win32-details 0.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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win32details 0.5.0

Win32 Details

Win32 Details is an additional page in Properties dialog named Details, similar to that from Windows File Explorer. It allows to conveniently display a specific details about .exe files within a comfort of your file browser.

How to use it
Just right-click any .exe file, go to Properties, and click Details tab.
From PyPI
Win32 Details can be installed system-widely or just for the current user.
User install:
pip3 install --user win32-details
win32-details --install-user

System-wide install:
sudo pip3 install win32-details
sudo win32-details --install-system

Close currently opened Nautilus instances to load the extension:
nautilus -q

Building from source
The following packages are required to build win32-details:

Python >= 3.6,
A recent version of Nautilus >= 43.x,
Copy of exiftool (required by PyExifTool),
Meson and Ninja build systems (only needed for Using Meson build option)

Required Python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build instructions
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd win32-details

As a library:
Local installation:
pip3 install --user .
win32-details --install-user

System-wide installation:
sudo pip3 install .
sudo win32-details --install-system

Using Meson:
Local installation:
meson builddir --prefix="$HOME/.local"
ninja -C builddir install

System-wide installation:
meson builddir --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C builddir install

If you get a Directory already configured message when running meson builddir command, you can append to this command --wipe option to clean build directory before configuration.

Close currently opened Nautilus instances to load the extension:
nautilus -q

Note about Nautilus versions below 43.x
Support for older Nautilus versions has been removed in win32-details 0.5.0, because of moving to Nautilus API 4.0, which deprecates direct usage of GTK widgets in favor of a new model-based interface (which is a shitty decision IMO). In this situation I had three options:

Maintain both versions of extension, one for Nautilus 43 and above, and one for Nautilus <= 42,
Make this extension as a standalone program, and use extension to launch it,
Just deprecate support for older Nautilus versions.

Honestly, I'm not that interested in maintaining a seperate version of extension, as majority of people are using the latest version of Nautilus now. Moving a extension to a standalone program would make everything more complicated, and I don't think that many people would want to install an app which just shows them details of EXE files (but maybe, in the future...).

This repository is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE file.



Port extension to Nautilus API 4.0, from this version onward, win32-details won't support Nautilus versions below 43 (more info)
Add new Meson build option
Change page name to More Properties


Add a MD5 Hash row
Allow user to copy values from rows (if row is selected, click left one time to select text)
Add for packaging to PyPI
Create a small CLI tool for easier installing (based on Nautilus Terminal)


Initial release of Win32 Details


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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