WebScriptsClient 0.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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WebScriptsClient 0.0.4

This package implements the "official" WebScriptsClient as a python module with a CLI.
Features implemented:

Get scripts, arguments and informations
Execute scripts on WebScripts Server
Download file from WebScripts Server
Upload file on WebScripts Server
Send requests or reports to WebScripts Administrator
Test the WebScripts Server

This package require:

python3 Standard Library

pip install WebScriptsClient

Command line
python3 -m WebScriptsClient -h

Python executable
python3 WebScriptsClient.pyz --help

# Tests
WebScriptsClient -v -u Admin -p Admin test # Test your WebScripts Server with verbose mode (log level DEBUG)

# Informations
WebScriptsClient info # Script informations without authentication
WebScriptsClient -a AdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdmin info -a -c -d -s "test_config.py" "/auth/" # Get informations about test_config.py and /auth/ scripts without category, description and arguments (authenticated with API key)

# Execution
WebScriptsClient -A exec "test_config.py" # Run a script named test_config.py without arguments using the API key (prompt, interactive mode)
python -c "print('test')" | WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin exec "test_config.py" -o test.txt -I # Run a script named test_config.py without arguments, using username and password for authentication, redirect output in file named test.txt and use STDIN as inputs
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin exec "test_config.py" -I test.txt # Run a script named test_config.py without arguments, using username and password for authentication and using test.txt as inputs
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin exec "test_config.py --test test3 --test4 -t" -i "test1" "test2" # Run a script named test_config.py with arguments, using username and password for authentication and using inputs

# Upload
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin upload -r 1000 -w 1000 -d 1000 -f test.txt test.txt # Upload a local file named test.txt on WebScripts Server with read, write and delete permissions equal to 1000 (group Admin in default WebScripts database) using the default Admin account. The file will be named test.txt on the WebScripts Server.
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin upload -6 -b -C -H -c dGVzdA== test.txt # Upload a file content on WebScripts Server using Base64 encoding, without compression, as binary and hidden file. The file will be named test.txt on the WebScripts Server.
python -c "print('test')" | WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin upload test.txt # Upload a file content from STDIN on the WebScript Server. The file will be named test.txt on the WebScripts Server.

# Download
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin download -f "LICENSE.txt" "test.txt" # Download files (LICENSE.txt and test.txt) from WebScripts Server
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin download -s -f "LICENSE.txt" "test.txt" # Download files (LICENSE.txt and test.txt) from WebScripts Server and the save it locally with same names
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -p Admin download -o test.txt -f "LICENSE.txt" "test.txt" # Download files (LICENSE.txt and test.txt) from WebScripts Server and save it locally in test.txt (file concatenation)

# Request or report
WebScriptsClient -u Admin -P request -s title -n Maurice -r request -c 500 # Request or report to WebScripts Administrator using username and password (prompt, interactive mode), adding Subject, Name, Message and the HTTP error code

Python script
from WebScriptsClient import WebScriptsClient

client = WebScriptsClient("", username="Admin", password="Admin", api_key="AdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdminAdmin")

# Informations
scripts = client.get_scripts(refresh=False)

# Execution
arguments = client.args_command_to_webscripts(["--test", "test1", "test3"])
inputs = client.args_command_to_webscripts(["--test", "test1", "test3"], is_inputs=True)
for output, error, code in client.execute_script("test_config.py", arguments, inputs):
print(output, end="")
print(f"Error code: {code}")
print(f"Error: {error}")

# Upload
client.upload("upload.txt", open("upload.txt"), no_compression=False, is_base64=False, hidden=False, binary=False, read_permissions=0, write_permissions=1000, delete_permissions=1000)

# Download
file = client.download("upload.txt", save=True)

# Request
client.request("Access", "I need access to test_config.py", "Maurice LAMBERT", error_code=500)


Github Page
Pypi package
Python Executable
Windows Executable

python WebScriptsClient.py --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py [-h] [-v] [-i] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD | -P] [-a API_KEY | -A] {info,exec,upload,download,request,test} ... url

This package is the "official" WebScripts client. This package implements client for default WebScripts features.

positional arguments:
Use default features of the WebScripts server.
info Get the available scripts, arguments, and information about them.
exec Execute a script on WebScripts Server.
upload Upload a file on WebScripts Server.
download Download files from WebScripts Server.
request Request or report to WebScripts administrator.
test Test WebScripts server and client.
url URL of the WebScripts server, example:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode (print logs).
-i, --insecure Do not check SSL certificate.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
WebScripts username to use for this connection.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
WebScripts password to use for this connection.
-P, --password-prompt
Interactive password prompt.
-a API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
WebScripts password to use for this connection.
-A, --api-key-prompt Interactive API key prompt.

python WebScriptsClient.py info --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py info [-h] [-a] [-d] [-c] [-s SCRIPTS [SCRIPTS ...]]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --no-arguments Do not print arguments.
-d, --no-descriptions
Do not print description.
-c, --no-categories Do not print categories.
-s SCRIPTS [SCRIPTS ...], --scripts SCRIPTS [SCRIPTS ...]
Information about specific scripts.

python WebScriptsClient.py exec --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py exec [-h] [-o [OUTPUT_FILENAME]] [-i INPUTS [INPUTS ...] | -I [INPUT_FILENAME]] command

positional arguments:
command Command to execute script on WebScripts Server.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o [OUTPUT_FILENAME], --output-filename [OUTPUT_FILENAME], --output [OUTPUT_FILENAME]
Output file to save the result.
-i INPUTS [INPUTS ...], --inputs INPUTS [INPUTS ...]
Inputs value for script inputs.
-I [INPUT_FILENAME], --input-filename [INPUT_FILENAME], --input [INPUT_FILENAME]
Input file for script inputs.

python WebScriptsClient.py upload --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py upload [-h] [-6] [-C] [-H] [-b] [-r READ_PERMISSION] [-w WRITE_PERMISSION] [-d DELETE_PERMISSION] [-f FILE | -c CONTENT] filename

positional arguments:
filename The file name of the uploaded file.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-6, --base64, --64 Upload a base64 encoded file on the server.
-C, --no-compression Do not compress the file on the server.
-H, --hidden Hide the file on the server.
-b, --binary, --bin Upload a binary file on the server.
Read permission on the server.
Write permission on the server.
Delete permission on the server.
-f FILE, --file FILE The filename of the file to upload on the server.
-c CONTENT, --content CONTENT
Content of the file.

python WebScriptsClient.py download --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py download [-h] -f FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...] [-o [OUTPUT_FILENAME]] [-s]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Filenames to download.
-o [OUTPUT_FILENAME], --output-filename [OUTPUT_FILENAME], --output [OUTPUT_FILENAME]
Filename to write the downloaded content.
-s, --save Save the download in the same local filename.

python WebScriptsClient.py request --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py request [-h] [-s SUBJECT] [-n NAME] [-r REQUEST] [-c ERROR_CODE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SUBJECT, --subject SUBJECT
The request/report subject.
-n NAME, --name NAME Your name (Firstname LASTNAME).
-r REQUEST, --request REQUEST
The request/report.
-c ERROR_CODE, --error-code ERROR_CODE
The HTTP error code {403, 404, 406, 500 ...}.

python WebScriptsClient.py test --help
usage: WebScriptsClient.py test [-h]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

Licensed under the GPL, version 3.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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