Desarrollo de la clase Alimento para calcular su valor energético usando TDD.
A gem to the food
Gema para calcular el indice calorico de un alimento
Calculo de nutrientes de un alimento
Clase para representar alimentos en función de sus macronutrientes
Esta gema contiene los archivos con la implementación de las prácticas de la asignatura de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programación.
Gema 'alimento' LPP 17/18
Gema 'Alimento' para LPP.
Clase alimento creada para la práctica 6 de LPP
Calculadora de calorías de macronutrientes muy básica.
Alimento contiene información relevante para la identificación y cálculo del valor energético
Clase Alimento que almacena los nutrientes y calcula en Valor Energético
Huella nutricional
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Clase Ruby para la Practica 10 de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programacion.
Representa alimentos
sumario de la gema
Gema para representar alimentos con sus propiedades y calcular su valor calorico
Descripcion de la gema
Práctica sobre la información nutricional de un producto específico
Series of BDD cucumber rules for testing API endpoints
Ruby FFI library
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post,...
alinta-testing performs common tasks for end to end tests in cucumber.
aliopensearch 2.0.4 [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![PyPI version](]( ### Aliyun OpenSearch Python...
aliothx angular Package for web view interaction between angular and flutter. Features # Package for...
Aliyun OTS from ruby client
An unofficial simple alipay gem
alipay auth 中文移步这里 contact us QQ:1552755354 What's alipay_auth # alipay_auth...
This gem can help you integrate Alipay Dual-function Payment.
A Ruby Interface to Alipay Payment Gateway. Unofficial.
An unofficial simple gem
alipay kit alipay_kit # Flutter 版支付宝SDK 相关工具 # ...
alipay kit android alipay_kit_android # The Android implementation of [alipay_kit][1].
alipay kit ios alipay_kit_ios # The iOS implementation of [alipay_kit][1].
An unofficial simple alipay mini program gem
alipay verify alipay_verify # 阿里会员能力-身份验证 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
AliPCSPy 0.8.1 AliPCS-Py 2023-04-24 支持 阿里云盘开放平台 api。 2023-02-15 使用临时 API 接口,让下载可用。 2023-02-14 阿里网盘 API...
aliplayer plugin aliplayer_plugin # aliplayer Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
Validates Google Pay tokens
Generates Google Pay test dummy tokens
aliros 0.0.1 aliros This package provides a command-line interface to Resource Orchestration Service for Alibaba Cloud.
In some cases alias UNIX command can't satisfy you. Alis allows you create more flexible aliases, for example to add...
Ruby client library for the Aliseeks API
Shell aliases manager
alisms 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
alisoamopenbatonems 1.1.3rc5 management system that works in conjuction with Openbaton Generic-VNFM
The SDK of the ALIS
alist alist #
Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.
This bundle checks against a list of reserved names, & some variants
alist proxy 0.0.7 Python alist proxy and monitor. 安装 你可以从 pypi 安装 pip install...
ali testing package BEST faker package available for dart that generates fake data you need.
ali trtc flutter ali_trtc_plugin # 2021/11/25 添加结束房间释放 Getting Started # This project is a...
ali trtc plugin ali_trtc_plugin # trtc Getting Started # This project is a starting...
alittlebookofpythonformultivariateanalysis 2024.3.3.0 A Little Book of Python for Multivariate Analysis 下载 Docker docker pull...
alittlebox 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Basic web framework in Ruby.
alium sdk legacy alium_sdk # A wrapper around Alium's Android SDK. Usage # Configure...
alive Alive is a library inspired by Socket.IO and Laravel Echo for enabling "real"-time communication on multiple...
alive flutter plugin 活体检测 # 根据提示做出相应动作,SDK 实时采集动态信息,判断用户是否为活体、真人 平台支持(兼容性) #
aliveprogress 3.1.5 alive-progress Have...
Alive Application State on Rails.
aliwaddah 0.0.1 This is a very simple calculator that takes two numbers and either add, subtract, multiply...
Ruby wrapper of Aliyun API for system administrator.
Current for aliyun API version 2014-05-26
Aliyun 0.1.1 This is a set of Aliyun public service shell client. Such as Moye, Ganjiang,...
Used for aliyun ecs api
Aliyunapply 1.0.3 Aliyun_apply aligo easy use
aliyun arms aliyun_arms # 1.0.0 # aliyun_arms A new Flutter plugin project. Getting...
aliyuncert 0.1.0 功能 通过本脚本可以为阿里云的 CDN 以及 直播服务 域名申请配置以及自动续期免费的 let's encrypt 证书。 DOC EN 安装和配置...
aliyun chatbot sdk
Aliyun email push sdk.
aliyun emas aliyun_emas #
aliyun emas android aliyun_emas_android # The Android implementation of aliyun_emas. Usage # This package...
aliyun emas ios aliyun_emas_ios # The ios implementation of aliyun_emas. Usage # This package...
aliyun emas platform interface aliyun_emas_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the aliyun_emas plugin. This...
Full documentation of the currently supported API can be found at
Read the names from input, generate a csv file for importing accounts of aliyun exmail.
Ruby Implements For Aliyun FaceBody API
aliyunfc 0.6 Aliyun FunctionCompute Python SDK=================================.. image:: :target: image:: :target: image:: :target:...
aliyunfc2 2.5.2 Overview The SDK of this version is dependent on the third-party HTTP library requests.
aliyunimgutils 2.2.0 Overview aliyun-img-utils provides a command line utility and API for publishing images in...
Aliyun IoT sdk
aliyun live sdk
Aliyun Log SDK for Ruby 阿里云日志服务(SLS) Ruby SDK, 目前仅实现基于Restfull部分接口和简单Model映射
aliyun log dart sdk Aliyun SLS SDK for Dart # ...
aliyun mns http api for topic
ruby client for aliyun mns queue without topic
Non-official SDK for Aliyun MQS
Aliyun MQ actions, send order message, receive, delete.
Ruby SDK for Aliyun MTS API development
Aliyun NLP ruby sdk
aliyun ocr sdk A sdk tool for developers use functions of aliyun OCR text recognition in...
aliyunopenapipythonsdkmanagedcredentialsprovider 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Aliyun OpenSearch Syncs and Search
对接Aliyun Opensearch 的流量API HTTP接口, 生成签名并发送请求
Access Aliyun-OSS service easily in ruby.
aliyun oss aliyun_oss # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
Client library for Aliyun's Open Storage Service's REST API
aliyunoss2autoupload 0.1 Source: Package:
A plugin that enables Rails App using Aliyun OSS, this gem depends on aliyunoss gem.
aliyun oss flutter tko aliyun_oss_flutter_tko # aliyun oss plugin for flutter. Use this plugin to upload...
aliyun oss macos aliyun_oss_macos # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aliyun oss plugin aliyun_oss_plugin # Flutter plugin for aliyun oss.
aliyunoss plus flutter 阿里云oss,目前最好用的库,没有之一.终于为杂乱无章的非官方库画上句号! # Features # Upload to the aliyun_oss . It can be...
aliyunosspythonsdkmanagedcredentialsprovider 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service
Aliyun OSS Ruby SDK
aliyunpan 3.0.9 aliyunpan 阿里云盘cli
aliyunpan api [非官方] 阿里云盘开放平台 API #
aliyunpan flutter sdk auth aliyunpan_flutter_sdk_auth # A Flutter plugin for aliyunpan oauth. Getting Started #
aliyun push Aliyun Push Flutter Plugin # 阿里云移动推送官方Flutter插件 一、快速入门 # 1.1 创建应用...
aliyunpythonsdkaas 2.1.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkaastest 2.0.1 aliyun-python-sdk-aas This is the aas module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkacm 1.0.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkacmsopen 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkacs 0.0.3 aliyun-python-sdk-acs This is the acs module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkacstest 1.1.11 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkactiontrail 2.2.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkadb 1.1.10 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkadcp 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkaddresspurification 1.0.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkafs 1.0.1 aliyun-python-sdk-afs This is the afs module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...