AlpineHtmxWebViewTest 0.1.7 AlpineHtmxWebViewTest
alpinereleaseinfo 1.0.1 Alpine Linux Release Info Command line utility to query Alpine Linux’s distribution tree....
alprotobuff 0.0.1 This is simple create python module and create a package with dependencies. ...
Ruby wrapper for OpenALPR Cloud API. See
alpsunifiedts 0.0.40 alps-unified-ts That is an enhanced TypeScript library of alps-unified. With it you can convert...
alpy 3.0.0 Test network virtual appliance using Docker containers Contents General...
alpyro 2020.8a0 ALternative PYthon ROs Alternative implementation of a ROS client library in python. Example...
alpyromsgs 0.1.0 alpyro message definitions This repository contains the message definitions for the alpyro library....
Plantilla per al meu lloc web
All the details can be collected of Holy Quran inclduing Parahs, Surahs, Ayahs and Transcriptions etc.
al quran ওয়াল কুরআ-নিল হাকীম - وَٱلْقُرْءَانِ ٱلْحَكِيم # A simple Quran package for flutter with...
alquran client Client for AlQuran.cloud API Usage # Initialize # AlQuranClient client = AlQuranClient();
This is a POC of Envoy ALS Server, only do inspect for each received message
Control ALSA aconnect util through ruby with zero dependency
ALSA client to perform continuous recording
ALSA wrapper in Ruby, utilizing a purely-abstract C-Ruby API backend
and a pure Ruby middleware with extensibility.
alsactl 0.1.3 alsa-ctl Control audio using ALSA API easily. Dependencies alsa-ctl depends...
alsapyer 0.2 This is a simple and lightweight python binding for libalsaplayer. alsapyer is...
Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for Linux via the ALSA RawMIDI API.
als.bcs 0.5.0 als.bcs Extract data and metadata from text data files that were created by...
Replicated and optimized version of Advanced Locomotion System V4 for Unreal Engine 5.4 with additional bug fixes
Game engine
Laravel Package can make a payments process from Paytabs in your application
alsina2011 1.1.0 main: prod: Data and formalisms from Alsina et al. (2011)
A tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently
A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API
Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.
the first gem published by alsotang
An ActiveModel validator that validates associated models, copying any errors from composed models up to their parent.
Completely reworked and improved С++ version of Advanced Locomotion System V4.
The main goal of this ALS version is a...
Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service
Easily Add ALT159 to a rails app
Wrapper for getting data from Alta Bike share systems
ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications written in the Ruby language.
altair 5.4.1 Vega-Altair Vega-Altair is a declarative statistical...
altair alx alpha 5.4.1a0 Vega-Altair Vega-Altair is a...
altairalxversion 5.4.0.dev0 Vega-Altair Vega-Altair is a declarative statistical...
Interface to Altaire's API gateway
Kubernetes controller and client utility
altairlatimes 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
altairnx 1.3 altair-nx Draw...
A static version of the Altair GraphQL Client, for Rails and ActionCable subscriptions.
altairrecipes 0.9.2 A collection of ready-made statistical graphics for vega. vega is a statistical graphics system...
altairreveal 0.0.3 Reveal theme for the Altair statistical visualization library.
altair tiles 0.3.0 This package is in an early development stage. You should expect things to break...
altairtransform 0.2.0 altair-transform Python evaluation of Altair/Vega-Lite transforms. altair-transform requires Python...
altair widgets 0.2.2 This package provides interactive data visualization tools in the Jupyter Notebook. The...
altamisa 0.2.9 AltamISA AltamISA is an alternative implementation of ISA-tools data model and ISA-Tab...
AltAzRange 0.57 AltAzRange - Calculate altitude, azimuth, distance from gps cords Simple tool to calculate altitude...
altb 0.5.2 altb altb is a cli utility influenced by update-alternatives of ubuntu. Linked paths...
alt bloc alt_bloc # Library for BLoC design pattern implementation. Authors # ...
A lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.
alt_characters alternate base32 without numeric characters and padding
ALTCHA is a free, open-source CAPTCHA alternative that protects your website from spam and abuse
alt cinder sch 0.1.1 Alternative Classes such as filters, host managers, etc. for Cinder, the OpenStack...
altcoscommon 2.0.0 altcos-common Библиотека для удобного взаимодейтсвия с altcos-репозиториями. Примеры Информация о последнем коммите
altdiscordflags 0.0.5 This is an alternative to XuaTheGrate/Flag-Parsing, which is not maintained. ⚠ Please be sure...
AlteMatrix 1.0.0 AlteMatrix ================================================ This tool lets you convert strings and numbers between number bases...
alteraparser 1.1.0 Introduction Alteraparser is a library that provides functions to define a grammar that can...
Auction mini system
PHP Class to wrap ID validation
alteredstates 1.1.0 Altered States is a reversible state tool. It changes values in an object. When...
Altered views allows one to inherit views from pluged in engines and extend them by operating on the DOM model.
AlterEgo is a Ruby gem for integrating two-factor authentication into your web application.
AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other...
Adapter to allow ActiveRecord to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine
Adapter to allow Mongoid to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine, ported from the alter-ego-activerecord...
More perfect decision for loading image in form with preview
Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change.
alterity 0.1.0 Alterity Documentation: https://john-james-ai.github.io/alterity Source Code:...
alterize 0.0.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Quickly switch to pre-defined remote folders with one command.
Alternator generates alternative wrapper scripts; it helps you stubbing
executed files.
alterparagraphs 0.2.0 Alterparagraphs is an ongoing effort for providing a family of paragraph implementations, each to...
Alterpath allows you to alter the system PATH on Windows in a flexible manner
alteryxopensrcupdatechecker 3.1.0 Alteryx Open Source Update Checker
altfire authenticator AltFire Authenticator # Provides a wrapper class for FlutterFire Authentication package to simplify its...
altfire configurator AltFire Configurator # Provides a wrapper class for the FlutterFire RemoteConfig package to simplify...
altfire lints AltFire Lints # Provides lint rules for altfire packages. Getting started #...
altfire tracker AltFire Tracker # Provides a wrapper class for FlutterFire Analytics and Crashlytics packages to...
Kayak alternative flights wrapper
Lightweight procfile runner
ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to Salesforce.com hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord...
althracore 0.0.1 althra-core Table of Contents Installation
alt http Alt HTTP # If you don't absolutely need it, DON'T USE THIS PACKAGE....
altibbi Altibbi Flutter SDK # This Flutter SDK provides integration for the Altibbi services, including video...
altimatecli 0.0.8 Assistant for Data Teams Free software: MIT license
altimatedatapilot 0.0.8 Assistant for Data Teams Free software: MIT license
A tool to measure the tone or attitude of a body of text.
Random Sentences generator from Bram's Book
altitudo 0.1.0 # AltitudoPython package to find the elevation / altitude at a given geo coordinate.## Usage:###...
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 and cloudfront.
Alt Memery is a gem for memoization.
It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `UnboundMethod` instead of `prepend Module`.
altmetric 1.0 Altmetric is a Python wrapper for Altmetric API v1 <http://api.altmetric.com/>. Installation...
A gem which produces Altmetric badge URIs from a data hash
Altmetric API Client
altmindpy 0.4.0 Altmind Python API library The Altmind Python library provides convenient access to...
altocumulus 2.3.0 Command line utilities for running workflows on Terra or Cromwell including: Run...
altogic Altogic Dart # Altogic Dart is a Dart client for the Altogic Client Library. It...
altogic dart Altogic Client Library # Dart client for Altogic backend apps. This...
bouquet description.
altotools 0.1.0 ALTO Tools :snake: tools for performing various operations on ALTO XML files
Transform an Array or Hash into a excel file using the spreadsheet gem.
altoxml 0.0.5 Alto A Python parser for alto XML files,...
Generate passwords derived from hand-alternating, visually unambiguous, alphanumeric characters. This is a Ruby gem and command-line utility.
alt persian date picker A persian (farsi, shamsi) date picker for flutter, inspired by material datetime picker....
alt point components Alt.Point Components # How install # Pub Dev # In the...
A powerful printf-like template language
alt rick and morty Rick and morty documentation # All doc can find.
alt sms autofill alt_sms_autofill # Alt Sms Autofill. Getting Started # This project is...
altuscli 1.7.0 Cloudera Altus has been decommissioned, so the Altus CLI no longer functions. If you are...
altv dart This package in progress
altvmasterlist 3.2.3 alt:V Masterlist for Python ...
Diseñar e implementar un Lenguaje de Dominio Específico DSL, que permita la definición de listas de menús dietéticos diarios y...
"Gema de la práctica 6: Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas(TDD)"
"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"
"Gema prc06"
"Desarrollar una práctica sobre el "
Gema para los alimentos y su representacion
gema para usar en las prácticas de LPP
Práctica 6 de Lenguajes y paradigmas de programación utilizando TDD
Clase que representa una etiqueta de información nutricional
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Gema para la utilizacion de Expresiones Regulares
Gema para programa TICTACTOE
Alucard is a simple card library.