wagtail-react-streamfield 1.3.6

Creator: danarutscher

Last updated:

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wagtailreactstreamfield 1.3.6

Drop-in replacement for the StreamField in Wagtail.
This work was funded thanks to
a Kickstarter campaign!
It relies on react-streamfield,
a React package created for the occasion.
This work is currently in beta phase and will in the end be merged in Wagtail.
You should be careful and manually check that it works for your own StreamField
and report any bug you find.

Wagtail 2.6 or above.

Getting started
It’s really easy to setup, like most NoriPyt packages:

pip install wagtail-react-streamfield
Add 'wagtail_react_streamfield', to your INSTALLED_APPS
before 'wagtail.admin', 'wagtail.images', 'wagtail.docs'
& 'wagtail.snippets'

That’s it!

wagtail-react-streamfield has the same class API as the regular StreamField.
What changes:

Meta attributes (or passed to __init__)

Set to True to close all blocks of this type when loading the page.
Defaults to False.



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