
Creator: coderz1093

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web view ble

WebView Ble #

Flutter library To add Bluetooth Low Energy Support in WebView Flutter
Getting Started #
Using flutter_inappwebview for WebView, Make sure to Check their docs for setting up WebView
And universal_ble for bluetooth, check docs for platform specific setup
Usage #
Make sure to ask bluetooth permission first, check universal_ble for more details
In your onLoadStop callback of flutter_inappwebview , add this method
WebViewBle.setup(controller: controller, context: context);
copied to clipboard
Dispose when not needed anymore
copied to clipboard
Checkout /example for more details
Features #
The web_view_ble lib supports the following bluetooth Api's:

Request Device (Filters : ServiceId , name , namePrefix, manufacturerData)
Discover services
Discover characteristics
GetAvailability / AvailabilityChanged events

Attribution #
Thanks to WebBle for Ble javascript Polyfill, This project is licensed under the Apache Version 2.0 License as per the LICENSE file.
Additional information #
This is Just The Initial Version feel free to Contribute or Report any Bug!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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