adjutantui 8.0.0 Adjutant Dashboard Free software: Apache license Source: ...
API client for adk2
A bundle of common marketing calculations
ad klein flutter sdk AdKleinSDK Flutter SDK——接入文档 # 1.1概述 # 尊敬的开发者朋友,欢迎您使用AdKlein广告聚合SDK。通过本文档,您可以在几分钟之内轻松完成广告的集成过程。 操作系统: iOS 9.0...
A collection of web-api helpers and parsing utils for Adknowlege's APIs
Marshal data to be loaded on sequential runs of your script.
Tools for legacy databases and ActiveRecord
adl3 0.6 This package wraps the AMD Display Library 3.0 [1] using ctypes. You do not need...
adlabmsfl AdLabmsFL # AdLabmsFL is a Flutter SDK for managing ad videos, games, and coupon codes....
A small wrapper to Net::LDAP to provide some extended functionality and utility.
Ruby Wrapper for AdLeads API
see for the algorithm details
adlermanager 24.6.1 prometheus-adlermanager What? A self-hostable status webpage that uses Prometheus alerts to create and
adlerpy 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ADLES 1.4.0 Overview Automated Deployment of Lab Environments System (ADLES) ADLES automates the deterministic creation...
Lint the licenses for iOS projects
adlmagics 0.0.1a2 Azure Data Service Notebook (Alpha) Azure Data Service Notebook is a set of extentions...
AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording.
A library for obtaining statistical and real-time flows from the Unite States Geological Survey's National Water Information System
ADLStream 0.1.5 ADLStream Asynchronous...
Amazon Device Messaging Gem
Adman makes it easy to publish your application and collaborate with other apps on your local network using Bonjour.
An advertising manager mountable engine
Simple role based authorization for rails
admanager web AdManager Web Flutter # Simple package that allow us display ads from Ad Manager...
Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory
The ruby-admesh gem wraps the Admesh STL mesh manipulation tool CLI in a Ruby gem. It has the Admesh software...
A gem whit redy qury methods
Admin is a Rails admin interface inspired by the Django's awesome one.
Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.
By passing in the current user email and the admin user email it tests if the user is classed as...
It helps admin to announce anything including parsed html in a form a notice.It consists two types of announcements: Session...
It's a simple gem to create admin api
admin_assistant is a Rails plugin that automates a lot of features typically needed in admin interfaces.
A gem for rails that helps with basic database authentication.
AdminBits simplifies creation of sortable / searchable lists found in dashboards / admin panels
Create a table containing administrative bounds from OSM
Official AdminBox gem that enables advanced functionality
admincer 1.2.0 AdMincer AdMincer is a command line tool for enriching datasets of screenshots used in
Cloud Foundry administration commands.
admincity 1.1.1 A xadmin city selector
Flexible admin framework for Rails
Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Joomla installs
Manage data as if you own it
A rails engine for adding admin functionality.
adminextraurls 2.2.0 pluggable django application that offers one single mixin class ExtraUrlMixin to easily add new...
Provides a basic administration interface for Rails3 applications
AdminInvitable includes a generator to make devise invitable gem work with ActiveAdmin.
check for more info
A minimalist Rails Admin tool. Easy to install and easy to uninstall too. Not ready yet.
Automatic admin interface generation
Administrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin,
but aims to provide a better user experience for...
Extends the ApplicationController in Administrate
Batch Actions plugin for Administrate
A Bootstrap theme for Administrate: clean design, easy to install, customizable
Collapsible navigation for Administrate
Add default ordering to Administrate controllers
A scaffold generator that creates a public and administrative controller and views.
Simple plugin to add CSV export feature to Administrate
Custom Administrate Field for AASM gem.
Administrate fields for active storage
Improved tag management for Administrate
Adds an Administrate::Field::AddressLatLng for viewing & editing Address/latitude/longitude fields on a map
Add support to search through (potentially large) belongs_to associations in your Administrate dashboards.
A plugin to visually display boolean fields in Administrate
Custom Administrate field boolean_to_yes_no
A plugin to manage Carrierwave attachments in Administrate
Plugin for adding ckeditor support in Administrate
ClassyEnum field plugin for Administrate
A plugin to select dates with a date picker in Administrate
Enum field plugin for Administrate
enumerate_it field plugin for Administrate
Plugin for adding Enumerize gem support in Administrate.
Plugin for adding Froala WYSIWYG editor support in Administrate
Globalized string and text field plugin for Administrate
Add support to search through (potentially large) has_many associations in your Administrate dashboards.
Administrate has_many field extension to only use certain fields in a has_many collection
Custom Administrate field hex_color_picker
A plugin for hidden fields in Administrate
A string field that shows a hyperlink.
A plugin to i18n enum attribute select box in Administrate.
Official Image field plugin for Administrate
JSON field plugin for Administrate
Field plugin for Administrate to edit JSON array as table of inputs
JSONb field plugin for Administrate
JSON to table field plugin for Administrate
Adds an Administrate::Field::LatLng for viewing & editing latitude/longitude fields on a map
A belongs to-like field that lazily loads candidates from a custom endpoint.
A has many to-like field that lazily loads candidates from a custom endpoint.
simple plugin in order to be able to view and edit serialized list within Administrate.
Markdown field plugin for Administrate
Mobility string and text field plugin for Administrate
Integrates Paperclip as a field for Administrate in Rails apps
Administrate's plugin to show PaperTrail versions via new field type
Easily add Password fields to your administrate views
Easily add Refile fields to your administrate views
A belongs_to field that yields itself to the scope option
A has_many field that yields itself to the scope option
Adds an Administrate::Field::SelectBasic for creating dropdown selects in your dashboards.
Custom Administrate field select_essential
Integrates Shrine as a field for Administrate in Rails apps.
A plugin to handle Markdown text in Administrate
A plugin for markdown fields in Administrate using SimpleMDE
A plugin to handle state machine attributes in Administrate
Telephone field plugin for Administrate
Time field plugin for Administrate
Administrate Plugin to add tinymce editor to administrate field.
A plugin to use the Trix WYSIWYG editor in Administrate
Adds an Administrate::Field::Type for allowing the selection of an STI subtype in dashboards.
simple plugin in order to be able to view and edit unixtime as human-editable format within Administrate.
Simple plugin to add custom filter functionality to your Administrate index page.
A Material Design theme for Administrate using Materialize framework
The Administrate Notus Theme designed by Creative Tim
A plugin for Administrate to use Ransack for search filters
Incorporate ActionText into Administrate to allow rich text editing in the dashboard.
Automatically deserialize administrate fields on form submit.
This gem provides a custom Tailwind CSS theme for the Administrate gem used in Rails applications. It allows for easy...