aws-cdk-lambdecor 0.2.1

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awscdklambdecor 0.2.1

Transform native python function into AWS CDK Custom Resources.
from aws_cdk_lambdecor import aws_lambda
from aws_cdk import core as cdk

app = cdk.App()
stack = cdk.Stack(app, 'HelloLambdecor')

def greet():
return 'hello'

# invoke the function just like a regular function
greeting = greet()

# return value is a token that can be used later on
cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'Greeting', value=greeting)


You can also use tokens:
from aws_cdk_lambdecor import aws_lambda
from aws_cdk import core as cdk
from aws_cdk import s3
from aws_cdk import aws_apigateway as apigateway

app = cdk.App()
stack = cdk.Stack(app, 'HelloLambdecor')

def ping(url):
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', url)
return r.status

api = apigateway.LambdaRestApi(...)
status = ping(api.url)

cdk.CfnOutput(stack, 'Status', value=status)


The Custom Resource is created with the Python3.6 Lambda Runtime
The following modules are pre-imported into the lambda environment:


To use any other module, you would need to do an inline import.
pip install aws-cdk-lambdecor
Possible Future Work

Support customizing all properties of the CDK Lambda Function (i.e runtime, memory, environment...)
Pre-import additional common libraries.
Implicit CDK scope creation to support CDK applications consisting of just these lambda functions.
Implicit creation of Stack output.
Command line invocation of function that runs cdk deploy and parses the stack output. (i.e result=$(aws-cdk-lamdecor invoke


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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