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watchify 0.2.0
watchify is an event-driven inter-object communication tool, promoting the segregation of
complex functionalities into smaller ones while enabling their relationship through a third-party entity.
This approach promotes loosely coupled implementations, simplifying Single Responsibility Principle commitment yet keeping a cohesive code.
As a result, the code becomes more flexible, maintainable, testable, and overrall healthier.
$ pip install watchify
from watchify import AbstractWatcher, Watchers
from watchify.logger import logger
class Food:
def cook(self, name: str) -> None:
self.name = name
class CatWatcher(AbstractWatcher):
def push(self, food: Food, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
if food.name == 'fish':
logger.debug(f'Cat loves %s!', food.name)
logger.debug(f'Cat hates %s!', food.name)
class MonkeyWatcher(AbstractWatcher):
def push(self, food: Food, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
if food.name == 'banana':
logger.debug(f'Monkey loves %s!', food.name)
logger.debug(f'Monkey hates %s!', food.name)
>>> food, watchers = Food(), Watchers()
>>> watchers.attach_many([CatWatcher(), MonkeyWatcher()])
<Watchers object:Observers[CatWatcher, MonkeyWatcher]>
>>> food.cook('fish')
>>> watchers.notify(food)
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,111] >>> Notifying watcher: CatWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,112] >>> Cat loves fish!
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,113] >>> Notifying watcher: MonkeyWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,114] >>> Monkey hates fish!
>>> food.cook('banana')
>>> watchers.notify(food)
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,115] >>> Notifying watcher: CatWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,116] >>> Cat hates banana!
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,117] >>> Notifying watcher: MonkeyWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,118] >>> Monkey loves banana!
Or using WatchersSpy, you can notify listeners automatically whenever a specified constraint is
met, so you don't need to manually invoke notify as shown above:
from watchify import AbstractWatcher, WatchersSpy
from watchify.logger import logger
# [...]
>>> food, watchers = Food(), WatchersSpy()
>>> watchers.attach_many([CatWatcher(), MonkeyWatcher()])
<WatchersSpy object:Observers[CatWatcher, MonkeyWatcher]>
>>> watchers.spy(food, 'cook')
Spying(sender'=<Food object>', method='cook', constraint='after')
>>> food.cook('fish')
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,111] >>> Notifying watcher: CatWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,112] >>> Cat loves fish!
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,113] >>> Notifying watcher: MonkeyWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,114] >>> Monkey hates fish!
>>> food.cook('banana')
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,115] >>> Notifying watcher: CatWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,116] >>> Cat hates banana!
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,117] >>> Notifying watcher: MonkeyWatcher object...
[watchers][DEBUG][2077-12-27 00:00:00,118] >>> Monkey loves banana!
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