wowp 0.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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wowp 0.3.0

WOWP====[![Build Status](](**WOWP** (A **WO**rkflo**W** Framework in **P**ython) is a modern,light-weight framework for integrated simulations in science.Our goal--------Wowp enables flow based programming in Python via actors and workflows.We prefer having a clean, straightforward API for creating andconnecting actors and workflows. The target coding style should be assimple as``` {.sourceCode .python}# connect two actorsactor2.inports['x'] += actor1.outports['y']# get the workflowworkflow = actor2.get_workflow()# run the workflowworkflow(x=1)```Installation------------Using pip + latest development version:``` {.sourceCode .bash}pip install git+```Using pypi (may be outdated)``` {.sourceCode .bash}pip install wowp# or pip install wowp[all] to include also optional dependencies.```### Dependencies- decorator- future- networkx- nose- six- clickVarious parallel schedulers require at least one of- [ipyparallel]( [distributed]( [mpi4py]( <>*Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Jakub Urban, Jan Pipek under The MIT License(MIT)*


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