amazonkinesisutils 0.1.8 amazon-kinesis-utils A library of useful utilities for Amazon Kinesis ...
amazonlexhelper 1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
amazon like filter AmazonLikeFilter # AmazonLikeFilter is an widget that is used to build Filter UI...
amazonmanagementpageparser 0.0.3 amazon-management-page-parser Currently only support seller profile page parsing. All fields use same encoding 'utf-8'.
Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.
A Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API
A client for AmazonMWS Products API
Scrape information of amazon orders
The purpose of this gem is to make use of Amazon Product Advertising API and pull easily Amazon products information.
amazonpageparser 0.1.4 amazon-page-parser Currently supported detail fields are: title - Title author...
Amazon item lookup parser powered by Vacuum
AmazonPay Ruby SDK
amazon pay 2.7.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
AmazonPayClient 2.0.1 Amazon Pay API SDK (Python) Amazon Pay Integration. Please note this is a...
A Ruby library for retrieving pricing for Amazon Web Services
Amazon Product is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
A nice rubyish interface to the Amazon Product Advertising API, formerly known as the Associates Web Service and before that...
A nice rubyish interface to the Amazon Product Advertising API (MODIFIED to handle ResponseGroup), formerly known as the Associates Web...
An extremely minimal client for Amazon Product Advertising REST API
Takes and Amazon orders csv and items csv as input. Generates and output csv suitable for importing into a financial...
amazon affiliate
A simple gem to parse Amazon product reviews
A Ruby wrapper for the Amazon Advertising API
amazon s3 cognito amazon_s3_cognito # Amazon S3 plugin for Flutter Unofficial Amazon S3 plugin written...
Helps parse a S3 URL and get its region, bucket and key
amazonsagemakerhaystack 0.2.0 amazon-sagemaker-haystack Table of Contents Installation
Simple screenscraper to search Amazon and return product titles, urls, image href, etc.
This gem is intended to wrap Amazon's SellerCentral pages with a Ruby API. Currently this gem supports accessing buyer feedback...
amazonshorturl 0.1.0 Amazon Short URL A script to shorten Amazon product page URLs. Usage...
This is a quick Ruby port of https://github.com/mludvig/amazon-textract-parser\nIt's useful for interpreting the result of Amazon Textract info.
amazonwishlistpricewatch 0.1.24 Amazon Wishlist Pricewatch
Loosely modeled after Amazon Wish Lister http://doitlikejustin.github.io/amazon-wish-lister/
The Ambassador API exposes RESTful URLs that return data in either XML or JSON. Use this gem to quickly make...
websocket-io client(PHP)
Amber is a super simple and super flexible static website generator with support for nice localization and navigation.
An extension of Prawn that improves the performance when embedding PNG images containing an alpha channel
A simple component library which seamlessly hooks into your Rails project
and allows you to create simple backend components.
Class loader for PHP with ability to modify on-the-fly and map class files, caching and static initialisation
Pack of Symfony Helpers
Instagram's private API for PHP
amberdata 0.1.1 Demo Install pip install amberdata for reference from amberdata...
an API client for Amber Electric (https://amberelectric.com.au)
A utility for generating new extensions or component libraries which hook into `amber_component`.
Create your own themes!
amberflutter amberflutter # A Flutter wrapper for Amber (Nostr Signer). Rationale # Provide a...
Useful network toolkit for create your application
Amberletters is a console automation framework, similar to the classic
utility Expect. You give it a command to...
Simple ElasticSearch ODM
Smalltalk brought to the web
Rails 3 engine that exposes Amber (JS, CSS, and WebDAV)
A simple library which adds KISSMetrics javascript to your pages, based on a YAML config file
A ruby based VM that lets one add secure scripting to ruby applications.
Beginning-to-end solution for backups and rotation.
Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple, zero admin, background priority queue for Rails.
Setup a new rails app, git repo, and all the initial prep in one step.
A simple library for authenticating against the Google ClientLogin API
Ruby implementation of Douglas Crockford's JSMin JavaScript minifier.
CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby
ambhas 1.1.0 ambhas Ambhas python library Installing ambhas Installing ambhas can be done by...
ambibulb 0.0.51 AMBIBULB Ambibulb attempts to provide the similar experience to Ambilight® (Philips TV's feature that...
ambientarchiver 0.3.0 ambient-archiver Download and analyse your data from ambientweather.net Installation pip install ambient-archiver
ambientco2 0.1.1 ambientco2 Python module for CozIR Ambient CO2 sensors The CozIR Ambient family of...
ambient light ambient_light # A Flutter plugin to access ambient light sensor data on Android, iOS...
ambient toolbox 11.2.1 Python toolbox of Ambient Digital containing an abundance of useful tools and gadgets....
CLI for configuring Xcode projects from a Ruby file.
ambilytics Enable Google Analytics for all Flutter platforms: Android, iOS, macOS, Web, Windows, and Linux. The...
ambio 0.5.2 Ambio A light-weight bioinformatics library written in Python. It contains a variety of algorithms...
Ambit is a ruby non-deterministic programming system with backtracking and
branch cut.
ambitiondjangocachalot 1.4.2 Caches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them.
ambitiondjangotimezonefield 2.0.4 A Django app providing database and form fields for pytz timezone objects. ...
ambitionutils 3.1.13 Requirements Python 3.6+ Django 1.11+ Postgres 9.5+ ...
An ambitious adapter for ActiveLDAP
An ambitious adapter for ActiveRecord
Create seeds for rails apps and load them in. Make it easier to manage data between your different environments.
An ambitious adapter for sphinx
A Ruby gem for retrieving real-time USD exchange rates and financial data.
Ambling is a rails plugin makes it easy to generate XML needed by the wonderfully slick Amcharts (http://www.amcharts.com/).
ambrosia 0.4.1 Ambrosia is a Python library for A/B tests design, split and effect measurement. It...
ambrozia 0.1.2 Ambrosia is a Python library for A/B tests design, split and effect measurement. It...
Ambry is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly)
static models and small...
ambush 0.0.1 This is a debug toolbox. Free software: 3-clause BSD license Documentation:...
amccropper 0.0.5 AMC Cropping Tool Author: Nikhil Reji Crops AMC files to descired length based...
amcess 0.1.1 Atomic and Molecular Cluster Energy Surface Sampler (AMCESS) Exploration of the Potential...
amcess2024 0.1.2a20 Atomic and Molecular Cluster Energy Surface Sampler (AMCESS) Exploration of the Potential...
Ruby wrapper for Amcharts
amclient 1.3.0 amclient AMClient is an Archivematica API client library and Python package for making...
AM-Commons - Sass/Compass Framework
ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard, without ActiveMerchant
AMD allows you to load js code in async fashion and base on your controller action.
amdapy 0.1.1 amdapy Python package for AMDA amdapy is a python package for accessing heliophysics...
amdfan 0.2.3 AmdFan Is a fork of amdgpu-fan, with security updates and...
amdfans 0.0.1 README at https://github.com/jorrinpollard/amdfans
amdgpupptable 0.9.2 AMDGPU PowerPlay table parser A Python library that converts AMDGPU PowerPlay tables to ctypes...
amdgpustats 0.1.24 amdgpu_stats A Python module/TUI for AMD GPU statistics. Please file an issue with...
amdjs AMDJS #
amdreader 0.9.5 AMD Reader AMD reader is a Markdown viewer / browser for your terminal, built...
Part of the AMEEappkit this gem provides a data abstraction layer, decreasing the amount and detail of development required
Part of the AMEEappkit, this gem provides storage and retrival of data provided by the amee-data-abstraction gem
An abstraction layer for building applications around the AMEE API
amegaparser 0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
An extension for Magento 2 Mageplaza Social Login extension which expose an APIs to login via social media access tokens
Description of amelia.
Basic ODM wrapper for Rethinkdb
amepy 1.0.0 An API Wrapper that interacts with the Améthyste API Documentation https://pyame.readthedocs.io/en/latest
Brings attributes validation and other cool features to Eloquent
Convert between state names and abbreviations.
American style month/day/year date parsing for ruby 1.9+
American date parsing for ActiveRecord and ActiveModel
Enables Ruby applications to communicate with the Ebay Trading API.
Provides generated HTML data for Rails application
This gem extends the functionality of Rails' ActiveModel::Errors
with a...
amet 0.4 # AmetAmet is a Python 2/3 library to read and write complex configuration from and...
A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.
amethyst 0.1.3 Amethyst A general-purpose keyboard-centric launcher with a radial menu. Please read the Amethyst...
amethystrdkit 1.1 amethyst - an analogue generator It takes core molecule and list of...
ametory framework AMETORY FLUTTER FRAMEWORK # This package help you build powerfull flutter pattern INSTALLATION...
Command line utility to convert AMEX CSV to Ledger.
Unofficial Ruby wrapper for American Express Enhanced Authorization.
Unofficial Ruby wrapper for the American Express Tokenization Service (AETS).
Ruby gem that allows for the interaction of AMF formatted items, and Flash LSOs.
Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!
amgplayer 2024.3.12.0 Angry Metal Guy Player ...
A simple hello world gem
amhhandler 1.2.9 变更记录 1.2.8 新增 读取配置工具包
A tool to assist in building EC2 AMIs
ami2py 0.8.1 ami2py Python...
amiadmin 0.10 A function to check if the user is an admin Tested against Windows 10...