
Creator: coderz1093

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web scaffold

web_scaffold #
A Flutter plugin that allows you to create webpages faster.

Getting Started #
Parameters #

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return WebScaffold(
bodyKey: PageStorageKey(0), // for preserve scrolling for example
// required
bodyConfiguration: const BodyConfiguration(
FlexPart(), // similar to Flexible with flex 1
BodyPart(flex:5), // similar to Flexible with body as child with flex 5
FlexPart(), // // similar to Flexible with flex 1
header: _buildHeader(),
headerSettings: HeaderSettings(
headerHeight: kToolbarHeight,
pinned: true,
body: _buildBody(), // required
expandBody: false, // Determines will body expand by height or not
footer: _buildFooter(),
footer: FooterSettings(footerHeight: kToolbarHeight),
linkConfiguration: true, // Header and footer will take the same flexible space. default = true
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