worddfn 0.1.9

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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worddfn 0.1.9

Search for definition with example, verbs, synonyms and antonyms of a given word.

About wordDFN
worddfn is a wordnik API CLI client that uses the wordnik API to retrieve data about a single word and parse it into the cli (terminal) for the user.


worddfn has not been tested on Mac and Windows at the moment, but should be able to function properly.
On Mac, need to assure that the pbcopy and pbpaste commands are present.
On Windows, no additional modules are needed.



worddfn uses xclip, command line interface to X selections (clipboard). Make sure to have xclip install on your system.

Install: sudo apt install xclip link

alternative worddfn can use xsel to help handle the clipboard.

Install: sudo apt install xsel

Wordnik API key:

For worddfn to function you will need a wordnik API key.

To get an API key you will first need a wordnik account Sing Up
You can check out the pricing list
To learn more about wordnik check out the following links:

About wordnik.
Getting started with the wordnik API.
Wordnik Docs.
You can also check out their github repos

While this module (client) is release under the MIT License (see license) the API is not, wordnik have it's own TOS, i hereby acknowledge those TOS and ask of anyone who come to use this client to do the same. In the source code of this module there are a function that is use to cache data solely for the Purpose of readability (to beter manage the parsing of the data) and nothing else.
For more information on the wordnik API TOS see Wordnik API Terms of Service Agreement.

How to use

before installing this module make sure you have your API key.
To Install run:
pip3 install worddfn


python3 -m pip install worddfn

When first launch you will be prompted with the setting file where you'll need to enter your API key and save your setting.
Copy a text (this need to be a word) into the clipboard, if the clipboard have multiple text worddfn will only use the first text (make sure you copy a single word you would like to learn about).
Using the Clipboard:
If a word is in the clipboard all you need to run from cli is:
$ word
$ python3 -m worddfn
Without make use of the Clipboard:
When the clipboard contains no data you can run:
$ word -h or $ python3 -m worddfn -h to obtain help.
$ word -h

usage: __main__.py [-h] [-f [VERB]] [-s [SYN]] [-o [ANT]] [word]

positional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f [VERB], --verb [VERB]
-s [SYN], --syn [SYN]
-o [ANT], --ant [ANT]

To search for a word run $ word aword or $ python3 -m worddfn aword this will return a number of definition (4 results by default) of the word obtain via the wordnik API, if the word looking for was found.
$ word source

Attribution:from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. (ahd-5)
Definition:A person or thing from which something comes into being or is derived or obtained.
Example:alternative sources of energy; the source of funding for the project.

Attribution:from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. (ahd-5)
Definition:The point of origin of a stream or river.
Example:A reporter is only as reliable as his or her sources.

To search for verbs of the word use:
$ word -f source


remember to check the -h or --help option for more details on using worddfn.

General Usage
if the word you wishes to get information on is source the basic way
of achiving this can be one of the following.
To search for definitions use:
$ word source
To search for verb form of a word use:
$ word -f source
To search for the synonym of a word use:
$ word -s source
To search for the antonym of a word use:
$ word -o source

This is not the recommended way to go about installing this module especially for inexperience python users who is only looking to use the module as a cli utility, while the steeps are generally easy to follow you may encounter with unexpected errors. The recommended ways are to install from PyPI see installation section or download the latest build package from the repo.
System requirement see.
To Build this module first clone or download the repo.
Make sure you have the latest version of PyPA’s build installed, run:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build`

Change to wordDFN directory:
cd /path/to/wordDFN

Now run the following command from the same directory where pyproject.toml is located:
python3 -m build

After the build is completed, it should generate two files in the dist directory, change to the dist directory and install the package, for that run:
cd /path/to/wordDFN/dist
pip3 install worddfn-x.x.x-py3-none-any.whl


This project uses:
wordnik API.
pyperclip to help manage the clipboard see pyperclip repo.
xclip as system dependency use by pyperclip.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
This project also respects and acknowledge the TOS of wordnik API.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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