Simple View Presenter for Laravel.
a magic # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
A-: Because you need more As than you had in your academic career. Also, hi mom!
A simple gem
a01r066 [Flutter] Hướng dẫn tạo plugin và gọi thư viện native # Giới thiệu #...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
a10nlbaas2oct 1.3.2 This tool has been designed to migration A10 devices and their associated neutron lbaas objects...
a10octavia 2.2.0 A10 Networks OpenStack Octavia Driver Table of Contents Overview
A11y Agent is a tool that helps you fix accessibility issues, using AI and user input.
a11y service a11y_service # Usage # AndroidManifest.xml <service android:name="com.liasica.a11y_service.A11yService"
First gem created
Calculating BMI from input by keyboard. And a index judged using a calculation result.
A13g allows you to use event-driven architecture in your applications It can be used for enterprise integration with frameworks like...
Simple calculation of find interval Gem.
Write a longer description. Optional.
My first gem for lecture.
A simple calculation of age gem.
This is my homework.
Please give Your BirthYear
BMI Calculation V3
A simple happy birthday message
Minitest practice
To calculate days from given date.
A temperature convert gem for AIIT lecture practice
a simple age calculation.
Body Mass Index Class
this library is measurement possible.
Kadai4 exercise in Framework Seminar.
A simple bin gem
This is fizz-buzz calculator.
BMI to
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Return your BMI and Best Wight.
Helth Calculator for BMI, Standard weight, Rohrer index and its standard weight
a1pos engine engine # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
A gem for interacting with the Chef Automate 2+ API
a2ln 1.1.14 Android 2 Linux Notifications Server Android 2 Linux Notifications (A2LN) is a way to...
a2m.itertools 0.2.0 A collection of utilities providing some convenient iteration recipes.
a2ml 1.0.97 a2ml - Automation of AutoML
a2p2 0.7.3 Description Prepare your observations within Aspro2 ( V0.9.9.3+ ) and run a2p2 to submit...
A2PM is a gray-box method for the generation of realistic adversarial examples. It benefits from a modular architecture to assign...
Sending commands to a small thermal printer
a2y 0.8.0 Python Module: a2y 这个模块的存在只是为了简化a2y系列模块的安装:只要安装a2y包,所有a2y系列的包都将一次性全部安装。 是的,a2y模块依赖了其他所有a2y包。但它本身没有提供任何实质性的功能。
a2yatsui 0.9.6 Python Module: a2y_atsui a2y_atsui模块实现了a2y_ats模块所需要的UI部分。本模块只是图形界面,没有提供实质功能,通常不会单独使用。用户应使用a2y_ats模块提供的自动化测试框架。
a2ybuilda2y 1.2.0 Python Module: a2y_builda2y 这个模块包含了一些用于构建 Python 模块的小工具。 Build 安装...
a2ycppyy 0.8.0 Python Module: a2y_cppyy 这个模块是为了避免cppyy模块的“include”函数在使用Cython编译时造成编译出错的问题。 嗯,“include”是C语言的关键字。
a2ycv 0.8.3 Python Module: a2y_cv 此模块提供一些图像处理、计算机视觉工具,基于OpenCV和NumPy。
a2yfa 0.8.4 Python Module: a2y_fa a2y_fa模块为工厂自动化提供一些工具,方便控制各种自动化设备。
a2yfef 0.9.12 Python Module: a2y_mew a2y_mew模块实现了扩展的Mewtocol通信协议。原始的Mewtocol来自Panasonic,用于其FP系列PLC与上位机、触摸屏等设备通信。 本模块在以下方面对Mewtocol进行了扩展: 地址空间从8位整数扩展为不定长,最高可达32位。为了兼容性,最小为8位,在报文中至少占两个字节。 通讯方式从半双工增强为全双工,即主从双方可以同时发送数据。当从设备发生了某个事件(例如,输入点发生了变化),可以主动给主机发送报文。
a2yhandy 2.0.1 Python Module: a2y_handy 这个模块包含各种各样不好分类的工具函数、类。 ChangeLog 2024-08-08 修正对 xlrd...
a2yhengchangsheng 0.8.4 Python Module: a2y_hengchangsheng a2y_hengchangsheng 模块提供一些针对深圳恒昌盛的专用功能。
a2yhidcom 1.1.2 Python Module: a2y_hidcom a2y_hidcom 实现内核科技 USB(HID)转多通道UART 的驱动程序。
a2yhuazhuang 0.9 Python Module: a2y_huazhuang a2y_huazhuang 模块提供一些针对东莞市华庄电子有限公司的专用功能。始于荣文部分产品由华庄代工,需要对接华庄的 MES 系统。
a2ymatplot 0.8.2 Python Module: a2y_matplot a2y_matplot模块封装了一些来自matplotlib的实用工具,使用wxWidgets为后端。
a2yparatree 1.1.0 Python Module: a2y_paratree 此模块提供一个与保存、加载、修改配置参数相关的功能类库。是 testparameters 模块的增强版。 ChangeLog 2024-07-07 增加ParameterBook.get_parameter_value函数,方便读取配置参数值。版本升级为 1.1.0。
a2yparatreeui 0.9 Python Module: a2y_paratreeui a2y_paratreeui 模块实现了 a2y_paratree 模块所需要的 UI 部分。本模块只是图形界面,没有提供实质功能,通常不会单独使用。用户应使用 a2y_paratree 模块提供的参数配置功能。
a2ysmartray 0.8.2 Python Module: a2y_smartray a2y_smartray模块通过动态库KSSmartray.dll封装了3D相机品牌SmartRay的SDK。
a2ysql 0.8.0 Python Module: a2y_sql a2y_sql 模块从老旧的 大杂烩模块移植而来。 主要是为了完成天人轴承的轴承芯技术分解项目而创建。 这个模块具体实现的功能已经忘得差不多了。 因为现在又有了天人的项目,所以又要把这个模块重新熟悉使用起来。...
a2ytestparameters 0.8.3 Python Module: a2y_testparameters 此模块提供一个与保存、加载、修改配置参数相关的功能类库。
a2ytouch 1.5 Python Module: a2y_touch a2y_touch模块提供一些便于在触摸屏上显示、输入的工具类。
a2ytouchui 1.4 Python Module: a2y_touchui a2y_touchui模块实现了a2y_touch模块所需要的UI部分。本模块只是图形界面,没有提供实质功能,通常不会单独使用。用户应使用a2y_touch模块提供的触摸屏便捷功能。
a2yttdg 0.8.2 Python Module: a2y_ttdg a2y_ttdg模块提供一些针对东莞澳利电器制品有限公司项目需要使用的功能。
a2ywxtools 1.0.6 Python Module: a2y_wxtools 此模块提供一些GUI部件、工具,它们基于wxWidgets。
a3consul 0.1.2 a3consul It is just a thin wrapper of py-consul. History. Install...
a3cosmos 0.9.3 A simple introduction: This Python package contains some useful functions to query A3COSMOS catalog...
a3ddddocrclient 0.1.0 a3ddddocr-client Python client for ddddocr-fastapi. History. Install pip install a3ddddocr-client
a3dj 0.1.0 a3dj 基于django做了一些规则设定,让开发过程更简单 特点 不用专门写注解或语法,就可以全量生成open api文档,包含各种异常返回 非常方便写单元测试 抛出一个异常就是一个异常响应;单元测试时甚至也可以在发出请求后去捕获这个异常...
a3exception 0.1.4 a3exception Framework-agnostic exception component. History. Install pip install a3exception
a3faker 0.1.0 a3faker It's just a thin wrapper of Faker, because PyCharm cannot autocomplete...
a3grpc 0.1.3 a3grpc To make using gRPC simpler. History. Install pip install a3grpc
a3jsonstruct 0.2.2 a3json-struct describe json struct with python class Install...
a3kazoo 0.1.4 a3kazoo It is just a thin wrapper of kazoo. History. Install...
a3py 0.1.9 a3py Python utils. History. Install pip install a3py ...
a3redis 0.1.2 a3redis It is just a thin wrapper of redis. History. Install...
a4pdf 0.2.0 A4PDF This is a library for generating PDF files. It aims to be very...
Library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (AKA 'AC-3')
a7p 0.0.8 Table of Contents Description Instalation Usage Gallery
a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8a8 1.0.4 👉 Listen to any PDF book with just a few line of Python code👈...
a9s 0.7.0 a9s Cli tool for easily navigating in AWS services. Highly inspired...
a9xwebstatistics 0.9.2 Web Statistics and Analytics This package produces web statistics and analytical output based on...
aaaaaatest 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aaai2019notes 2024.3.4.0 AAAI 2019 Notes 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/aaai-2019-notes docker run -tid...
aaalumni 0.2.0 Alliance Auth - Alumni Features Integration with Alliance Auth's State System,...
aaaworld2023 Overview This is my Linux Kernel project, which aims to develop and customize a...
aab 0.1.4 Anki Add-on Builder An opinionated build...
aabbtree 2.8.1 AABBTree - Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Trees ...
aablueprints 1.7.0 AA Blueprints This is an blueprints library app for Alliance Auth (AA) that can...