aliyunpythonsdksmarthosting 1.0.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdksmartsales 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdksmc 1.0.3 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdksnsuapi 1.7.1 aliyun-python-sdk-snsuapi This is the snsuapi module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkstatus 3.7 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdksts 3.1.2 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdktag 1.0.5 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdktaginner 1.0.6 aliyun-python-sdk-tag-inner This is the tag-inner module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdktdsr 0.9.2 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkteambitionaliyun 1.0.8 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdktesladam 1.0.2 aliyun-python-sdk-tesladam This is the tesladam module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkteslamaxcompute 1.5.5 aliyun-python-sdk-teslamaxcompute This is the teslamaxcompute module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkteslastream 1.0.1 aliyun-python-sdk-teslastream This is the teslastream module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkthreedvision 1.0.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkuisinner 1.0.0 aliyun-python-sdk-uis-inner This is the uis-inner module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkunimkt 2.4.8 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvcs 2.0.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkververica 1.0.2 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkververicainner 1.0.2 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkviapi 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkviapioxscross 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkviapiregen 1.0.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkviapiutils 1.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvideoenhan 1.0.24 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvideorecog 1.0.9 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvideoseg 1.0.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvisionai 1.0.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvisionaipoc 1.0.1 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvod 2.16.25 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvodtest 2.15.10 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvoicenavigator 1.7.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvpcpeer 1.0.3 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkvs 1.10.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkwafopenapi 1.1.10 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkwebplus 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkwelfareinner 1.1.0 aliyun-python-sdk-welfare-inner This is the welfare-inner module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkwfts 1.0.0 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkworkbenchide 2.0.5 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkworkorder 3.1.4 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkxtrace 0.2.2 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
aliyunpythonsdkyundun 2.1.4 aliyun-python-sdk-yundun This is the yundun module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyunpythonsdkyundunds 1.0.0 aliyun-python-sdk-yundun-ds This is the yundun-ds module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyun rtc plugin aliyun_rtc_plugin # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aliyun saf 阿里云风险识别 # 使用步骤 # 初始化 # AliyunSAF().init(ACCESS_KEY_ID, ACCESS_KEY_SECRET); 调用请求...
A Ruby program to facilitate accessing Aliyun Object Storage Service
aliyunsdkcms 7.0.32 Aliyun Python SDK is the official software development kit. It makes things easy to integrate...
Alibaba Cloud Ruby Core SDK
The core gem for all Aliyun API gems. Do not use it directly.
aliyunsdkeci 1.1.9 aliyun-python-sdk-eci This is the eci module of Aliyun Python SDK. Aliyun Python SDK...
aliyun sign 阿里云签名 # 快速通过 Query Map 获得多数阿里云 SDK 通用的签名。 使用方法 # 传入服务所需的 Access...
Ruby wrapper of Aliyun SLB API for system administrator.
Current for aliyun SLB API version 2014-05-15
Gem for SLS of Aliyun
Gem for SDK of SLS of Aliyun
This is a ruby gem helps to use aliyun sms in ruby way.
A Ruby Gem for using aliyun sms service, in accordance with aliyun sms 2017-05-25 version api. 适用于阿里云短信服务最新的 2017-05-25 版接口.
aliyunsms 1.0.0 阿里云短信第三方Python-SDK Python: >= 3.6
Aliyun can support stable service on phone code and email, it is a good choise.
A Ruby Gem for using aliyun vms service, in accordance with aliyun vms 2017-05-25 version api. 适用于阿里云语音服务最新的 2017-05-25 版接口.
yii2 lottery
alkali 0.7.3 alkali is a simple database engine. If you’re currently using a list of dicts...
A utility to view a gem's source in your favorite editor
Allows you to create, list, and modify local hostnames
Alki (AL-kai) is a Dependency Injection framework for Ruby. Helps organize and scale your project, so you can focus on...
Developer console for Alki applications
Library for defining and using DSLs
Library for loading non-traditional ruby files
A simple PSR-4 router
Rails integration for Alki
Automatic reloading of alki projects
Various helper methods for Alki
Bake in simple assumptions about testing to make bootstrapping tests faster.
alkivigoogleclient 1.0.5 Google python client used at Alkivi Package Example from
alkivilogger 1.5.0 /home/support/anthony/pip/python-alkivi-logger/
alkiviodooclient 1.0.3 Odoo python client used at Alkivi. Based on odoorpc on which we add additional...
pathfixer is a gem plugin that synchronizes gem bindir with /usr/local/bin
alkymi 0.3.1 alkymi ⚗️ Alkymi is...
A simple hello world gem
all2vec 0.6.0 UNKNOWN
all animations All animations for Flutter # All Animations Features # Making...
all bluetooth all_bluetooth # This is a flutter plugin for communicating with bluetooth devices. Features...
allcontrypicker Country Picker Flutter Package # The Country Picker Flutter package provides a simple...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
all country picker all_country_picker # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
A gem that collects all necessary hashing algorithms, AES and Base64 all together
Xtrm Fulfillment SDK
a pure ruby blog system based on cloudhead's toto
Ruby binding for the Allegro game programming library as well as more stuff
Simple API REST client for
Just a small wrapper around httpparty to make our lives easier
string_extend adds useful features to the String class
Create overview contact can intergrate other project
PHP bindings to the allegro primitives.
A command line tools to release module easily.
Simple API REST client for using device auth
Api wrapper for allegro webapi written in ruby. Make it supereasy to interact with allegro api.
Powiadamia e-mailem o dostępności przedmiotów na allegro.
Quickly build and manage Umbraco projects
allen1989 0.2.0 main: Formalisms from Allen at al. 1989 paper
allencellmlsegmenter 0.0.7 allencell-ml-segmenter A...
all english words All English Words # The All English Words package is a Dart library...
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
allennlpserver 1.0.0 A demo server for AllenNLP models. ...
RailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.
allescacher 0.10 Like @functools.cache / @functools.lru_cache but with non-hashable objects Tested against Windows 10 / Python...
all except all_except # A package that add the ability to use a new method (allExcept)...
all extensions All extensions # all extension available use many extension to your flutter app...
Alley makes it easy to interact with Shortcut V3 API by
providing a modular, intuitive and tested Ruby-style...
allfiles 1.0 allfiles privites functions which iterate files or directories in direcotory trees. The code...
A Redis-backed virtual ActiveModel, full of possibilities.
all gallery images All Gallery Images # Flutter plugin use to fetch all the...
Run various versions of command provided by gem
AllGems is a tool to provide comprehensive gem documentation for an entire index
By providing an email address and a size, in pixels, allgravy will return an avatar from Gravatar.
Run all your test suites (rspec, cucumber, rails unit tests and more...) using one command
Allows easy generation of the XML feed by passing in property attributes. Also allows validation of XML
allianceauth 4.2.2 Alliance Auth ...
allianceauth 4.3.1 Alliance Auth ...
allianceauthafat 3.1.0 Alliance Auth AFAT — Another Fleet Activity Tracker ...
allianceauthceleryanalyticshousekeeping 0.0.1a4 Alliance Auth Celery Analytics Housekeeping Housekeeping for Alliance Auth Celery Analytics pip install...
allianceauthcorptools 2.8.0 CorpTools Lightweight Toolbox of Bits and bobs for todays Eve Group on...
allianceauthdiscordbot 3.8.2 AA-Discordbot AA-Discordbot for Alliance Auth. Features Bot Framework,...
allianceauthgraphql 1.3.0 allianceauth-graphql GraphQL integration for AllianceAuth...
allianceauthimicusfat 1.4.2 ImicusFAT An...
allianceauthmumbletemps 3.0.2 Mumble Temp Links [!IMPORTANT] This does nothing on its own you...
allianceauthpve 1.14.3 allianceauth-pve PvE tool for AllianceAuth Free software: GNU General...
allianceauthsignalpings 0.0.11 Signal Pings This is a simple plugin for Alliance Auth to send a "signal"...
allianceplatformfrontend 0.0.16 Alliance Platform Django Frontend A library for integrating the Alliance Platform React library into...
A script that runs a script in all of the configured docker images
allin1 1.1.0 All-In-One Music Structure Analyzer ...
allinkcore 2.8.2 allink-core allink-core is a heavily opinionated collection of django apps, django-cms plugins and other...