultipleChooserPanel provided by this package, the "Add item" button now opens the chooser modal immediately, with the ability to select multiple items - all selected items are then added as child forms.

In this version, only choosers implemented via wagtail-generic-chooser are supported; it is planned that this functionality will be incorporated into a future Wagtail release, with support for all of Wagtail's built-in choosers as well as custom choosers created through ChooserViewSet.


Supported versions

Python 3.7 - 3.11
Django 3.2 - 4.1
Wagtail 4.1


Ensure you have wagtail-generic-chooser version 0.5 or above installed
pip install wagtail-multiple-chooser-panel
Add "wagtail_multiple_chooser_panel" to INSTALLED_APPS

Beginning from an InlinePanel setup where the child model has a field with a chooser widget defined through wagtail-generic-chooser, such as:
class BlogPersonRelationship(Orderable, models.Model):
page = ParentalKey(
"BlogPage", related_name="blog_person_relationship", on_delete=models.CASCADE
person = models.ForeignKey(
"base.Person", related_name="person_blog_relationship", on_delete=models.CASCADE
panels = [FieldPanel("person", widget=PersonChooser)]

class BlogPage(Page):
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ...
label="Author(s)", min_num=1

Import MultipleChooserPanel from wagtail_multiple_chooser_panel.panels, replace InlinePanel with MultipleChooserPanel, and add a new chooser_field_name parameter that specifies the field of the child model that has the chooser widget:
from wagtail_multiple_chooser_panel.panels import MultipleChooserPanel

# BlogPersonRelationship definition remains unchanged

class BlogPage(Page):
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ...
label="Author(s)", min_num=1


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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