Zapurl 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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Zapurl 0.2.0

The ZapURL package allows you to shorten your links directly through Python.
Here is how you can shorten your URL.
Zapurl.short([PUT_YOUR_URL_HERE]) # Shorten a URL with random directory

Zapurl.custom(url, email, name, custom_directory) # Create custom URLs

Zapurl.about() # Returns ZapURL build info # Gives you the official ZapURL site.

Zapurl.latest() # Returns the latest version of ZapURL, download size, how to install it, and other information.

Zapurl.update() # Updates your module automatically for you

More features will be coming soon.

No new features planned yet. (Even if there were, we aren't telling you!)

Change Log
v0.0.1 (2/3/2021)

First Release

v0.1.0 (2/9/2021)

Support for new security measure in ZapURL
Custom URL Shortening enabled
Package Build Version and Info
Latest version function
Shows Official Site Function

v0.1.1 (2/9/2021)

Bug fixed where classic short could display extra < character at end resulting in link issues.

v0.2.0 (2/10/2021)

Bug fixes and Improvements.
This is the most stable version of ZapURL
Bug where ZapURL displayed wrong version number in .about() function.
Release date displaying weird fixed.
Connecting to Update Server bug is fixed.
Error Reporting added, which tells you when a URL is taken or not.
Site and server information is now an added feature.
Bug where ZapURL is ot displaying an important module of our updating system is fixed.
New diologue added during package updating.
This version is going to be the base of which all our future versions will be built off of.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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