weixinpy 0.0.11 The author of this package has not provided a project description
WeixinWork 0.1.0 WeixinWork
Authenticate and identify church members and regular attenders by their ACS credentials.
weklem web youtube player WeKlem Web YouTube Player # This Flutter web package allows you to...
Micro PHP FTP tool
welcomescreenflutter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
welcome screens Welcome_Screen # First Open Source Flutter based material design of Walk_Throughs with with customizable...
welib 1.0.0 Wind energy library: suite of python tools for aero-servo-hydro-elasticity (aerodynanmics, controls, hydrodynamics, structure/elasticity) and wind...
Library to use REST data from www.pegelonline.wsv.de
wellcadformats 0.3 wellcadformats Read in export file formats produced by Advanced Logic Technology (ALT)'s WellCAD software,...
WellCommerce ApiBundle
WellCommerce AppBundle
WellCommerce CouponBundle
WellCommerce ReviewBundle
wellgui 0.1 wellgui A graphical application for well logs
welltested Welltested AI is a testing autopilot that automatically creates and maintains unit test coverage in your...
welltested annotation Annotations for welltested.
welltestpy 1.2.0 Welcome to welltestpy
A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP.
welltrajconvert 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
welltrajconvertbpamos 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Welltreasure queue extenstion to support aws sqsfifo
Welltreasure laravel api to make compatible to the architecture.
welth Welth Flutter: Starter Kit # A step-by-step installation guide for Flutter users. If you...
welut 1.0.4 Welut is a ebook converter Requirements ebook-convert:...
Sift Logic PHP Client
WeMakeCustom Bridge between SwiftMailer Twig
Enhances tmux's to provide multiuser terminal multiplexing
PHP WebSocket library
wend agora uikits Agora VideoUIKit for Flutter # ...
Router and Dispatcher built on top nikic/FastRoute that returns controller class name to be instantiated.
Class implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (Nested Sets)
Twitter Bootstrap v.3 Forms for Zend Framework v.1 extended
InterviewApp PHP Library
UPYUN sdk for php
Symfony bundle for information about your Messenger queues and transports
A simple bundle to help Symfony API development. Provides a BaseController, BaseTest and a StatusCode helper
Yii2 RBAC helper
PHP library to encode and decode JSON
Simple CouchDB client without dependencies
Generate Video thumbnails in WordPress
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Wysiwyg Summernote for EnjoysCMS
A PSR-3 logger that uses Flysystem, S3, and Swiftmailer.
Laravel plugin For Processing Payments Through Paypal Express Checkout. Can Be Used Independently With Other Applications.
A token guard driver for laravel framework using independent cache system instead of databases.
zinc search engine PHP SDK
Managing image!
wenv 0.5.1 wenv - Running Python on Wine ...
wenvkernel 0.0.1 Synopsis wenv-kernel is a Python package (currently in development status 4/beta). It allows to...
Wenxin 1.1.4 ERNIEBot 在Python上使用文心一言。可拓展为各种聊天机器人。 欢迎提交Pull Request或者Issues来改进此项目 Make a...
A special php solutions of breadcrumb implimentation.
weoveri flutter widgets We Over I - Widget Library # Overview # The "We Over...
wepayment midtrans # Non Official Plugin For Integrate Flutter And Midtrans Mobile Sdk This Plugin...
we personalization flutter WebEngage Personalization Flutter SDK # For more information checkout our website and documentation.
CSS to Attributes addon for Bear Framework
wepin flutter wepin-flutter-sdk # Wepin Flutter SDK for Android OS and iOS ⏩...
wepin flutter common wepin_flutter_common # This is an isolated package of Flutter...
wepin flutter login lib wepin_flutter_login_lib # Wepin Login Library from...
wepin flutter modal wepin_flutter_modal # Wepin Modal for Flutter. This package is...
wepin flutter network wepin_flutter_network # Wepin Network SDK for Flutter. This package is exclusively...
wepin flutter storage wepin_flutter_storage # Wepin Storage SDK for Flutter. This package is exclusively...
wepin flutter widget sdk wepin_flutter_widget_sdk # Wepin Widget SDK for...
Connect any printer to your application with PrintNode Client and easy to use JSON API
A package for Laravel PHP Framework to add a complete real-time chat system.
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IVONA SpeechCloud SDK for PHP
Client library for Google APIs
Consistent delivery tool for Kubernetes
Kafka client for laravel that can easily handle producing and consuming messages
Client for HTTP request
Custom Exception Handling for Laravel
PHPSass is a PHP compiler for SASS, a popular CSS pre-processor language.
PCNTL bindings for ReactPHP
PHP library to read any ESRI Shapefile and its associated DBF into a PHP Array or WKT
Asynchronous HTTP client library.
Bundle providing Redis (namespaced) for services via tags
Sprites module
A library provided by wfee
PHP microframework
A lightweight library which helps to resolve a file/directory naming of uploaded files using various naming strategies.
Projeto que busca uma lista de cursos do site da Alura
Coding standards for Webovy-servis.cz
A composer package that gets you going with some Google Features
Laravel package test
we slide The inspiration behind the package was actually a need for a slide transition like spotify...
Lightweight wrapper to bootstrap Drupal in OO context to make native API calls.
west 1.2.0 This is the Zephyr RTOS meta tool, west. https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/index.html Installation...
This package is meant to create a nice review
Widgets for Facebok social buttons
Simple and lean migrations in php.
A Flow package to extend the Neos Swift Mailer by a spool for asynchronous mailing