aws-cdk.triggers 1.204.0

Creator: bradpython12

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awscdk.triggers 1.204.0


AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.

Triggers allows you to execute code during deployments. This can be used for a
variety of use cases such as:

Self tests: validate something after a resource/construct been provisioned
Data priming: add initial data to resources after they are created
Preconditions: check things such as account limits or external dependencies
before deployment.

The TriggerFunction construct will define an AWS Lambda function which is
triggered during deployment:
import aws_cdk.aws_lambda as lambda_
import aws_cdk.triggers as triggers
from aws_cdk.core import Stack

# stack: Stack

triggers.TriggerFunction(stack, "MyTrigger",
code=lambda_.Code.from_asset(__dirname + "/my-trigger")

In the above example, the AWS Lambda function defined in myLambdaFunction will
be invoked when the stack is deployed.
Trigger Failures
If the trigger handler fails (e.g. an exception is raised), the CloudFormation
deployment will fail, as if a resource failed to provision. This makes it easy
to implement "self tests" via triggers by simply making a set of assertions on
some provisioned infrastructure.
Order of Execution
By default, a trigger will be executed by CloudFormation after the associated
handler is provisioned. This means that if the handler takes an implicit
dependency on other resources (e.g. via environment variables), those resources
will be provisioned before the trigger is executed.
In most cases, implicit ordering should be sufficient, but you can also use
executeAfter and executeBefore to control the order of execution.
The following example defines the following order: (hello, world) => myTrigger => goodbye.
The resources under hello and world will be provisioned in
parallel, and then the trigger myTrigger will be executed. Only then the
resources under goodbye will be provisioned:
from constructs import Construct, Node
import aws_cdk.triggers as triggers

# my_trigger: triggers.Trigger
# hello: Construct
# world: Construct
# goodbye: Construct

my_trigger.execute_after(hello, world)

Note that hello and world are construct scopes. This means that they can
be specific resources (such as an s3.Bucket object) or groups of resources
composed together into constructs.
Re-execution of Triggers
By default, executeOnHandlerChange is enabled. This implies that the trigger
is re-executed every time the handler function code or configuration changes. If
this option is disabled, the trigger will be executed only once upon first
In the future we will consider adding support for additional re-execution modes:

executeOnEveryDeployment: boolean - re-executes every time the stack is
deployed (add random "salt" during synthesis).
executeOnResourceChange: Construct[] - re-executes when one of the resources
under the specified scopes has changed (add the hash the CloudFormation
resource specs).


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