almost-flat-ui bundled for Rails Asset Pipeline
Simply warpped almost flat ui
Helpers, convertors etc for Rails 3 to make page / post models for simple cases simple
This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API
ALM REST API Integration
BusinessDomain library for almundo.com sites
RestConnector to be used in almundo.com sites
alnair 0.3.2 Alnair Alnair is a simple system configuration framework. And also are intended to...
Abel Nieva website theme for Jekyll built with inuitcss.
alneamah TextField Widget # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container to your...
Different subsystem generators for Ruby on Rails applications
Alnum is a generator of alphanumeric code from integers and vice-versa. Can be useful shortening ID numbers in order to...
A simple hello world gem
alo7-net is the TCP server/client library we developed specifically for our ALO7 Learning Platform. This library provides a way to...
Aloe is double-entry bookkeeping engine for Rails apps
Allow contextual log output to ease developer in log management
alogator 0.2.0 Alogator is an aggregated logging actor system. Table of Contents
alogging 0.6.2 Python logging tools and utils. Usage To use alogging in a...
alog macos alog_macos # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
alogos 0.2.1 Documentation Website
alog windows alog_windows # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
Analyze twitter followers languages
This API helper get Taoyuan airport flight info
Aloha... rails!!!
aloha-editor in Rails 3
The all purpose aloha.rb gem
Tool for unsealing a Hashicorp Vault
Your command-line butler and confidant
Polymer 2 for Ruby on Rails
alot 0.7.0 UNKNOWN
alotofeffort 0.4.1 Instantly deploy static HTML sites to S3 at the command line. I created this...
alouette 1.0.1 Alouette (Y-ET another encapsulaTEd TA-UOLA, backwards) Description Alouette is a TAUOLA thin...
HTTP/HTTPS communication module with logging, filtering and easy SSL configuration
shell scripts packaged as rubygems, activated with bundler
encrypt plaintext using gpg
jason bourne again shell scripts
aloy 0.2.0 Aloy The content of this repository is currently under development. Eventually, the aim is...
aloysdeutils 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Access Log Profiler
Alp 0.1.1 The Alp is a new unit meant for measuring time. To understand and use...
A rack middleware for whitelisting and blacklisting IPs
yet another build tool for Visual Studio solutions
rails auto-complete for editor
alpaca markets Alpaca Markets plugin # A wrapper for the Alpaca Markets trading APIs. Provides an...
Provides the Alpaca JS library + its CSS to the Rails Asset Pipeline
Alpaca API lets you build and trade with real-time market data for free.
alpakka 0.1.dev153 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Wraps AuthorityLabs Partner API calls in a gem.
alpaqa 0.0.1 alpaqa Alpaqa is an efficient implementation of the Augmented Lagrangian method for general nonlinear...
Parser for Slovenian mountaineering pages
alpbench 0.1.2 ALPBench: A Benchmark for Active Learning Pipelines on Tabular Data ALPBench is a Python...
SDK PHP (não oficial) para a API do RunRun.it (v1.0)
The Alpha bot
Expose models with restful api
Rails engine to add landing page signup form to Rails app in early stages of development.
alphabeta 0.0.1 alphabeta is a collection of tools for A/B testing in Python.
alphabetdetector 0.0.7 UNKNOWN
alphabetic 0.0.7 Alphabetic A Python module for retrieving script types of writing systems including alphabets, abjads,...
Alphabetical Pagination
Alphabetical Pagination Ukrainian
Sort schema.rb alphabetically to prevent conflicts
alphabetical scroll A Flutter package to achieve alphabet scrolling. Based on flutter_sticky_header # Features #...
Paginates in alphabetic groups
alphabeticsimple 0.2 Django Template tag for building alphabetical index Link to repository: https://github.com/Arpaso/alphabetic-simple Builds alpabetic...
alphabet index listview ///Your list ,maybe a string list. List ///generated AlphabetIndexGroup list, return your...
Alphabetizes your Gemfile
alphabetize 0.0.15 Alphabetize Alphabetize finds grouped lines of variables within your files and orders them alphabetically....
alphabet list scroll view Apologize for the lack of updates as I do not have the bandwidth...
alphabet list scroll view fix Apologize for the lack of updates as I do not have the...
alphabet list view Alphabet List View # A...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
alphabets - alphabet (a-z) helpers incl. unaccent, downcase, variants, and more
alphabet scroll view A Scrollable ListView Widget with the dynamic vertical Alphabet List on the Side which...
alphabet search view Flutter component for list and search a simple or complex data items, similar to...
alphabet slider alphabet_slider # A Flutter plugin for an Alphabet slider, commonly used in phone contact...
With this gem, a user can set a custom alphabet and alphabatize words with it
FreeClimb is a cloud-based application programming interface (API) that puts the power of the Vail platform in your hands. FreeClimb...
alphacord 2.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
alphacube 0.1.4 AlphaCube AlphaCube is a powerful & flexible Rubik's Cube solver that extends EfficientCube. It...
alphadev 0.0.3 AlphaDev AlphaDev is an AI model based on the AlphaZero/MuZero Reinforcement Learning architecture. It's...
alphadia 1.8.1 alphaDIA Preprint · Download · Discussion ·
alphafold2pytorch 0.4.32 The author of this package has not provided a project description
alphagradient Documentation For now, official documentation is hosted on nathanheidacker.github.io Introduction AlphaGradient is...
alphainspect 0.4.4 AlphaInspect 仿alphalens的单因子分析工具 安装 pip install -i https://pypi.org/simple --upgrade alphainspect # 官方源...
alphakek 0.1.0a5 Alphakek Python API library The Alphakek Python library provides convenient access to...
alpha lib A database-less package for performing astronomical calculations with any third-party database of deep-sky objects....
alphalogicapi3 0.1.14 Alphalogic API The official library to...
The official gem for sending transactional emails via Comfirm's cloud service AlphaMail
The alpha-math is a Ruby gem which allows you to solve some problems related to the numbers.
alphanum comparator alphanum_comparator # Porting of "The Alphanum Algorithm" in Dart. The Problem #...
Simple Gem to generate random alphanumeric secure random string
generate aplha numeric token using alpha numeric token gem.
Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases
A Jekyll theme designed for enhanced readability of (long) blog posts
Simple helper method to add alphabetical pagination.
AlphaPlanet 1.0.1 Alpha_Planet install pip install Alpha_Planet
alpha player plugin alpha_player_plugin # 对字节跳动官方原生组件AlphaPlayer一个flutter plugin封装 具体实现功能见字节跳动官方github: https://github.com/bytedance/AlphaPlayer 运行效果 #
Alphapoint websocket DSL is to easy request and listen event
alphapose 1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
AlphaRabbitRb 1.0.1 Alpha_Planet install pip install Alpha_Rabbit
A Ruby library to query the Alpha Vantage API.
Ruby SDK for Gameball's API
Have you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and holidays taken into account? Now you can.
Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintainance of CSS.
Validates IBAN account numbers
Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.
Alphasign is handles communication with LED signs using the
Alpha Sign Protocol. These include Alpha signs and Betabrite signs
Comes with some plugins configured and some coffeescript/css/assets preloaded for JOY
alphasquaredpy 0.3.0 AlphaSquared Python Client This is an unofficial Python client for the AlphaSquared API. It...
alphatar Alphatar # Create an avatar with the initials of your text. Screenshot...
SDL gem for ruby
alphatile Features # This package will help you to add shadow and change color of shadow
alphatrade 1.0.0 Python APIs for SAS Online Alpha Trade Web Platform MAJOR CHANGES : NEW VERSION...
alphatwirl 0.30.0 A Python library for summarizing event data into multivariate categorical data Description AlphaTwirl...
Ruby library for the Alpha Vantage API, a leading provider of stock APIs as well as forex (FX) and cryptocurrency...
AlphaVantageAPIData 1.0.3 Alpha-Vantage-API-Data - Financial Data Retrieving Alpha-Vantage-API-Data is a package for collecting stocks price and
A ruby wrapper for Alpha Vantage's HTTP API
alphazero 0.0.0 A project template for playing with Alpha-Zero.
Converts letter to numbers and numbers to letters. For example, '23' will conver to 'W' or 'w' will become 23. ...
Deploy like The Fonz