awipackage 0.0.4 4cast_task read csv file.
LiquidMetal is a PHP port of liquidmetal.js, a Quicksilver-inspiried scoring algorithm.
Easy to use, to navigate around the response
Text processing scripting language
awkupy 0.1.0b0 awkupy and IAwk AWK meets Python: API, CLI and magics
Awkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for
viewing in Graphviz. Awkward doesn't know...
awkward0 0.15.5 Calculations with rectangular, numerical data are simpler and faster in Numpy than traditional for loops....
awkward1 1.0.0 Awkward Array is a library for nested, variable-sized data, including arbitrary-length lists, records, mixed types,...
awkward1cudakernels 0.4.5 This plug-in is experimental. Instructions on how to use it will be provided with its...
awkwardcpp 38 awkward-cpp awkward-cpp provides precompiled routines for the awkward package. It is not useful on...
awkwardcudakernels 1.3.0 This plug-in is experimental. Instructions on how to use it will be provided with its...
awkwardkaitai 0.1.0 Kaitai Struct: runtime library for Awkward This library building Awkward Arrays using Kaitai Struct...
awkwardnumba 0.13.0 Allows awkward arrays to be used in Numba-compiled code and optimizes awkward methods with JIT...
awkwardpandas 2023.8.0 awkward-pandas Awkward Array extension for use in pandas.
awkwardql 0.0.1.dev4 This is derived from and inspired by the demo by Jim Pivarski (PartiQL) and targets...
awlutils 3.2.2 AWL Utils. Andrew Levin Build this Package Template https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject Usage...
awmctrl 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awogen awogen is a package dependency of the awogen_generator package the package to import in your...
awogen annotations awogen_annotations is a package dependency of the awogen_generator package the package to import in...
awogen generator awogen_generator is a package for generating appwrite classes that map to collections. Collections and...
Get user location by IP using Foxlis Geo API: city, country, subdivisions, continent, etc
awqcli 0.2.0 Command-line interface for AutoAWQ
aws2fa 0.1.4 Manage and update aws-cli 2fa credentials
Script to export current AWS SSO credentials or run a sub-process with them
aws3 bucket aws3_bucket # It is just simple to use AWS S3 plugin for upload and...
The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body
Simple signer module implements AWS4 signature
awsa2i 0.3.1 Welcome to aws_a2i Documentation See usage example Install aws_a2i is...
Scans your computer for easy to find AWS Access Keys
A set of helper methods that are webdriven.
awsaclhelper 1.1.0 This module implements the Squid External ACL Helper interface, and allows for use of...
awsadfs 2.11.2 aws-adfs The project provides command line tool -...
aws adfs auth 0.4.0 # aws-adfs-auth aws-adfs-auth is a small utility to authenticate against a SAML...
awsadfslogin 1.0.3 aws_adfs_login Python 3.6+ library to enable ADFS auth against AWS Usage import...
Manage your AWS resources from the command-line.
awsadvancedpythonwrapper 1.1.0 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Advanced Python Driver
Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for
Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for distributing Amazon gift cards (gift codes) instantly in any denomination
awsalert 0.0.1 Welcome to your CDK Python project! This is a blank project for Python development...
I watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.
aws alexaforbusiness api AWS API client for Alexa For Business # Generated Dart library from API...
Amazon Web Services Account Manager (modeled after 'rvm')
awsamicleaner 0.2.2 Cleanup your old unused ami and related snapshots Description...
Build full-stack web and mobile apps in hours. Easy to start, easy to scale
aws amplify api AWS API client for AWS Amplify # Generated Dart library from API specification
awsamplify.cdk.exportedbackend 0.0.6 Amplify CLI cdk-exported-backend This CDK construct is used to include the CloudFormation...
awsapicli 0.1.6 A cli tool exposing capabilities of awsapilib like control tower account creation, account renaming and...
aws apigateway api AWS API client for Amazon API Gateway # Generated Dart library from API...
aws apigatewaymanagementapi api AWS API client for AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi # Generated Dart library from API specification...
aws apigatewayv2 api AWS API client for AmazonApiGatewayV2 # Generated Dart library from API specification...
aws appconfig api AWS API client for Amazon AppConfig # Generated Dart library from API specification
aws appsync Flutter AWS AppSync # AWS AppSync plugin for Flutter, compatible with Flutter cognito plugin.
aws appsync subscription Flutter AppSync subscription Plugin # This plugin for Flutter handles...
awsarns 1.4.3 ☁️ Welcome to aws_arns Documentation Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) Python library. It parses /...
Provides a way to track your AWS infrastructure as a code in your version control system.
aws command line tool for ASMR. ASMR stands for AssumeRole, obviously!
Used to fetch multiple AWS Role Credential Keys using different Session Keys and store them securely using Gnome Keyring or...
awsassumerolelib 2.10.0 aws-assume-role-lib Assumed role session chaining (with credential refreshing) for boto3 The typical way...
awsaudit 0.1.0 AWS Audit AWS Audit is a command line utility that will help end-user/application owner...
Helps with AWS configuration
Allows you to programmatically authenticate into AWS accounts through IAM roles
awsauthhelper 1.5.5 Introduction Helper library providing ArgumentParser and Credentials class for AWS authentication.
aws autoscaling api AWS API client for Auto Scaling # Generated Dart library from API specification
awsazfailurechaostoolkit 0.1.10 Chaos Toolkit AZ Failure Extension for AWS
awsazureadlogin 1.2 aws_azuread_login Python 3.6+ library to enable ADFS auth against AWS Installation pip...
awsbatch 0.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
awsbb 0.0.8 A command line app which allows you to check users compliance with various security policies
awscdk81patch 1.1.1 Patch for AWS CDK 1.81.0 The @aws-cdk/aws-eks and @aws-cdk/aws-s3-deployment modules are broken in...
awscdk.alexaask 1.204.0 Alexa Skills Kit Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.appstagingsynthesizeralpha 2.159.0a0 App Staging Synthesizer --- The APIs of higher level...
awscdk.assertions 1.204.0 Assertions --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on...
awscdk.assertionsalpha 2.0.0rc24 Assertions --- The APIs of higher level constructs in...
awscdk.assetnodeproxyagentv5 2.0.166 aws-cdk.asset-node-proxy-agent-v5
awscdk.assetnodeproxyagentv6 2.1.0 aws-cdk.asset-node-proxy-agent-v6
awscdk.assets 1.204.0 AWS CDK Assets --- This API may emit warnings....
awscdk.awsaccessanalyzer 1.204.0 AWS::AccessAnalyzer Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsacmpca 1.204.0 AWS::ACMPCA Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsamazonmq 1.204.0 Amazon MQ Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsamplify 1.204.0 AWS Amplify Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsamplifyalpha 2.159.0a0 AWS Amplify Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsamplifyalpha 2.159.1a0 AWS Amplify Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsamplifyuibuilder 1.204.0 AWS::AmplifyUIBuilder Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapigateway 1.204.0 Amazon API Gateway Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2 1.204.0 AWS::APIGatewayv2 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2alpha 2.114.1a0 AWS::APIGatewayv2 Construct Library --- This API may emit warnings....
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2authorizers 1.204.0 AWS APIGatewayv2 Authorizers --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2authorizersalpha 2.114.1a0 AWS APIGatewayv2 Authorizers --- This API may emit warnings....
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2integrations 1.204.0 AWS APIGatewayv2 Integrations --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapigatewayv2integrationsalpha 2.114.1a0 AWS APIGatewayv2 Integrations --- This API may emit warnings....
awscdk.awsappconfig 1.204.0 AWS::AppConfig Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsappconfigalpha 2.148.1a0 AWS AppConfig Construct Library --- This API may emit...
awscdk.awsappintegrations 1.204.0 AWS::AppIntegrations Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapplicationautoscaling 1.204.0 AWS Auto Scaling Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsapplicationinsights 1.204.0 AWS::ApplicationInsights Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsappmesh 1.204.0 AWS App Mesh Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsapprunner 1.204.0 AWS::AppRunner Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsapprunneralpha 2.159.0a0 AWS::AppRunner Construct Library --- The APIs of higher level...
awscdk.awsapprunneralpha 2.159.1a0 AWS::AppRunner Construct Library --- The APIs of higher level...
awscdk.awsappstream 1.204.0 Amazon AppStream 2.0 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsappsyncalpha 2.59.0a0 AWS AppSync Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsaps 1.204.0 AWS::APS Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsathena 1.204.0 Amazon Athena Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsauditmanager 1.204.0 AWS::AuditManager Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsautoscaling 1.204.0 Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsautoscalingcommon 1.204.0 AWS AutoScaling Common Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsautoscalinghooktargets 1.204.0 Lifecycle Hook for the CDK AWS AutoScaling Library --- ...
awscdk.awsautoscalingplans 1.204.0 AWS Auto Scaling Plans Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsbackup 1.204.0 AWS Backup Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsbackupgateway 1.204.0 AWS::BackupGateway Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsbatch 1.204.0 AWS Batch Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsbatchalpha 2.95.1a0 AWS Batch Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsbillingconductor 1.204.0 AWS::BillingConductor Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsbudgets 1.204.0 AWS Budgets Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awscassandra 1.204.0 AWS::Cassandra Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsce 1.204.0 AWS::CE Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awschatbot 1.204.0 AWS::Chatbot Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awscloud9 1.204.0 AWS Cloud9 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awscloud9alpha 2.159.0a0 AWS Cloud9 Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awscloud9alpha 2.159.1a0 AWS Cloud9 Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awscloudformation 1.204.0 AWS CloudFormation Construct Library --- This API may emit...
awscdk.awscloudfrontorigins 1.204.0 CloudFront Origins for the CDK CloudFront Library --- AWS...
awscdk.awscloudwatch 1.204.0 Amazon CloudWatch Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awscloudwatchactions 1.204.0 CloudWatch Alarm Actions library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awscodeartifact 1.204.0 AWS::CodeArtifact Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...