Automatically extracts ActionCable objects into parameters
Manage Action Cable subscriptions using data-* attributes
A ruby client for interacting with Rails' ActionCable
Enhances ActionCable's built in Postgres adapter with handling of the 8000 byte limit for PostgreSQL NOTIFY payloads and allows usage...
Rails engine that provides Automatic realtime notification broadcast for ActiveRecord models changes using Action Cable and websockets
Backports Action Cable 7.1 Redis adapter for older versions
A patch for ActionCable Redis that reconnects after it disconnects
action cable stream ActionCable in Dart using streams # ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework...
Implements a SubscriptionAdapter for ActionCable which uses a configurable Redis client.
Here you can add callbacks to your models using `before_action`, `after_action`
Coming soon...
action channel Action Channel # Communication channel, that bundles a sink and a stream. Wrapper with...
Easy server on websockets.
Context awareness for Rails 3
Authenticate and authorize your users directly in your controllers.
A gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController.
Easily access parent resources
Embed a controller flow within another by stashing the final redirect upfront and performing it after completing.
You can implement twirp service with Rails controller
ActionCost measures the performance of a Rails 3 app controller actions in terms of number of calls to the database...
Action Counter
Easy to Export CSV from Active Record Models.
Not only for exporting CSV, But also uploading CSV to Google Cloud...
actiondebug is a utility that can give you more insight
into the structure of your Rails application. It...
Simple Decorator Pattern for more Object-Oriented Views in Rails
This is my longer description
Directs objects' behaviors
Serves the .gz files that are created by the asset precompiler
Backport to older Rails
Restores response predicates removed from ActionDispatch::TestResponse in Rails 6
Action Draft brings your ActiveRecord model to storage multiple draft attributes without add columns to the business table.
Arguments extractor for Rails actions.
Action Facade provides a simple interface for data required by view / controller.
Your factories are now classes.
Call action on ActiveRecord Fields
An alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.
A web framework built on top of Rack, it has the simplicity of sinatra and the structure of rails
ActionGmailer, oauth/gmail delivery method
authorisation module of actions based on url-paths for usage in Rails and possibly other ruby based web frameworks
Allows distributed handle/lock creation and managament
Makes your controllers more unit-testable.
ActionHash is a Ruby gem designed to validate a series of actions while obfuscating the associated
Move actions from methods in Rails controllers to action classes.
actionhero 0.7.0 [action_hero_logo]: ./art/logo.svg![Action Hero Logo][action_hero_logo]![PyPI - Python Version](![Code style: black]([![codecov](]([![Build Status](]([![PEP8](](![PyPI - License](`action_hero` is a python...
Use this library to send webhooks from your application
action indicators Action Indicator # Animated indicators indicating action on any type of widget in Flutter.
Action Interactor provides a simple interface for performing operations like Service Object / Command pattern.
Action Interceptor provides methods to store return url's across multiple requests. Useful during authentication, registration, signing terms of use, etc.
Parses ansible ini files
actionistatodoist 2019.9.16 Actionista Action-Chain CLI for Todoist (actionista-todoist) Actionista Action CLI for Todoist. Manage your...
Turn your classes into small, modular, reusable Actions
DSL for defining dependencies between rails actions and before_filters.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
A gem for interacting with the ActionKit API.
Gem for interacting with the ActionKit API
Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
actionlintpy Note: for pre-commit hooks I recommend officially supported hooks: See docs:
Integrate Amazon SES with ActionMailbox
Relay IMAP messages to ActionMailbox. This package requires the rust imap client binary to be run. Visit the repository ReadMe...
Email on Rails. Compose, deliver, and test emails using the familiar controller/view pattern. First-class support for multipart email and attachments.
Makes it trivial to test and deliver emails sent from a single service layer.
Balancer for ActionMailer. Distributes emails across multiple delivery methods in the given proportion.
Cache delivery method for ActionMailer for testing emails with Selenium
Load ActionMailer configuration from YAML
Use Resque to asynchronously sending email messages.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Demux ActionMailer delivery methods
Serialize and enqueue deliveries for existing mailers
Wraps the deliver! method on ActionMailer to save the outgoing mail to a .eml file,
which can...
Sets :host for url_for calls within ActionMailer. A repackaged and renamed version of
Automatically add plain text parts into HTML emails sent by ActionMailer.
Easily create HTML emails in Rails ~>3.1
Extends ActionMailer::Preview to allow email previews in all available locales
ActionMailer SMTP delivery strategy with advanced logging and Bcc support
Uses the maildir gem to store ActionMailer deliveries.
Use this gem to send mails with Mandrill Templates from Action Mailer.
A different take on using ActionMailer, Markdown and I18n.
ActionMailerMatchers provides rspec matchers to test Rails' common ActionMailer functionality.
Action Mailer configuration helper
In a test environment , you are forced to change the destination of the ActionMailer.
Set one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging environment
Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails.
Automatically insert a text/plain part into your HTML multipart e-mails using Nokogiri to parse pre-exisiting html emails
Conveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service
Send VERP emails with actionmailer.
This Rails gem allows you to send X509 signed and\or crypted mails.
A gem that helps map attibutes to actions.
ActionMailer heavily-inspired gem to handle SMS/Text Messages