Plugin for CakePHP 4.x/5.x with useful components and behaviors
web ui Web UI 0.4 - DEPRECATED # Projects should use Polymer.dart instead. If you...
Composer plugin to convert a composer.yaml to json or vice-versa.
Laravel Admin made with Helium UI
A logging trait.
Elasticsearch bundle for Symfony.
API client which supports IBM Watson - Visual Insight
web utility responsive_utils # A comprehensive utility package for creating responsive UIs in Flutter. Features...
An AddOn for SallyCMS to comment anything you want.
An addon for SallyCMS, which adds online/offline handling by timestamp for articles.
AddOn for SallyCMS to join and compress CSS and JS files.
The Cframe Framework.
php error handling for cool kids
AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a generic configuration backend
AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating Handsontable
Debby checks your project dependencies and tells you when to update.
An AddOn for SallyCMS, providing a HTML5 uploading tool with image resize and crop functions.
PHPTMAPI is a PHP5 API for creating and manipulating topic maps, based on the TMAPI project.
webview all Webview for All Flutter Platform # English Doc 中文文档 a webview widget with...
web view ble WebView Ble # Flutter library To add Bluetooth Low Energy Support...
webview cookie manager Webview Cookie Manager # A flutter library to manager your web...
webview dart Dart Webview # Dart bindings for webview, A tiny cross-platform webview library to...
webview flutter WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a...
webview flutter android webview_flutter_android # The Android implementation of webview_flutter. Usage # This package...
webview flutter android pagecall webview_flutter_android # The Android implementation of webview_flutter. Usage # This...
webview flutter durianpay WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
webview flutter full WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
webview flutter lwe webview_flutter_lwe # The Tizen implementation of webview_flutter backed by the Lightweight...
webview flutter max WebView for Flutter # [En] # A Flutter plugin that...
webview flutter pagecall WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
webview flutter pagecall poc WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that...
webview flutter tizen webview_flutter_tizen # The Tizen implementation of webview_flutter for Tizen TV devices.
webview flutter upload WebView Flutter Upload # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView...
webview flutter web webview_flutter_web # This is an implementation of the webview_flutter plugin for web....
webview flutter wkwebview webview_flutter_wkwebview # The Apple WKWebView implementation of webview_flutter. Usage # This...
webview flutter wkwebview pagecall webview_flutter_wkwebview # The Apple WKWebView implementation of webview_flutter. Usage #...
webview flutter wkwebview pagecall poc webview_flutter_wkwebview # The Apple WKWebView implementation of webview_flutter. Usage #
webview flutter x5 WebView for Flutter used x5 core # A Flutter plugin that...
webviewimage Credits # This package wouldn't be possible without the following: webviewx
webview inapp Flutter InAppWebView Plugin # A Flutter plugin that allows you to add...
webview inapp android flutter_inappwebview_android # The Android WebView implementation of flutter_inappwebview. Usage # This...
webview inapp platform interface flutter_inappwebview_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_inappwebview plugin. This...
webview inject Features # List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.
webview javascript bridge A bridge for JavaScript communicate with webview_flutter. ...
webview jsbridge webview_jsbridge # 中文文档 A flutter jsbridge package compatible with webview_flutter, no native dependence.
webview jsbridge x webview_jsbridge_x # 中文文档 A flutter jsbridge package compatible with webview_flutter, no native...
webview location webview_location # A Flutter package designed to display Google Maps...
web view package Fancy Containers # Web View container package lets you add a beautiful gradient...
webview pro android webview_pro_android # The Android implementation of flutter_webview_pro. Usage # This package...
webview pro platform interface webview_pro_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_webview_pro plugin. This...
webview pro wkwebview webview_flutter_wkwebview # The Apple WKWebView implementation of flutter_webview_pro. Usage # This...
webview refresher Webview Refresher # bring pull to refresh feature to official webview plugin Install...
webview sdk This SDK is used to open Boxpay checkout page Features # - This...
webview suit webview_suit # A suite for rapid development of hybrid applications Getting Started #
webview test Features # provide native webview Getting started # iOS 設定 #...
web view tts WebView TTS # Flutter library To add Text-To-Speech Support in Android...
webviewtube Play YouTube videos on mobile devices with WebView # Use IFrame Player API and WebView...
webview universal Webview Universal # Webview universal yang mudah di gunakan Tested On #...
webview useragent webview_useragent # A Flutter plugin to get native WebView UserAgent.
webview useragent android webview_useragent_android # The Android implementation of webview_useragent.
webview useragent ios webview_useragent_ios # The iOS implementation of webview_useragent.
webview useragent platform interface webview_useragent_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the webview_useragent plugin.
webview windows webview_windows # A Flutter WebView plugin for Windows built on...
webview win floating webview_win_floating # Flutter webView for Windows. It's also a plugin that implements...
webviewx ARCHIVED This package has been archived and will not be maintained anymore. There are several...
webviewx2 Credit # All the credit goes to the contributors of webviewx I only built on...
webviewx plus A feature-rich cross-platform webview using webview_flutter for mobile and iframe for web. JS interop-ready....
Wiring of Zend Diactoros, FastRoute, and Aura.Di for RESTful API
PHPExcel - OpenXML - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine
Robots - plugin for Winter CMS. Adds robots.txt for your site.
Share Buttons - plugin for Winter CMS. Displays share buttons.
webwatcher 1.3.6 For more information on how to use, visit the repo at
The CodeIgniter framework with Illuminate Eloquent
PHP Wrapper for Oyindonesia Payment API.
A wrapper for Jquery Sparkline in Yii2
A simple tool to grep specific lines of a textfile.
php prestodb client
wechat wechat # Wechat Plugin for Flutter app. Getting Started # dependencies: wechat:...
wechat3 0.5.0 微信公众号Python-SDK 作者: @jeff_kit 本SDK支持微信公众号以及企业号的上行消息及OAuth接口。本文档及SDK假设使用者已经具备微信公众号开发的基础知识,及有能力通过微信公众号、企业号的文档来查找相关的接口详情。 1. 安装 pip pip...
wechat assets picker Flutter WeChat Assets Picker # ...
wechat camera picker Flutter WeChat Camera Picker # ...
wechatdjango 0.3.3 WeChat-Django WeChat-Django旨在为接入微信公众平台的django开发者提供便捷的微信及微信支付功能封装及基本的后台管理支持. 项目官方地址: 本拓展基于wechatpy ,支持的最低django版本为1.11. WeChat-Django只是一个预览版本,可能存在较多bug并且有api及数据结构变更可能,请密切关注CHANGELOG)....
wechat face payment wechat_face_payment # 微信刷脸支付、刷脸认证、扫码支持等 Flutter 插件。 说明...
wechat fl wechat_fl # wechat plugin Getting Started # This project is a starting...
wechat kit wechat_kit # Flutter 版微信登录/分享/支付 SDK。 若需使用 API 接口方法,请使用 wechat_kit_extension...
wechat kit extension wechat_kit_extension # An extension package for wechat_kit. Get...
wechat picker library Flutter WeChat Picker Library # ...
wechat plumzhang wechat_plumzhang # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
wechatpy pidan 1.1.1 ___ __ _______ ________ ___ ___ ________ _________ ________ ___ ___ |\ \ |\...
wechatpytornado 1.0.0 Tornado based async WeChat client API
wechat qrcode wechat_qrcode # scan qrcode by wechat_qrcode lib. Getting Started # dependencies:... SDK for PHP
PHP Wechaty is a Conversational AI RPA SDK for Chatbot written in PHP.
weclappcli 1.0.1 WECLAPP CLI weclapp-cli is a limited command line interface to weclapp's time records. I...
WecomBot 0.1.0 WecomBot
weconnectcli 0.38.7 WeConnect-cli
weconnectmqtt 0.49.2 WeConnect-MQTT
wed Wed Framework # The Wed Framework is a simple web framework for Dart, inspired by...
wedo2 1.1.1 A Python SDK, which provides an API for connecting and controlling LEGO WeDo 2.0 Smarthubs....