alternative for money_format() for windows machine
webpush encryption Dart Webpush encryption library # This library helps facilitate WebPush decryption in Dart. If...
web query using simple syntax to query web html or json data. Features # Getting...
web recording interface
An easy way to use the official ManticoreSearch client in your Laravel applications
Laravel channel
web renderer Web Renderer # Redme and docs coming soon Code in linux, macos and...
WebRequest 0.0.78 WebRequest Like the requests library, but less good. Provides convenience functions for writing...
Tools for managing of web resources under Nette Framework
web response cache Introduction # This package is used for caching responses obtained from web requests.
web responsive utils Web Responsive Utilities # A flutter package to help you develop for the...
A suite of helpers traits to help you writing functionnal tests with phpunit for symfony2
ServerPilot API wrapper for PHP
An experiment in making an 'immutable' wrapper for PHP's file functions.
The Better PHP DI Container
webrtc webrtc # p2p vedio Getting Started # For help getting started with Flutter,...
webrtc interface webrtc-interface # WebRTC interface for Dart-Web/Futter.
webrtc interface plus webrtc-interface # WebRTC interface for Dart-Web/Futter.
webrtc mesh WebRTC Mesh # An easy cross-platform WebRTC mesh network api. Features #...
websafe shared prefs websafe_shared_prefs # Wraps the shared_preferences plugin to ask for consent under web.
websafe svg Table of Contents websafe_svg Using the library Supports
Drop in blog, docs, tagging solution for Laravel
web scaffold web_scaffold # A Flutter plugin that allows you to create webpages faster.
webscrapbook 2.4.0 PyWebScrapBook is a command line toolkit and backend server for WebScrapBook browser extension....
web scraper A Simple Web Scraper for Dart & Flutter # A very basic web scraper...
WebScripts 3.0.39 WebScripts
WebScriptsClient 0.0.4 WebScriptsClient Description This package implements the "official" WebScriptsClient as a python module with...
WebScriptsTools 0.1.0 WebScriptsTools Description This package implements tools for WebScripts Scripts. Requirements This...
webscrollbar WebScrollBar # A simple package, that creates a scrollbar for Flutter Web About me...
Laravel 5 ODBC Driver
Laravel Eloquent models with Elasticsearch 2
Pyro 3 Addons scaffolder for maximum coding pleasure
Github inspired admin theme for PyroCMS
Default admin theme with a sidebar and a navbar
Composer plugin which allows skins of PyroCMS Plus Theme to be installed.
Responsive admin theme for PyroCMS 3 built with AdminLTE 2
A Constant Value Class implementation
A PHP component/library.
Awesome HTML Code Generator for PHP.
WebServerIdentifier 1.1.0 WebServerIdentifier Description This package identifies Web servers using an aggressive technique based on...
webservice WebService # A powerful Http client for Dart, which handles requests. Get started #
Static call function Illuminate Filesystem Component.
Google Maps field type for Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress
webshell 0.0.3 A Python package that helps to add web UI on command line application. Uses
The Embedded Expression Language (Eel) is a building block for creating Domain Specific Languages
Simple Laravel 5 FAQs for your site wired with polymorphic relations
Component wrapper for the enygma/yubikey library
website 1.1 UNKNOWN
web smooth scroll Web Smooth Scroll # A package to help you provide a smoother and...
Cassandra wrapper for Laravel/Lumen
A Laravel wrapper for the Websnap PHP Client
Enqueue Null transport
web socket Any easy-to-use library for communicating with WebSockets that has multiple implementations. Why...
web socket channel package:web_socket_channel provides cross-platform StreamChannel wrappers for WebSocket connections. Docs and Usage #
web socket channel fork The web_socket_channel package provides StreamChannel wrappers for WebSocket connections. It provides a...
websocket channel wrapper Wrapper for web_socket_channel package lightweight and isomorphic lib with event handling, Future-based requests....
web socket client WebSocket Client # A simple...
WebSockets the Unix way
websocket manager Websocket Manager # A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS supports websockets. This plugin...
websocket manager safe NOTE: This repository is no longer maintained by ENGAPP. It was moved to be...
websocket ping validator sql_data_helper # A dart package to use websockets and check the...
websocket poller poller # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
WebSocket++ is a cross platform header only C++ library
websocket reconnect websocket_reconnect # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
web socket support Websocket support # A Flutter plugin for websockets on Android (currently)....
websocket universal websocket_universal # Dart and Flutter webSocket client package for all the platforms...
Monolog factory for PHP projects used at Nona
Sends your logs over a ZeroMQ (ØMQ) socket.
websok websok # A high level websocket library. Use it when working with websockets to...
This Magento 2 Module allows you to suspend and resume the cron execution programmatically
Magento2 module
Websolute Transporter Cleaner module
Websolute Transporter Reports module
Use md5 mark file full path.
thinkphp8 blade view engine
Import data from, and export data to, a range of file formats and media
webspec socket Webspec Socket # Brief description of your package. Installation # You can...
web splash Flutter Web Splash # Bu kütüphane Flutter web de animasyonlu bir açılış sayfası eklemek...
Webspot Firewall with StackPHP support
Webster 0.5.2 Webster=======Webster is a self validating dict object for python.It expands upon dict's capability by allowing...
PHP package with basic operations for managing CKAN datasets.
websubsub 0.9.3 Django websub subscriber. Installation pip install websubsub Add websubsub.apps.WebsubsubConfig to...
Simple celery client for php
webterminal 0.2.1 web-terminal CSE 40677 Open Source Software...
Simple starter package for any php project
A laravel package wrapper for northox/stupid-password
Gitter Notifications channel for Laravel
For adding promo boxes to a page
Runs dev tasks from a queue utilising cron
Using a merchant handler to use with laravel
Command-line streaming torrent client
A short description of what your package does
Some Deployer recipes.
DateTimeBundle is a Symfony2 bundle which helps you to show Datetimes based on a calendar and provides a DatePicker (Choice...
webtraffic 0.5.3 Traffic Gives you the current traffic stats on your system.
webtreesg 1.0 #webtree-sg# A simple websiteStructure meker written in python.