awscdk.awsmsk 1.204.0 Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Construct Library --- ...
awscdk.awsmskalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Construct Library --- ...
awscdk.awsmwaa 1.204.0 AWS::MWAA Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsneptune 1.204.0 Amazon Neptune Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsneptunealpha 2.159.1a0 Amazon Neptune Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsnetworkmanager 1.204.0 AWS::NetworkManager Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsnimblestudio 1.204.0 AWS::NimbleStudio Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsoam 1.204.0 AWS::Oam Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsomics 1.204.0 AWS::Omics Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsopensearchservice 1.204.0 Amazon OpenSearch Service Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsopsworks 1.204.0 AWS OpsWorks Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsopsworkscm 1.204.0 AWS OpsWorks CM Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsorganizations 1.204.0 AWS::Organizations Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsosis 1.204.0 AWS::OSIS Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awspanorama 1.204.0 AWS::Panorama Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awspersonalize 1.204.0 AWS::Personalize Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awspinpoint 1.204.0 Amazon Pinpoint Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awspinpointemail 1.204.0 Amazon Pinpoint Email Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awspipesalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Pipes Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awspipesenrichmentsalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Pipes Enrichments Construct Library --- The APIs...
awscdk.awspipessourcesalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Pipes Sources Construct Library --- The APIs...
awscdk.awspipestargetsalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Pipes Targets Construct Library --- The APIs...
awscdk.awsproton 1.204.0 AWS::Proton Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsqldb 1.204.0 AWS::QLDB Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsram 1.204.0 AWS Resource Access Manager Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsredshift 1.204.0 Amazon Redshift Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsredshiftalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon Redshift Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsredshiftalpha 2.159.1a0 Amazon Redshift Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsredshiftserverless 1.204.0 AWS::RedshiftServerless Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsrefactorspaces 1.204.0 AWS::RefactorSpaces Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsrekognition 1.204.0 AWS::Rekognition Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsresiliencehub 1.204.0 AWS::ResilienceHub Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsresourceexplorer2 1.204.0 AWS::ResourceExplorer2 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsrobomaker 1.204.0 AWS RoboMaker Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsrolesanywhere 1.204.0 AWS::RolesAnywhere Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsroute53 1.204.0 Amazon Route53 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsroute53patterns 1.204.0 CDK Construct library for higher-level Route 53 Constructs --- ...
awscdk.awsroute53recoverycontrol 1.204.0 AWS::Route53RecoveryControl Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsroute53recoveryreadiness 1.204.0 AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsroute53resolveralpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon Route53 Resolver Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awsroute53targets 1.204.0 Route53 Alias Record Targets for the CDK Route53 Library ---
awscdk.awsrum 1.204.0 AWS::RUM Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awss3 1.204.0 Amazon S3 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awss3assets 1.204.0 AWS CDK Assets --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awss3deployment 1.204.0 AWS S3 Deployment Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awss3notifications 1.204.0 S3 Bucket Notifications Destinations --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awss3objectlambda 1.204.0 AWS::S3ObjectLambda Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awss3objectlambdaalpha 2.159.0a0 AWS::S3ObjectLambda Construct Library --- The APIs of higher level...
awscdk.awss3objectlambdaalpha 2.159.1a0 AWS::S3ObjectLambda Construct Library --- The APIs of higher level...
awscdk.awss3outposts 1.204.0 AWS::S3Outposts Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssagemaker 1.204.0 Amazon SageMaker Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awssagemakeralpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon SageMaker Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awssagemakeralpha 2.159.1a0 Amazon SageMaker Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awssam 1.204.0 AWS Serverless Application Model Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsscheduler 1.204.0 AWS::Scheduler Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsscheduleralpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awsscheduleralpha 2.159.1a0 Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awsschedulertargetsalpha 2.159.0a0 Amazon EventBridge Scheduler Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awssdb 1.204.0 Amazon SimpleDB Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awssecretsmanager 1.204.0 AWS Secrets Manager Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awssecurityhub 1.204.0 AWS Security Hub Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsservicecatalogalpha 2.22.0a0 AWS Service Catalog Construct Library --- The APIs of...
awscdk.awsservicecatalogappregistry 1.204.0 AWS ServiceCatalogAppRegistry Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsservicecatalogappregistryalpha 2.159.0a0 AWS ServiceCatalogAppRegistry Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsservicecatalogappregistryalpha 2.159.1a0 AWS ServiceCatalogAppRegistry Construct Library --- The APIs of higher...
awscdk.awsservicediscovery 1.204.0 Amazon ECS Service Discovery Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awssesactions 1.204.0 Amazon Simple Email Service Actions Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsshield 1.204.0 AWS::Shield Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssigner 1.204.0 AWS::Signer Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssimspaceweaver 1.204.0 AWS::SimSpaceWeaver Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssns 1.204.0 Amazon Simple Notification Service Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awssqs 1.204.0 Amazon Simple Queue Service Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsssm 1.204.0 AWS Systems Manager Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsssmcontacts 1.204.0 AWS::SSMContacts Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsssmincidents 1.204.0 AWS::SSMIncidents Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssso 1.204.0 AWS::SSO Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsstepfunctions 1.204.0 AWS Step Functions Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awsstepfunctionstasks 1.204.0 Tasks for AWS Step Functions --- AWS CDK v1...
awscdk.awssupportapp 1.204.0 AWS::SupportApp Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awssyntheticsalpha 2.101.1a0 Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics Construct Library --- This API may...
awscdk.awssystemsmanagersap 1.204.0 AWS::SystemsManagerSAP Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awstransfer 1.204.0 AWS Transfer for SFTP Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awsvoiceid 1.204.0 AWS::VoiceID Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsvpclattice 1.204.0 AWS::VpcLattice Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awswaf 1.204.0 AWS Web Application Firewall Construct Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.awswafv2 1.204.0 AWS::WAFv2 Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awswisdom 1.204.0 AWS::Wisdom Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdk.awsworkspaces 1.204.0 Amazon WorkSpaces Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.awsxray 1.204.0 AWS::XRay Construct Library --- AWS CDK v1 has reached...
awscdkbillingalarm 1.1.0 aws-cdk-billing-alarm A CDK construct that sets...
awscdk.cdkassetsschema 1.204.0 aws-cdk.cdk-assets-schema
awscdk.cloudassemblyschema 38.0.1 Cloud Assembly Schema This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
awscdk.cloudformationinclude 1.204.0 Include CloudFormation templates in the CDK --- AWS CDK...
awscdkconstructs 2.32.0.post0 Start here FAO AWS CDK is library to build FAO-compliant AWS infrastructure in near-zero...
awscdk.core 1.204.0 AWS Cloud Development Kit Core Library --- AWS CDK...
awscdk.customresources 1.204.0 AWS CDK Custom Resources --- AWS CDK v1 has...
awscdk.cxapi 2.159.0 Cloud Executable API This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
awscdkgithuboidc 2.4.1 AWS CDK Github OpenID Connect AWS...
awscdk.integtests 1.204.0 integ-tests --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on...
awscdk.integtestsalpha 2.159.0a0 integ-tests --- The APIs of higher level constructs in...
awscdk.lambdalayernodeproxyagent 1.204.0 AWS Lambda Layer with the NPM dependency proxy-agent --- ...
awscdklambdecor 0.2.1 aws-cdk-lambdecor Transform native python function into AWS CDK Custom Resources. from aws_cdk_lambdecor import...
awscdkmicroservice 0.0.19 aws-cdk-microservice aws-cdk-microservice construct library is an open-source extension of the AWS Cloud Development Kit...
awscdk.pipelines 1.204.0 CDK Pipelines --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support...
awscdk.regioninfo 2.159.0 AWS Region-Specific Information Directory Usage Some information used in CDK Applications differs from...
awscdkresourcesmongodbatlas 3.8.0 MongoDB Atlas AWS CDK Resources
awscdksecureapi 0.5.0 aws-cdk-secure-api An unofficial AWS...
awscdkserverbluegreendeploymentgroup 1.0.3 EC2/On-Premise Server Blue/Green Deployment Group construct This construct creates a...
awscdkssmsdkparameter 0.0.9 aws-cdk-ssm-sdk-parameter Thats an AWS CDK Construct for get and set the value of an...
awscdk.triggers 1.204.0 Triggers --- AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on...
awscdk.yamlcfn 1.204.0 aws-cdk.yaml-cfn
Ruby DSL for creating Cloudformation templates
awscfnkafkaadminprovider 0.6.0 Tool / Lib to transform a simply defined set of kafka topics and transforms the...
A CloudFormation stack management helper to do stack CRUD and chaining. It eases the pain of setting up parameters and...
awscfnupdate 0.12.1 aws-cfn-update Programmatically update CloudFormation templates. It will update both .yaml and .json formats of
AWS Cloudformation templates expressed with a Ruby DSL, YAML or JSON in a modular fashion
Tools for managing a cloud deployment in AWS with state held in AWS.
aws chime api AWS API client for Amazon Chime # Generated Dart library from API specification
CLI to clean up AWS AMIs and ECR images
AWS clean tool
AWS Cleaner cleans up after EC2 instances are terminated
Clean up expired AWS assets (test instances, etc)
Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services built in Ruby, using Fog and Thor
This package provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web Services.
Amazon Web Services
Official Amazon AWS command-line interface
Parses profile settings and secrets from AWS CLI configuration files,
including temporary credentials cached by the CLI when using roles.
Provides a set of AWS API client objects that can be instantiated using credential files / profiles, instance roles, or...
A very light-weight wrapper for my most commonly used AWS functions
awsclikeyring 0.1.2 AWS command line credentials from OS X Keychain and other keyrings.
Thin wrapper around the `aws` command-line interface for use with LocalStack
awsclilogin 0.2b1 The awscli-login plugin allows retrieving temporary Amazon credentials by authenticating against a SAML Identity...
awsclimate 1.1.2 Welcome to awscli_mate Documentation awscli_mate improves the original AWS CLI. Make sure you...
awsclimenu 0.4.45 A menu system for AWS CLI. Why I got tired of running 3...
awscliplugincredentialmfa 1.0.1 awscli-plugin-credential-mfa Automatically asks for MFA token key to retrieve temporary credentials....
awscliplugineucalyptus 0.3 AWS CLI plugin for Eucalyptus Cloud service endpoints An awscli plugin to enable Eucalyptus...
awsclisso 0.1.1 AWS SAML Login Works cross platform (Win, Unix, MacOS) Was having a real...
awscliv2 2.3.0 AWS CLI v2 for Python Wrapper for AWS...
awscliv2 2.3.1 AWS CLI v2 for Python Wrapper for AWS...
Ruby wrapper around AWS CLI client, focusing on templatizing JSON parameter files with ERb
awscloudformation 1.5.1 Welcome to aws_cloudformation Documentation AWS CloudFormation deployment for human, Enable terraform plan, terraform apply...